EDP Leaders in London

By Wondimu Mekonnen

September 14, 2002

Dr Admasu Gebeyehu, the Chairman of Ethiopian Democratic Party and Ato
Lidetu Ayalew, the Party’s General Secretary held a productive
meeting with
Ethiopians in London on Sunday 8 September 2002.

The meeting was organised by EDP Support Committee in London. On behalf
the support Committee, Ato Alemayehu Erqie opened the meeting with a
welcome to the delegates and the audience.

Ato Alemayehu reminded the audience that few dedicated young Ethiopians
had a burning love for Ethiopia but less experienced started EDP less
than 3
years ago. Within this period, the party had grown out so much to the
of being recognised as one of the strongest parties in the country.
which started its political activities in Addis Ababa, has now opened 6
offices in other parts of the country, and even managed to hold a
town hall meeting, in the heartland of Tigray, in Maqale. Ato Alemayehu
that EDP’s success stems from the fact that EDP picked up the
issues that
the people were raising.

The regime that used to boast by saying: “Had there been a strong
in the country we could have gone half way to meet,” had shown its
colour by killing, imprisoning and harassing party leaders and members.
current assassination attempt of Ato Tamirat Tareqegn is a good example
the regimes campaign to destroy EDP.

Ato Alemayehu reminded the audience that EDP believed in the Ethiopia
treated her children equally. Nobody should be seen as a child and a
stepchild. Ethiopia should be a mother to all.

Ato Alemayehu reminded the audience that Ethiopia is on the verge of
destruction. EDP’s call was motherland’s call. Every Ethiopian
should gather
around the party of his own choice and crusade for the salvation of
motherland. The EDP Support Committee had organised itself to support
who face murder, jail and harassment. In order to support those who
sacrifice themselves to save Ethiopia, Ato Alemayehu asked the audience
support the support committee to be able to support EDP..

After this Ato Alemayehu invited Dr Admasu Gebeyehu, the Chairman of
EDP to
address the audience.

Dr Admasu Gebeyehu thanked the audience for sacrificing their Sunday
coming to the meeting. Dr Admasu reminded the them that it was the
time EDP delegates had visited London. Dr Gebeyehu himself, Ato Mushe
EDP Public Relations Officer, and Ato Lidetu had visited London in the
on various occasions and addressed the public. The communication
had narrowed the world and EDP wouldn’t be a stranger to the
Ethiopians in
London. Dr Admasu also thanked EDP Support Committee in London for
that meeting possible.

Dr Admasu stressed that EDP was a young party – 2 years and 9 months
The reasons behind EDP’s creation were:

(1) The failure of TPLF upholding promises it gave in coming to power
(2) The worsening problems of the country instead of getting better
(3) The need to address issues that were not addressed by other

Members of EDP came from 3 directions:

(1) Ex members of existing political organisation dissatisfied with and
disillusioned by their organisations
(2) Members of civic organisations
(3) Those who were not involved in any organisation but sitting were
from love of the motherland.

Dr Admasu stressed that EDP was built on the principle of equality. It
supports free market economy. Peace and pan-Ethiopianism
were its guiding principles

Dr Admasu indicated that EDP followed three directions of struggle

(1) To bring down TPLF on its knees by popular movement
(2) To get rid off backward anti progress thoughts
(3) Close collaboration and networking with other opposition political

As it was repeatedly stated, Dr Admasu said, EDP was the youngest of
political parities. The following are some of its achievements:

  • Within 7 months of its creation, EDP had participated in
    elections and won parliamentary seats and 14 Addis Ababa region council seats.

  • Within a year of its life, it forwarded 1283 candidates and
    exposed TPLF
    sham democracy to the whole world.

  • In its Second General Assembly, it successfully held its own
    elections and
    transferred leadership batons to others.

  • It had managed to unite with Ethiopian Democratic Action Group
    and about to unite with EDUP

  • It had made more than 20 town hall and 2 open-air meetings.
  • It had issued 26 organisational reports
  • EDP had 20,000 members and 8 offices. It has its cells in 28
    cities and

Within such a short span of life, EDP had turned to be one of the
that had popular acceptance among Ethiopians from all walks of life.

EDP had paid already numerous sacrifices. According to Dr Admasu,
several of
EDP members have lost their jobs. Members like Tewofiq Lale and Lelisie
Gadissie had been shot and killed by TPLF murder squads. One of the
brightest executive member, Tamirat Tareqegn had narrowly escaped an
assassination attempt with severe wounds. Currently, he is recovering
his wounds.

Dr Admasu vowed to the audience by saying that EDP had no limits to the
sacrifices. EDP is ready to pay any sacrifice in the struggle to free
Ethiopia from dictatorship.

