Character Assassination out of frustration

BY Wedi-Samré

September 20, 2002

Surfing the Internet the other day, I came across Dekialula, a web site stolen by a hopeless loyalist of outcast politicians from TPLF, when I saw a malevolent article that seemed to have been written under alcoholic influence that the writer made a show of intention to deliberately harm and blackmail someone’s name for the obvious reason that the individual under execration is diametrically opposed to that of the attacker’s view. The writer of the article who bore the pseudonym “wedi hanta” exhibited a vice and lack of humility that transgressed usual bonds of moral orientation of which we all grew up learning the basic decency of dignifying one another.

In fact, throughout the course of time that I read the victim’s classic documentation which is ‘causa sine qua non’, that always exhibited amicable humility and refrained from all practices of inflammatory rhetoric while conveying his case to his broad audience candidly, never has he deviated from the strict-limit of observing clean-cut categorical imperative of professional journalism, (a rule of law commonly adhered to by most journalists) as opposed to the collection of dirty words, a skill we know from “wedi hanta”, the “guardian’s” recluse.

“Wedi-hanta’s” view that offered nothing but worshipping a handful of outcast politicians whose track record of human rights abuses while in office could be clearly identified with totalitarianism and tyranny. But whether or not he blackmailed or bashed individuals who exercise “independent thinking”, doesn’t change the reality on the ground that they won’t back off from speaking their mind for fear of being bullied.
Once he failed to outsmart the Power of Pen in like confrontation, it is quite sardonic he tends to snap every one to cave in to rallying behind his one-sided vision and subjugates those who challenge him to the tempest of his character assassination and open disrespect as we have seen already, which displays a despotic mentality that emanated out of desperation and emotional fatigue as he clearly failed to achieve something out of his cheer-leading effort in favor of those whom he calls “guardians.”

Could it be out of frustration of the fact that his monophonic website is getting as abandoned as a haunted house? Tarnishing people’s image might seem to him as entertaining every time some one writes something that doesn’t address his goal; but no where in the free world is such kind of tyranny tolerated. To make things worse, according to him, those who do not share his dogmatic theory are “non-Tigreans”, which by the way exhibits that he is a person who indulges more in cynical, ethnic, and tribal gentry than the cause of the majority which in no way constitutes to show him as being more “substance” than others are.
Looking at “wedi-hanta’s” intensive effort to improve the appearance of his new taboo (the guardians) in an attempt to mount them on the platform of Ethiopian patriots however, a big question rambles in one’s mind. Was Eritrea not ceded at the so called guardian’s auspices and full consent?

What is the mystery surrounding the “Guardians” that are being portrayed by “wedi-hanta” as patriots and nationalists today as if they haven’t done enough damage in orchestrating ethnic discord and schism that opened a floodgate of intolerance that eroded our country’s long standing tribal cohesion? No amount of deceptive propaganda can change the public opinion on the ground with regard to the splinters’ intensive effort in trying to exculpate themselves from the grave historical flaw that they once committed, depriving our country from maintaining its maritime heritage that it acquired from our ancestors. And ironically, the “guardians” are now relentlessly campaigning to resuscitate their still-born political career setting froth “patriotism” as their bargaining chip in a bid to win the heart of the Ethiopian Diaspora. But we are no longer kept in the dark when it comes to discerning the root cause of the sudden partition whose objective was nothing but in pursuit of power and egoistic hedonism.

During the last visit of the female member of the “guardians” to Washington DC, about a couple of years ago, someone who attended one of her sessions was telling me that the issue of “governing the country based on ethnic lines” was raised by the audience whereby she fiercely defended it. And paradoxically, It is such type of short-sighted ex-politicians that lack discernible quality of caliber to represent even the smallest constituency of our people, much less the country at large, that “wedi-hanta” the instrumental who’s ardent devotion and blind resolve has been a hotbed of one-sided allegiance, is trying to hype the “guardians” and thereby champion on their behalf “the cause of the common people.”

Where does his position stand regarding the fact that they have made no secret of shamelessly wanting to salvage the decomposed Marxist ideology out of the sewage of today’s free world? And knowing that they have miserably failed to deliver valid argument of acceptable premises that subsequently flashed them out of their respective bulwark, they are now running in disarray towards the West in a bid to explore fresh options masking patriotism to acquit themselves from the utterly despicable and dark legacy of theirs that hog-tied our country and left it at the mercy of it’s adversaries.

They were all there, in the helm of critical-decision-making venue and maintained decisive influence when an evil treaty with Shabia was ratified unchallenged that compromised our country’s sovereignty and irreversibly debilitated it’s rich historical image. What about patriotism? They should have known better that the danger of shabia’s evil design that would incapacitate our country’s future was on the making long before they volunteered to make inordinate consensual in favor of Shabia. What a lack of vision!

Speaking of “wedi- hanta” out of the indelible shelf of his own archive though, once a staunch ally and mouthpiece of the Prime Minister who once regarded him as “prudent leader” in a gesture of acknowledgment of fraternal unity and holistic loyalty or most notably, wishful servitude of egocentrism, that exhibited a great deal of blind infatuation while it lasted, despite his strong reservation on some of his ex-taboo’s policies not to mention the case of Eritrea and Asseb, and to cite a recent memorabilia that merely displays his questionable consistency, when the War with Eritrea was prematurely called off at the PM’s carte-blanche that was highly deplored by Ethiopians from around the world, “wedi-hanta” was swift in explaining the PM.’s position “as having sufficient legal reason” long before the boss of the “guardians” himself came out to justify his own action.

Kulu n’mraai… “good to subsist and witness all events” goes the song. And after a long standing show of solidarity and covenant accompanied by delighted approbation of the PM’s “exigent skill of leadership” of which he tediously preached (sort of there’s no god but Meles), and so happened that he made a dramatic change of heart or defection if you will, to join hands with the splinters, hysterical enough that he set-up his own web-site only for the purpose of bashing and demonizing Meles as he unwavered all the exaltation and adoration that he once variegated on, with execration and utter contempt. Interestingly, now, he has come up along with a face of spice-and-span and fresh sermon that envisaged on forcefully enlisting new cyber conscripts to achieve his goal of reinstating the “guardians” back on the domineering seat by every means possible, even if it means blackmailing and character assassination. But time can only tell if he can succeed in getting any convert at all.

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