Article on ‘radical Islam’ is baseless: letters

Dear Sir,

Your website is one of my favorites. However, I was disappointed when I read “The emergence of radical Islam in Ethiopia (1991-2004)” by Johannes Sebhatu (July 3, 2004)

Although we know people are free to express their views on any topic; respected websites such as Ethiomedia should not entertain cheap and falsehood articles that promotes ethnic hatred among Ethiopians.

I believe Ethiopia is a land of all Ethiopians whatever their beliefs are. I also don’t see any problem if every Ethiopian practices his own religion on his motherland. Ethiopian Moslems had been denied many of their basic rights for centuries and they did not blame any group people except the leadership of the old systems.

Since the oppression during the old system was not only against the Moslems but also against the whole mass of Ethiopians, the people irrespective of their religion and ethnicity struggled together. I don’t mean the existing regime is perfect and democratic, but I don’t also deny that the existing current political freedom is relatively better than the previous ones. That’s why the Moslems got chance to build few Mosques to practice their worship.

The author of the article also admits that the roads around the Markato Mosque seen closed for traffics during prayers time. If they had a large Mosque that accommodates the worshipers they would not have prayed on the road. Johannes as an Ethiopian should therefore be sympathized with his fellow citizens for not being offered larger praying area.

I therefore suggest this respected website to ignore such type of articles for the sake of unity of Ethiopian peoples.


Mohammed Suleiman


I oftenly visit and read some of the articles and information on your website. But this time one of the articles you have posted “The emergence of radical Islam in Ethiopia (1991-2004)” is completely out of the truth and against the Islam religion or it is just written to create a hate between Ethiopian Islam and Christian society.

Please check out the truth or the right article which is already written before you post fabricated articles.

Thank you

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