Dr Admasu acknowledged that the Ethiopian problems are intertwined,
many and
very difficult to solve. EDP’s targets to the solution of such
problems were based on removal of hatred, the desire for revenge and
extremism. Dr Admasu said that EDP had no dream of running alone and
EDP also believed in differences, which were to be natural. However,
strongly believed in unity up to complete union with political parties
had similar nationwide programmes. EDP struggled to remove
and violence.

Dr Admasu believed TPLF is ruling the country based on our weaknesses.
we Ethiopians do not prepare ourselves to die a little bit in the
to free our country from tyranny, TPLF is going to rule, not only our
children, probably our childrens children,” said Dr Admasu.

Dr Admasu concluded his speech by re-promising the promise that EDP has
already promised. He asked every one to promise too.


Dr Admasu went back to his seat in the middle of loud applaud.

Ato Lidetu Ayalew, the General Secretary took the floor to entertain
questions coming from the audience.

However, before opening the floor for questions and discussions, Ato
thanked the audience for coming to the meeting. He also reiterated the
that although EDP was created not long ago, its members believed that
party had come up with new thinking. In the country, the people have
recognised EDP and gathered around it. Unfortunately, Ato Lidetu
that abroad there was a misunderstanding of what EDP stood for. Ato
invited the audience to ask questions regarding what EDP stood for what
was. He said all questions would be answered, frankly. Ato Lidetu
the audience that there would no question EDP would hesitate to
respond. Ato
Lidetu also told the audience opposing views were welcome. He allowed
questions at a time from each of the inquisitors.

The first question came from a lady, who asked if EDP had made known
objectives to the International community. Ato Lidetu expressed joy to
for the first time the first question being asked by a lady. To begin
he was so happy to see a good number of female audiences. He said while
travelling he did see few female participants everywhere except London.
had met and discussed with brave sisters everywhere they went but that
meeting was the first time for a lady to ask the first question. In
to the young lady’s question, Ato Lidetu explained that one of the
objectives of their tour of America and Europe was to meet
human rights organisations, journalists and government representatives.
Wherever they went, they had just done that. Ato Lidetu explained that
Monday, next morning, they were going to visit the Foreign Office of
and Commonwealth. That is as far as the mission of the delegates was
concerned. Ato Lidetu said the biggest role in that regard rested on
shoulders of every country loving Ethiopian that lived abroad. In the
diplomatic mission, it would be easier for the Ethiopians living abroad
those living in Ethiopia to play decisive roles.

To the question from another audience regarding the challenges EDP had
face during campaign for election, Ato Lidetu indicated that one of the
reason of EDP’s participation in the election to expose the sham
TPLF was boasting about. TPLF was talking giving what it called
Constitution, and every Ethiopian had the right to elect or be elected.
put that to test. EDP had participated in two elections. It faced
problems and challenges in both the elections.

– Primarily, lack of Electoral Board thaat could have treated every one
equally. The so-called Electoral Board was actually the body of the
party. It was created to serve them:

– The mass media was in the hands of thee ruling party. There was no
press. There were few free newspapers but those news papers never went
of Addis Ababa, the seat of all Diplomatic missions. TPLF monopolised
government media for its own benefit alone, although that media was
and maintained by taxpayer’s money.

– The other common problem EDP faced whiile campaigning was the
intimidation, murder and imprisonment of the candidates and supporters.
cadres did cheat in the election process by swapping election cards

– After all that, wherever EDP won, the election boxes were looted, and
houses of the candidates and supporters were burned down to ashes.

To the question how deep EDP had gone to the grass root level, Ato
replied by acknowledging the fact that for any party to be serious
politics, it should be able to distribute its programmes down to the
of the grass root and explain itself. Given that EDP was only 2 years
and 9
months old, it had opened 2 offices in Addis Ababa and 6 officer in
regional towns. Although EDP started its activities it had started
its centres throughout the country. Ato Lidetu vowed that EDP would go
to the woreda and Qebele levels. The only thing that
prevented EDP from
going further so far, was lack of resources. Once the resources would
be in
place, EDP is ready to go deeper into the grass roots.

