Thank you, Dr. Haile Larebo!

Letter to the Editor
February 11, 2014

Dear Editor,

It is with a profound interest that I read Dr. Hailemariam Larebo’s penetrating analysis on Emperor Menelik’s contributions to Ethiopia’s progress by bringing the country into the fold of the modern world. Even though the unity of Ethiopia was initiated by Tewodros II, it was indeed the far sighted and visionary Menelik II who united Ethiopia by claiming long lost territories. Dr. Larebo’s un-paralled scholarship and well researched analysis is truly an eye opener for all of us. In this darkest hour in our long history, where the enemies of Ethiopia are having a field day in rewriting history by twisting and turning facts upside down, we need men and women of Dr.Larebo’s caliber to come to the forefront and defend our history with well documented facts.

The disciples of Tesfaye Gebre-Ab, such as Jawar Mohammed and his likes, along with our Oromo brothers and sisters who have been misguided by the ill-fated agenda of OLF could learn a vital lesson of history from this article. We concerned Ethiopians for the territorial integrity and unity of our country are deeply grateful for the men and women who passionately defend their country’s history by bringing facts and evidence into light. Ethiopia is indeed proud of them. Last but not least, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to Ethiomedia for giving us the venue to share our views and ideas concerning our troubled country.


Yifru Hailu
[email protected] – An African-American news and views website.
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