Eritreans continue to abduct Ethiopians

Press Release from Irob Community in North America

September 8, 2002

Armed Eritreans have continued to abduct Ethiopian citizens and rustle their cattle from the border areas. Last week, we sent to some websites a long list of people abducted from the Irob region between 1998 and 2000. Now, we have been informed that armed Eritreans kidnapped several people from Irob again last month. They have also taken many cattle some of which were left maimed.

We are trying to contact local sources for more details. However, we have ascertained, through reliable sources, that an unknown number of Ethiopians have been abducted, though details of all of their identity and numbers are not yet available to us. So far, we’ve obtained the names of two young men, about 19 years old, who were abducted at gunpoint with their cattle from Wankabo/Irob. Their names are Mr. Gerey Abraha Gebray and Mr. Kidane Halibo Hagos. The two men were taken to the Eritrean side of the border via Monoxeito two weeks ago. Nobody has heard anything about them since then.

The armed Eritrean groups have carried out widespread cattle rustling from Endalgeda (Irob) area, mostly from the village of Gafanat-Maichia, and from Zagbla-Wankabo (Weratle Kebele) during the month of August.

Irob Community in North America

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