To the question about those who had been expelled from the party, Dr
responded by his surprise why the latest sent a shockwave across the
glob as
that was not the first time party members were expelled from the
organisation. The party had already expelled more than 142 members due
breach of party disciplines. In doing so, the party had clearly put its
party programmes. EDP had its rules and regulations that governed its
activities. When the weight of trespassing reached the level where one
should be expelled, EDP did expel them. Dr Gebeyehu explained that
were 27 permanent and 9 temporary Executive advisors. In addition, EDP
had 9
Executive members. These members could only be expelled by the General
Assembly. If such members committed serious breach of party policy,
would be suspended until the General Assembly would be called. But
those on
Wereda level need not wait for the General Assembly, but local
could take action on the spot. EDP had Disciplinary Committee. Those
committee members could take their own action, after investigation. Dr
Admasu explained at one point EDP did expel 64 members due to breach of
party discipline. EDP had a valid reason in doing so. No voice of
was heard then. This time, when top delegates left the country for an
international tour, Dr Admasu couldn+IBk-t understand what was all the
about, in taking measures on 11 people who violated the party

To the question about the future relationship between Ethiopia and
Dr Admasu stressed that there was no difference between Ethiopians and
Eritreans whatsoever. He said that people were united geographically,
culturally, economically and socially. It was Woyyane and Sha+IBk-biyya
created the so-called differences and sever them apart. Once Woyyane
and Sha
+IBk-biyya left the scene, and replaced by a group of people who would
the cause of the country than self-enrichment, EDP believed the people
reunite again like before.

Regarding Ethiopian’s rights to the Sea Outlet, EDP had gathered
signatures and submitted to the United Nations, OAU, European Union and
representatives of the Security Council, 136,000 of them. EDP opposed
Hague project designed to delineate border between Ethiopia and Eritrea
because it was based on dead and already buried colonial treaties.
Woyyane and Sha’biyya loved to resurrect these treaties as a
yardstick to be
used on the shameful act of betrayal, EDP believed in the long run,
that was
going to hurt the interest of Ethiopia. That was why the February 2002
open-air public gathering was held at Maskal Square.

To the question about the Woyyane’s shameful act at Awassa in
disturbing EDP’s peaceful gathering to on the Hague betrayal that denied Ethiopia
Sea-Outlet, Dr Gebeyehu spoke with satisfaction about the outcome.
were eight Woyyane cadres that disturbed the peace of the those who
came to
the meeting. Seeing their intentions, EDP videotaped their actions.
of going ahead with the town hall meeting, EDP decided to send of the
delegates but took the video film to the members of the international
diplomatic mission proving how undemocratic and tyrannical Woyyane
authorities were. Dr Admasu said treacherous action cost Woyyane too
EDP gained more than it could have achieved had the Awassa Conference
gone ahead as planned.

EDP did not promise to the nation that it had the power to obtain Sea
for Ethiopia. EDP was rallying the nation to keep the candle right of
Ethiopia keep on burning. Dr Admasu stressed that the question was
to be raised then, filed properly passed over the next generation.

As to the question with regards to the role of women in the struggle to
the country from TPLF tyrannical regime, Dr Admasu responded by
that it had reached a good stage but not as much as desired. The role
women in politics on the international arena had increased. In
role of women was relatively alright in comparison. 25+ACU- of
EDP+IBk-s members are
female. Elsewhere they are less. Therefore, Dr Admasu believed EDP was
relatively satisfied with the role of women, but more work should be
done to
bring one more.

Ato Lidetu interjected here. EDP had been making an effort to bring up
leaders as well. According to Lidetu, six of the Central Committee
of EDP were women. When it came to election, EDP would go for the
that would win them a seat. However, 3 places have been reserved for
candidate women. Ato Lidetu indicated women were actively participating
politics only in cities and towns. He would love to see that spread to
villages as well. To increase the role of women in rescuing Ethiopia,
Lidetu encouraged every one to participate and consider the issue

Ato Lidetu made an elaborate explanation on the question about unity
co-operation among the opposition political organisations. He refers to
question of unity and co-operation of parties as a popular question.
question of unity and co-operation was one of the early questions that
took as its own agenda in drafting its political manifesto. EDP aimed
only co-operation but also complete union with parties that advance the
political programme. EDP did not just express its desires, but would
like to
play a leading role in that respect.

Ato Lidetu expressed how shocked the delegates were to learn in North
America that EDP was portrayed as anti unity, which dreamed to run
alone and
win. That was absolutely out of this world accusation. Ato Lidetu asked
crucial question. The question of united front among the opposition
had been on the table for the last 11 years. EDP came into existence on
years and 9 months ago. Ato Lidetu asked, if EDP were the obstacle as
claimed to the creation of the United Front, how come the opposition
couldn’t create that unity before EDP was born? To the contrary,
Ato Lidetu
claimed, EDP had been crying for unity among the opposition parties
from day
one it came into existence. EDP didn+IBk-t just called for unity. It
showed the
way by action. During the election campaign, EDP was one of the 5
organisations that united to campaign jointly. The EDP that was in
front of
the audience was the union of EDP that was created 2 years and 9 months
and “Edehak”, an organisation created 11 years ago. It was
because Edehak
preferred EDP to remain the union name, but that EDP qualitatively and
quantitatively differed from the EDP created 2 years and 9 months

Ato Lidetu expressed his joy to get a positive response for union with
EDP and EDUP had already signed documents for voluntary union. Ato
said that union was about to take place in the very near future. With
parties organised on ethnic lines, EDP could co-operate. However,
union is out of question for technical reasons. As Ethiopians, however,
Lidetu saw, it could be possible to establish a close working
and join force to tackle common problem.

