This writer had requested both Dr. Tecola and the Deki-Alula websites to post the above article in order to reflect a more balanced perspective on history. But they both preferred not to respond. Their attitude is tragic for two reasons: (a) they contribute to the falsification of history for their slanted and tribalistic agenda; and (b) they water down Emperor Yohannes’ heroic deeds and end by creating issues of credibility as a result of trying to hide his own failures. It is incumbent on an objective historian to maintain a scrupulously balanced view of any previous ruler’s record. For all his shortcomings, Emperor Yohannes remains to be one of the greatest rulers that Ethiopia ever had. His defeat of two Egyptian invasions; the end of the Mahdist incursion into Ethiopia; the maintenance of the country’s sovereignty, etc. all depended on his wise and courageous leadership. Nevertheless, any attempt to make him infallible would only cast aspersion on his otherwise great service to his country.