Israel, Eritrea said to have conspired to dump nuclear waste in Sudan
BBC Monitoring Service: July 22, 2004

One of the [former] members of the central committee of the ruling Eritrean People’s Front for Democracy and Justice [PFDJ] who deserted the government and joined his fellow cadres who fled the country, Taylai Harambaga [names as published], has revealed the arrival of an Israeli ship carrying nuclear waste at Massawa port [Eritrea] in early July.

In a statement to SMC [Sudanese Media Centre], Taylai said the waste was put into special bags marked with the emblem of an active relief organization in Eritrea.

Taylai said it was initially planned to dump the waste inside Eritrea but sharp differences emerged within the Eritrean political and military leadership that hails from the intended region. The Eritrean authorities finally decided to smuggle the waste into Sudan and dump it inside Sudanese territories. [Passage omitted].

Reliable sources informed SMC that a high-level team comprising three senior Eritrean military officers and five Sudanese opposition members in eastern [Sudan], under the supervision of an Israeli Mossad officer called Mr Moses Saruz Sitolon [names as published], carried out the dumping of the nuclear waste.

The sources added that the [Sudanese] opposition members agreed to participate in the process on condition that they were rewarded with undisclosed amount of money.

Source: Sudanese Media Centre web site, Khartoum, in Arabic 21 Jul 04

©BBC Monitoring
/BBC Monitoring/ © BBC


Email DV-Lottery scam blasts across Internet

A bogus e-mail notification has been circulating in an attempt to fool people into thinking they were chosen for the 2004-5 DV-visa lottery program. The letter, fraudulently stating that is from the Department of State, congratulates the recipients and then instructs them to send personal information along with a payment of $350 to its office. The recipients of the e-mail are told that once payment is received, confirmation will be sent.

According to the e-mail, “providing the above requirements (including a picture and payment) will assure you your visa lottery security code which we shall send to your e-mail address.” Additionally, the e-mail states that if there is no response received from the applicant after 21 days, the recipient’s “winner status shall reveal no interest and we would in response refer [the recipient’s] lottery code and acknowledgement card back to the USA government/immigration service center.”

The only form of notification from the Department of State to lottery winners is the actual mailing of a package of documents. THERE IS NO E-MAIL NOTIFICATION. Anyone who receives this or any similar notifications via e-mail should disregard them and absolutely not send any money if an e-mail instructs them to do so.

The “From” field on the e-mail is the e-mail address [[email protected]]. The subject line is [DVLOTTERY2004-2005(CONGRATULATIONS)].


EMAIL: [email protected]