Ato Lidetu was frank in admitting that there was a problem during The
campaign. EDP invited all parties to co-operate in going out to the
public gathering and oppose the decision. After agreements were
reached, EDP
was asked to cancel open-air public gathering. As EDP had already done
a lot
in that regard, the party didn+IBk-t want to cancel it. EDUP accepted
invitation and joined the rally. However, the remaining three stayed
and issued their own communiqu+AOk-. When EDP demanded why that
communique was
not done jointly, the three simply accused EDP of not accepting their
when they went ahead with that public gathering at Masqal Square.

Ato Lidetu said EDP didn’t leave the floor of unity after that.
opposition political parties got together and discussed the matter
thoroughly and went ahead with the creation of common front for
and working together. According to Ato Lidetu, EDP believed that there
be good news coming up one of these days.

While touring North America, there was another surprising question the
delegates were asked. The question was, why EDP was one of those 9
that would participate in “The All Party Conference’s” – EDP
delegates heard
about that only when they reached North America. EDP delegates searched
found the organisers. They asked them why they were not invited. The
organisers told the delegates because EDP refused. The delegates
how and when EDP was invited. The organisers responded that EDP was
by a fax. The delegates asked for the copies of the fax. The copy was
found. They suggested they would invite them then. EDP delegates were
happy to accept. They requested to make that formal. They were sure
would join them. In the mean time, Prof. Merera Gidina and Dr Beyene
arrived while EDP delegates were there. The two professors informed EDP
delegates that they were there to participate on the “All Party
They asked if they could join them. When the question was put to the
organisers, they were told that the Conference didn+IBk-t include EDP,
therefore, if EDP wanted it could only sit and listen but there would
be no
platform provide for them to speak. EDP accepted that too,

Ato Lidetu said the people were asking for unity. The people deserved
answer. According to Ato Lidetu, there are two main obstacles that
the opposition from uniting.

– if parties weree united, there will only be on
Chairperson and
on General Secretary. Unfortunately, political leaders wouldn’t
like unity
unless they would be the leaders. EDP would try to change the culture
possessing political parties as ownership over land (rist).

Today, in Ethiopia, there is no a
political party. EDP itself is young and lacks experience. EDP is too
you to
claim. The only reason people gathered around EDP is due to the
matching of
its ideas with the mass. Had there been a stronger party in the
TPLF would never have had a chance to step on our heads and rule over
with an iron fist. Some parties are composed of few individuals –
of one chairman, one secretary, one office and a few chairs and probably
computer. Stronger parties are needed to create viable union and shake
system from its toots.

Demanding party unions alone cannot be a solution to the problem. Ato
believed it would be possible to create a stronger party if each and
individual gathers around a party of its choice and makes meaningful
It is wrong to believe that organisations free people. No one would
free any
one. The struggle for freedom starts from the individual. EDP did not
to free any one. “Free yourself,” says Lidetu.

The desired unity is not the unity of organisations as such. What is
is the voluntary unity of individuals. The union EDP wished was the
that would unite the society around an organisation to bring meaningful
change. Ato Lidetu pleaded with every individual to join the political
in the locality and strengthen it. EDP does not promote the politics
dropping one and promoting another. According to Ato Lidetu EDP
strengthening itself and struggling together with the other members of

The other question that Ato Lidetu tackled in depth was the one that
EDP delegates what advantage the did hit by going to Mekelle, apart from
serving Woyyane propaganda machine of being seen as a democrat. Ato
explained first why was it needed to travel to Maqale. Ato Lidetu
the main objectives of EDP were to pick up the popular question and go
to the people to seek solutions and to share its own suggestions. EDP
delegates did not just pick up their bags and baggage and travelled to
Mekelle. The party leaders prior to departure also raised the question
was raised in that hall. There were members who warned that going to
was like playing with fire. The other fear was, although the people of
Tigray were Ethiopians to the bone, they may not risk the wrath of TPLF
wouldn’t come to the EDP town hall meeting. Those who supported the
idea of
probing Tigray came up with a strong opinion saying, unless they took
risk of going to Tigray and shared their ideas, the struggle would
nowhere. To avoid the possibility of one day the people of Tigray
fingers at EDP and asking where were they at the time they needed other
Ethiopians for partnership to get rid of tyranny, EDP needed to risk
and pay
whatever sacrifice needed and travel to Tigray. After weighing the
against the disadvantage, EDP decided to address members of Ethiopian
community in Tigray.

