“Wedi Hanta”

By Gena Sainega

September 24, 2002

(Editor’s Message: Please read editor’s message under this article.)

I’m one of the committed readers of Ethiomedia and I have never read any article of the man, woman or the administration of this Web site attacking individuals nor any other organization. Rather this website is focused in what is happening back in our homeland and is trying to inform us about all the atrocities committed against our people by the tplf thugs.

If you (wedi Hanta and your buddies) are really against Meles, you should be working shoulder to shoulder with Ethiomedia in order to get rid of the Eritrean agent; rather you are aiming your fake gun at one of the beloved sons of Tigrai who have stood for the Unity of Ethiopia, be it Bikedage, Korebtit Agar, Abera Mulat, Ojulu Tokon Ochalla, Hayalu Kassa, Assegid Robso, Asfaha Girmay and Kiros Girmay!
I followed this Eritrean implanted government in Ethiopia for a long time and they have done nothing else but divided the country in different killels and killed our best resources who could have developed the country.

We know Wedi Hanta’s attack against the Ethiomedia is not the work of one person rather it is the work of rotten individuals who are whisking around to bring their rotten and disposed brothers of X-PB members back to power. If you had truth on your side, then what made you hide your name to attack Abraha?

As we all know TPLF is fond of destroying any bright idea that emanates from a brilliant nationalist individual. If TPLF and its accomplice are for the people they should address the issue rather than attacking individuals.

If you think you can intimidate and harass Jeganu Deqi Tigrai, you should have come to the DC meeting, and boast in front of us. Don’t expect us to sit still and let you bite our dear hero like a mad dog.

You see Wedi Hanaqi; TPLF is a killing machine, which was originated in Sahl Mt., to use the people of Tigray and its resource to fulfill the dream of the bandas.
The whole world knows TPLF is still using the blood and soul of Tigray to take care of the Eritrean wish.

Wedi Hanta, which heroes are you talking about? Comparing Seye Abraha with the greatest Ethiopian leader, Ras Alula Aba Nega, is a shameful act, which could only emanate from a crime perpetrator.

If you compare Ras Alula with Siye today, you will compare Meles with Emperor Yohannes tomorrow. You know what? No matter which way you try, your tplf bosses are gone forever. Your bosses were only the servants of Meles, for 26 years, can you imagine that?
What are heroes for if they can’t protect their people and keep the integrity of their country intact?

Could you tell us what Ethiopia gained from the war with Eritrea? What is a hero if he can’t finish the job he is assigned for?
Wedi Hanta, you wrote “The army that kept Mengistu aloof for 17 years of his terrorist reign and Haileselassie for the 13 years. Aren’t these heroic achievements?”
You see from the above sentence we can see where you are coming from. You are an agent of Shaebia for you are trying to put the 13 years of the Shaebia struggle as a legitimate qalsi of the Tigrean people.

When was TPLF founded? Was there anything called TPLF while Hailesilassie was in power? You see, things are coming to light. Like your Meles, you may also be an undercover Shaebia. Remember I mentioned Sahl Mt. above? What a confession? Is your background that shaky? Every Tigrawai knows Jeganu Deqi Tigray fought against the Derg for17 years. But I have no clue we fought Haileselassie for 13 years.

Or, who knows, were you fighting in Sahel before TPLF was born? And now you are calling one proud Ethiopian from Tigray non-Tigrian? Your problem is he is coming from deep inside Tigray, and that is bothering you. Let me share with you a Tigrinya saying: N’ooksya Seb Yn’ek.“Little mind belittles others.” Bye for now!

has received some angry letters against the group campaigning for the revival of ousted TPLF dissidents. We would like to thank our contributors. We acknowledge their support too. However, we regret to inform our supporters that we are not posting the articles on the belief that we don’t have to stoop down to their level, and speak their foul language. I have made my point clear through my previous article. I am Abraha Belai. The group that is trying to restore a lost family power thinks anything written against the TPLF is written by me. They live in a state of denial that TPLF is opposed by millions of Ethiopians. And for the record, I’ve never written anything using the following pen-names: “Korebtit Agar, Abera Mulat, Ojulu Tokon Ochalla, Hayalu Kassa, Assegid Robso, Asfaha Girmay and Kiros Girmay!” I’m not half Eritrean either. For that matter, the authors of such dirty phrases as half-Eritrean etc. are the TPLF/EPLF ethnicists themselves. The fact is why are they bold to refer to me as half-Eritrean while they are scared to tell the truth that I am an Ethiopian from RAYA, whose unparalleled love an individual could give to the forces of Ethiopian Unity was demonstrated when I built Deki-Alula, and put it to the service of fellow countrymen and women? (Deki-Alula was later hijacked by the same family group). While our concern, the concern of genuine Ethiopians is how to end the “reign of tyranny that is spreading terror among a nation of 60 million impoverished people,” the threat to the “wannabe TPLF leaders” is an ordinary citizen who would never cave in to any pressure that would fuel ethnic hatred and impose slavery on the Tigrai people in particular, and the Ethiopian people in general. Nor have I ever been a Derg cadre or a Red Terror cadre. Weyyin, a newspaper of part of the TPLF which is in power, had referred to me as a “former Derg soldier.” The ousted part of TPLF is referring to me, from bad to worse, a Derg-Esepa-Red Terror Cadre.” As they say, ‘birds of the same feather, flock together.” In fact during the infamous Red Terror, I was a high school student jailed with his teachers at the notoriousHizb Dehninet Prison in Mekelle. At that time who knows one of the Alemseged advocates (who is being laughed for his obsession with an empty chatter-box radio) may have been in America, and had no clue about the suffering the Ethiopian youth endured under the Derg? Seven years later in 1984, when I was a third-year math student, my first employment was a proof-reader with the Ethiopian Herald. Why then taking me seven years back, and throwing me into the darkest part of Ethiopian life, refering to me as a Derg-Esepa Red Terror cadre? But once again, the alpha wolf of TPLF, which feasts on evil dishes, knows no ethics, and adds the stench of a welfare king and sexual abuse to its menu. For those who are used to the venomous TPLF political culture, that wouldn’t be a surprise at all. The goal is to bury those who speak their mind under a mountain of trash and trivia. One can imagine how the alpha wolf could have devoured my body and flesh if she were in power. But it should know that millions of Ethiopians are seeking freedom, and to achieve it, they would grab the alpha wolf by its tail, tame it, and turn it into the zombie of a distant, ghastly past. All said, if I had the permission of the novelist to replace “talent” with “truth,” I would tell TPLF sycophants good news: “Truth is like a frail flower under a rock. In the end, nothing blocks it from bursting through and blooming.”

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