Response to ‘radical Islam”
By Najib Mohammed
July 15, 2004

Dear editors of Ethiomedia:

I was dismayed to read Yohannes Sebhatu’s article of July 3, 2004. Yohannes is one of many individuals and groups who of late been observed trying to revive the dormant Muslim phobia anchored in isolationist mentality. Very often when Ethiopian Muslims perform Hajj (pilgrimage) in large numbers, when they build places of worship, or if they are observed practicing their religious duties, it is construed as a sudden rise of fundamentalism in spite of the fact that Ethiopian Muslims are merely exercising their God given rights. To interfere with these religious duties, under political pretexts is in and by itself, against the tenants of fundamental human rights. The misrepresentations of facts that espousing any policy that undermines freedom and injurious to the self-image and integrity of the Ethiopian Muslims is considered in the interest of the national security and protection of Ethiopia from the so-called invaders or what euphemistically is known now days as “fundamentalist” even though this fabricated paternalistic insult to the Ethiopian Muslims would, inevitably, be detrimental to the peaceful co-existence of our people is a crime of a higher magnitude.

As a Muslim Ethiopian, I found it very difficult to accept this double standard patriotism and policy of isolation and mistrust being fomented by Yohannes and his likes. The fact is that Muslims as well as Christians in Ethiopian are enjoying the relative freedom of worship they gained since the overthrow of the military Marxist regime. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is rebounding while other Christian denominations are expanding with the concerted efforts of some Western Church groups. Why then Ethiopian Muslims had to be singled out to endure such malicious attacks for freely and peacefully practicing their religion? Equating revival of Islam in Ethiopia in the 21st century with the revolt of an Ethiopian Muslim, Ahmed Ibrahim Giragn, in the Middle Ages is a gross distortion and misunderstanding of the cotemporary history of Christian-Muslim relations in Ethiopia.

Worst, implying that the spread of Islam in Ethiopia is the result of some mysterious Islamic movement tied to al-qaeda or some terrorist group is a grievous crime and injustice not only against Ethiopian Muslims but against Ethiopians as whole that should not be tolerated. The fact is that since the emergence of communism in Ethiopia both Muslims and Christians have resorted to religion in order to draw emotional strength against anxieties, political terrors, loss of loved ones, economic hardship, etc,etc. The upsurge in construction of Mosques and Churches should not alarm anyone. It is a healthy expression of healing and reconciliation with ourselves and our Creator. As people we have gone through difficult of times and we still have not emerged with victory from hunger, disease, and poverty.

To revive the dreaded specter of Ahmed Ibrahim Giragn brandishing his sword and charging Christians and destroying churches in retaliation for the destruction of mosques at this juncture of Ethiopia’s history and in this day and age is a form of paranoia and bigotry that can only excite religious fanatics that can lead to a dangerous and unwarranted friction between Muslims and Christians.

Islam is not new to Ethiopia. It has evolved over 14 centuries all over the country. The teaching of the Qur’an and the Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad has served as guiding principles to Ethiopian Muslims. Given the rich culture and respect for their own belief system, Ethiopian Muslims have practiced what they learned from the Qur’an when dealing with others. Their peaceful co-existence with other religions in Ethiopia is a testimony to that.

“Invite all to the Way of Your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and have dialogue with them (Jews and Christians) in ways that are best and; most gracious; for your God knows best…..” (Qur’an 16:125)

“Let there be no compulsion in religion, truth stands out clear from error.” (Qur’an 11:256)

No one with healthy mind and a cense of logic can argue like Yohannes who in the same sentence objected to the number of mosques built and Muslims praying out on the streets of the capital for lack of space inside the mosques. Or does Yohannes think that Muslims prefer to pray outside their mosques? Where are these Muslim politicians that are in power in Ethiopia that Yohannes is afraid they will turn the country into an Islamic state? May be Muktar, his friend from the Sudan who visits Ethiopia regularly for lack of women and alcoholic beverages in his native country can also identify those terrible fundamentalist Muslims in the position of power in Ethiopia. It is a shame that Yohannes had to go to such a lengthy garbage in and garbage out dictum to tell us that we Ethiopian Muslims do not deserve to be equally treated or should be marginalized and treated as suspects and perhaps denied to practice our way of life.

In the final analysis, the national aspiration of all Ethiopians can only be achieved when fundamental human rights are observed; when democracy prevails; when the majority rules; when the right of the minority is recognized; when all Ethiopians are treated equally regardless of their ethnic, social, cultural or religious background. Let us not antagonize one another and let us not fear each other. Let us understand our people are suffering from absolute poverty and hunger. The AIDS disease is ravaging our people that about 3 million die from it every year. Only through unity and understanding that we can serve our country.

I hope and I pray to the One and Only God Almighty, to guide us to serve Him by serving humanity, to protect us from the devilish deeds that incite hatred and division that leads only to distraction and suffering.

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