Ato Lidetu said with a strong voice, where ever they went or whenever
decided to hold a meeting it had never asked permission from the
representatives. All it had been doing so far was to let the
of the authority know that EDP was going to hold a town hall meeting or
public rally on a specified date and time and notified them to take
measures it had to make. Permitted or not permitted EDP never bothered.
Notifying them was the only thing EDP had been doing. Therefore, like
it had
been doing everywhere, EDP sent the notification to the authorities in
Mekelle. After that, EDP tried to hire a hall but couldn’t find any.
they found The Maqale Town Hall. Unfortunately, those in charge of the
demanded 800 birr per hour to rent the hall. That was too much.
However, for
Mekelle, EDP didn+IBk-t hesitate (aynachinin alashenim) to
enter into contract.
EDP sent Tamirat Tareqegn (the hero that is now recovering from the
assassination attempt recently) to organise before the delegate’s
After assessing the situation, Tamirat surprised EDP leaders informing
that the people of Mekelle couldn’t wait to see them. Therefore,
instructed them to drop everything they had been thinking about Tigray
travel there at once. One of the clever moves the party would claim was
from the beginning EDP declared that it saw TPLF and the people of
separately. Ato Lidetu confessed his feeling on the plan to Mekelle
how many angry faces (yetekosatere ginbar) he would see at the airport

Ato Lidetu explained in graphic detail his first impressions of setting
feet on the land of Tigray. Just like everywhere in Ethiopia, Taxis
in taking the passengers to the town. One offered a better deal and
mounted it and started they headed to the town. Nervous Lidetu asked
taxi driver which hotel would he suggest. The taxi driver thought for
sometime and suggested that the best hotel for them would be Emperor
Yohanne’s hotel because it was nearer to the hall they hired.
Lidetu couldn’t hide his shock and asked the driver how did he know who they
were. The
driver told him that the whole city had been waiting for their arrival
every one at the airport knew who they were and welcomed him to Mekelle.
After putting down their luggage in the suggested hotel, they
couldn’t sit
quietly in that hotel, so they wanted to check their feet and see
They went into one of the local tearooms. Surprisingly, the tape was
Shambel Belayneh’s popular song called “Tariq Yifreden.”
After enjoying the
songs and wonderful tea and coffee, they called the hostess to pay the
only to find out that it was already paid. When asked who paid it, the
pointed at the near table. The people sitting at the next table grinned
said welcome to Maqale and expressed how happy they were to see them.

Tamirat briefed them any difficulty he encountered. There was none
The only incident was one night+ADs- some one at night removed their
notices put
at one area during the day.

TPLF cadres called their activists upon the arrival of delegates for a
meeting. Some good-hearted individuals who did attend that meeting
the delegates. The leader of the cadres started this speech by saying
enemies, sons of feudal, remnants of the Dergue and ESEPA cadres, have
to step their feet on the soil of Maqale. What to do about it.”
suggested they would not want to see their faces. Others asked after
them in why should they ask them now but the third group bravely
them by saying, if the “government” claimed to be a
democratically elected
government of Ethiopia, Maqale is part of Ethiopia and had the right to
to Maqale just like it had been travelling to other parts of Ethiopia
trying to sell its ideas.

Ato Lidetu remembered one person who searched for the delegates and
them aside and talked to them very concerned. He told them that TPLF
been going around and intimidating the people never to attend that
He warned them that they may not get a single soul going to the town
However, that shouldn’t discourage them because the people would
love to
come out in bulk listen to them but the fear of TPLF’s reprisal
would be the
only obstacle that would deter them. They thanked the individual and
went to
bed wondering how many brave people would turn up.

In the morning of the meeting EDP delegates went out to have their
tea and breakfast, only to be disturbed by a gasping individuals, who
alerted them that they were being sought everywhere and with a relief
find them there. When they asked what was up, the individual told them
Maqale Town Hall was full and thousands of people were scattered all
the compound as there was no place inside. They were the only once
waited for. When they rushed to the hall, the delegates couldn+IBk-t
their eyes. The town caretaker was pleading with the people upstairs to
climb down as it would crash and life could be lost. The delegates
with the caretaker for the people outside to get into the hall and sit
the floor. Ato Lidetu described the scene people sharing one seat for
others sitting on the floor, people sitting over one another until the
meeting was completed.

After a brief presentation by the delegates, a question and answer
started, that clearly showed where the people of Maqale stood. The
speaker was an elderly Muslim man. He said, it was so painful to see,
Tigray, the cradle of Ethiopian history, the land that produced of
Yohannes, the land that gave birth to Alula Aba Nega, Mengesha Yohannes
many others, becoming the cause for Ethiopian destruction and giving
to children that would deny her historical sea outlet and make her
landlocked. As the elderly man finished his emotionally tensed speech,
whole went into a deafening applaud and approval of what had had said.

The second speaker was given a chance. He was a cadre. He started his
rhetoric by claiming that the delegates were enemies of people of
They were there because they were denied by brave TPLF their status of
ruling Ethiopia and suppressing the people. After ranting the usual
rant, he sat down. A couple of weak applaud followed and died out.

The third speaker was given a chance to speak out. She was a lady. She
started uttering the same line of argument but was booed by the
audience and
was silenced. EDP delegates begged the audience to calm down but to no
avail. They people started speaking out with called upon, by protesting
against the earlier two speakers. They were heard saying they had had
of them. They had listened to them for the last 11 years. They have
used and abused in the treacherous betrayal of Ethiopia by TPLF.

Ato Lidetu expressed the shock of the delegates and amazement about
went in that hall. No single soul from the audience raised the trouble
Badme, Shiraro, and Zalambessa. The concern of the people was beyond
Every one was hurt by the fact that Woyyane was the cause for Eritrea
break away, with all Ethiopian sea outlets. People after people were
that it was not to serve the desire of Eritrean cessation that their
children were sacrificed. It was not to land lock their country. All
was one big betrayal of the cause of the martyrs.

One elderly man told the audience that he had 5 sons. All the five sons
lured by TPLF and perished in the battlefield. However, he, their
father had
been robbed of his land by TPLF, who branded him portraying EDU beliefs

Ato Lidetu then touched his own opinion about the developments in
which was actually later of challenged by Cmdr Assefa Seifu. Ato Lidetu
admitted that there were development projects that were siphoned to
Ato Lidetu believed that didn+IBk-t bring much benefit to the ordinary
people of
Tigray. He said that the people of Tigray are just as worse of as the
of Ethiopians elsewhere. Those giant projects were meant to fool the
of Tigray that created an illusion that TPLF was doing something worthy
them and line them up for future sacrifices in its future greedy goals.
people of Tigray were used as backbone from where Woyyane emerged to
its tyrannical rule of the rest of Ethiopians. In reality, according to
Lidetu the fruits of those projects would only be meant to uphold the
advantage of corrupt TPLF officials and their servants. Ato Lidetu
out that the entire commercial sector in Tigray was in the hands of
Woyyane cadres had marginalized individual traders in Tigray. Compare
Maqale, one could see in Addis Ababa independent traders. In Tigray,
everything belonged to TPLF/MLLT.

The degree of greed shown by Woyyane was amazing. Ato Lidetu gave an
of how Tigray was over taxed by Woyyane. For example, Woyyane had
a cement factory from elsewhere and had installed in Tigray. Now, one
quintal of cement produced in Tigray was sold in Maqale to the ordinary
people for 69 birr. It transported the same cement to Bahir Dar and
sold it
for 65 birr. Ato Lidetu asked why was that? Did TPLF prefer the people
Bar Dar to Maqale? The answer was lies in the fact that the people of
Dar get cement from Mugar and elsewhere in Ethiopia, but in Maqale
trade had been monopolized by TPLF and the people had no choice but pay
whatever TPLF asked them.

Ato Lidetu found it incredible to talk to the ordinary citizens of
The people of Maqale would tell you that they were dominated by people
Adwa. Ato Lidetu guessed, if one goes to Adwa, probably the people of
would tell from which Woreda would the dominant group hailed.

The people they talked to in Maqale were very grateful EDP visited
town. They cautioned the delegated not to be overwhelmed by the degree
acceptance and admiration they saw in Maqale. They should have seen how
they were appreciated and would have been overwhelmed by the amount of
support they could have seen in the countryside. The people of Maqale
the EDP delegates that the people of Tigray had reached the stage where
have started missing Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam.

Ato Lidetu was informed how TPLF translated, duplicated and distributed
every household in Tigray the article by Prof. Tilhun Yilma, adding its
version of the story. The cadres were busy threatening the ordinary
of Tigray and Eritrea, unless they stood with Woyyane and
Sha’biyya, their
fate would be to be cut off like a cancer and thrown by +IBw-Amara
The trip of EDP delegates showed them that that campaign is no more
Woyyane cadres are busy trying to create another bogyman with which
they may
scare the people Tigray to remain under their clutches.

What made EDP to be able to hold such a successful town hall meeting in
heart land of Woyyane, Maqale. Ato Lidetu claimed it was Woyyane+IBk-s
in Awassa that made it possible to travel to Maqale. In Awassa, EDO
videotaped how Woyyane cadres disturbed the meeting and that was shown
embassies of donor countries located in Addis Ababa. That mistake did
biting back Woyyane. When EDP decided to travel Maqale, it was a
dropped on their doorstep. Had they gone ahead with doing what they did
Awassa that would have cost them millions of dollars. Therefore, EDP
able to capitalise on the past errors of TPLF and did what it had to do
As Ato Lidetu completed the Maqale question, Dr Admasu took over
replying to
the rest of the answered questions. Dr Admasu addressed the question
how the
Ethiopian in Diaspora could take part in the struggle to free the
motherland. Dr Admasu reiterated that the battlefield to free Ethiopia
there within Ethiopia. What ever mean of struggle one chooses, be it
peaceful or armed, being physically there should carry it out.
living abroad could take part in the struggle in two concrete areas.
area is support would by providing resources and logistics. Money is in
short supply to hit the desired goal at home. Those who live abroad is
in a better position that those who live in Ethiopia. Dr Admasu
the other area where the Diaspora could play a decisive role. That
would be
the diplomatic mission. Dr Admasu believed that those who live abroad
the access and could do better jobs in that respect.

As to the question how they see those who organised along ethnic lines,
Admasu replied that EDP believed if individual freedom was respected
freedom could automatically be respected. EDP didn+IBk-t believe
Ethiopian problems by organising along ethnic lines. However that EDP
not oppose those who are chose to organise along ethnic lines as long
their line of struggle did not contradict the survival of Ethiopia as a
nation. We actually go to the extent of co-operating with those
along ethnic lines to bring democracy and justice to Ethiopia. EDP
have a problem working with organisations organised along ethnic lines.

The goal of EDP is not just the removal of TPLF. TPLF may extend its
life if
managed to produce good job for the country. EDP+IBk-s mission is
concerned with alerting the people of Ethiopia realise their rights,
and get them. EDP+IBk-s struggle is to produce a generation that would
never let
dictators take away its rights and assert the fact that the source of
comes from the people. EDP struggles for the united society where one
for all and all stands for one.

Dr Admasu called upon those of us living in the world to stop the
international community handing over the sticks to TPLF with which it
the Ethiopian people. Dr Admasu+IBk-s plea implied that every Ethiopian
should be an ambassador to his/her country and people. EDP rests the
role of
the diplomatic mission on the shoulders of those who live outside the

Answering to the question if union with EDU wouldn’t create a
problem, Dr
Admasu didn’t see any problem union with EDU would create. EDU is a
Ethiopian party that waged its armed struggle in Gojjam, Gondar, Wollo
Tigray provinces. Dr Admasu spoke of EDU as the only pan Ethiopian
functioning in Ethiopia that had its grass root support down to the
level. Union with EDU meant going to the countryside through the
established channels of communication. Dr Admasu expressed what EDP
about EDUP and what EDP was painted by others was completely different.
found EDUP actually had similar programmes and there would no problem
at all
for union.

Ato Lidetu took over and started addressing other questions. Answering
the question why EDP chose peaceful struggle against the regime that
came to
power through the barrel of gun and that believed still to stay there
its arms might, Ato Lidetu reiterated EDP believed in total peaceful
resistance. Ethiopian history is built on wars. Wares waged to
safeguard the
sovereignty of the country should be always honoured respected and
remembered from generation to generation. However, wars waged and
lives a brother killing a brother to bring change of one government by
other should be discouraged and eliminated. It is difficult, very
and taxing but somebody should start somewhere at one point. EDP had
to be that somebody and the time are now. The construction of a statue
commemorating the killing of a brother should be stopped. EDP had
its long journey of peaceful change of government. It would be
Our people had accepted war as part of its culture. Although it is a
difficult task, EDP has taken it upon itself as its goals. EDP
believe waiting in an ambush and pulling a trigger and killing a bother
heroism. EDP had chosen to confront those who a gun without being
armed. It
is possible and probably easier to bring down a dictator with use of a
However, bringing down a dictatorial regime through armed struggle may
guarantee a lasting peace and the creation of democracy.

Ato Lidetu stressed that those who started armed struggle to challenge
Woyyane were not people addicted to war. They were denied the right of
advancing peacefully their ideas and beliefs for their country. They
ran out
of choice and resorted to armed struggle. For that, it only TPLF to
and EDP wouldn’t blame them. The responsibility for doing so
entirely on Woyyane for any armed conflict that may arise. EDB blames
for denying the right for peaceful struggle to that group.

EDP+IBk-s constant calls for National Reconciliation were meant to
solve that
aspect of country’s problem. Ato Lidetu points out that EDP had
clearly seen
the problem that those who chose armed struggle are facing. EDP
their struggle. EDP attempted to step in their shoes and see the world
their angle. Unfortunately, those who chose armed struggle did not seem
step in the shoes of those who chose peaceful struggle and tried to see
world from angle. Those who chose armed struggle to change the regime
on telling EDP+IBk-s choice of peaceful struggle would portray TPLF as
and made their struggle harder. They complained, had EDP didn’t
come up with
its so-called peaceful resistance, the international community could
had a good picture of undemocratic TPLF and enabled to isolate the
and easily remove them. What EDP argued was, in the first place who
strengthened and put Woyyane in that position? The other issue EDP
was, had EDP and others didn’t try Woyyane by its own so rights of
and “constitution” and got killed, imprisoned, harassed
intimidated, how
could it be possible to expose the hidden dictatorial nature of
Woyyane? In
a nutshell, Ato Lidetu reiterated, whether one chose peaceful or armed
struggle the field is right there in the country any way. EDP
didn+IBk-t believe
in the change of one dictator by another dictator. What EDP wanted was
organise a society that wouldn’t hesitate to rise up and demand its
given rights. The removal of Woyyane alone is not the goal of EDP.
alone Woyyane, even the Roman Empire had collapsed. Woyyane would
sooner or later. The goal of EDP is the bringing of a better system of

Dr Admasu topped later this issue by saying every one should free
from hatred politics. In the peaceful struggle, EDP targeted the idea
not the people. Peaceful struggle manifests itself in the popular
to fend the rights. One cannot free him by killing and overriding the
Bullets cannot remove poverty, ignorance and lack peace. Their forms
substance wouldn+IBk-t let it possible to solve their prevalence by
bombs and

With regards to role of EDP in working among the University students
Lidetu insisted on leaving the academic institution free of politics.
campus should be an academic area and should remain like that. Saying
university students could join the party of their choice outside that
campus. EDP wouldn’t want to make EDP its island. EDP believed in
academic freedom of the institution and it would remain that way.

Regarding to the question of opening an office outside Ethiopia, it was
in the plan of EDP. However, EDP has got Support committees of
volunteer in
Europe and North America.

As to the question if EDP had a channel to solve internal problems,
dialogues and discussions, rather than expelling from party, Ato Lidetu
explained that they did have. Those who were expelled from EDP were not
expelled due to difference in opinion. EDP didn’t claim that its
was perfect. The problem EDP had with those expelled was fundamental.
who were in charge of looking after the party’s well being
wouldn+IBk-t sit idle
and see when its enemies try to destroy the organisation from within.
who were expelled were those who were caught red handed while doing
jobs of destruction and no amount of dialogue would have saved them.
EDP had
a wonderful channel of dialogue in place. Those who would like to
their opinion could do so freely and nothing would touch them.

Dr Admasu topped up Ato what Ato Lidetu said that in order to solve
misunderstandings by dialogue and discussions they had well prepared
documents and committees in place. According to the party documents on
disciplinary measures the following two points would lead to expulsion
of a
member from EDP:

– EDP does not allow being a member of aanother political party.
– Any one has the right to support or opppose proposals in the decision
issues of the party. Once voted, the opinion of the majority should be
withheld. In case a member whose ideas were outvoted by the majority
to work internally to prevent the majority’s decision from
that would lead to expulsion.

Dr Admasu explained those who were expelled from the party in the past
expelled based on the above two guidelines.

The final question referred to EDP’s participation in the election
and being
able to travel safely to Tigray and get back. These things would
portray EDP
as an organisation that worked in collaboration with TPLF and what ever
did, some people believed that it did with the blessing of TPLF so that
would look like a democrat. Ato Lidetu was upfront with the answer to
allegation. As the trip to Tigray was already widely covered, he was
required to go back on it. However, Ato Lidetu stressed that
in the general election would in no way tantamount to collaboration. It
not only EDP that took part in the election. The Southern Ethiopian
Democratic Union (SEPDU – I think) did participate in the election,
challenged Woyyane, and exposed the hypocrisy that the regime was
trying to
hide behind. Lives were lost people were imprisoned, houses were burned
down, properties were destroyed in the process. Ato Lidetu asked if
brave sons and daughter from Southern Ethiopia could be seen as Woyyane
collaborators after paying all those sacrifices? ONC also took part in
election. Ato Lidetu asked if those were also collaborators with
AAPO also took part in the election and scored some victory. Ato Lidetu
asked if AAPO could be branded collaborators. Taking part in the
process didn’t mean collaborating with TPLF but rather exposing
TPLF to the
rest of the world how undemocratic, corrupt and dictatorial to the
Ato Lidetu simply said those who try to paint EDP as a Woyyane tool
must be
Woyyanes, themselves.

After receiving some advices on how EDP should must go ahead with its
struggle, meeting that started at about 2:30 in the afternoon was
at 7:30 in the evening, everyone happily chatting and discussing
without any
sign of fatigue, on their way home.

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