Deconstructing Zenawi’s
Response to Members of Congress

By Concerned Ethiopians in
the U.S. (July 6, 2005)


It was embarrassing to read the
deceptive response of Meles to members of Congress, with his usual subterfuge,
calumny and despicable misrepresentation of reality. While everyone is by now
well aware of the evil schemes of this compulsive liar, the temptation could
not be resisted to highlight some of his fabrications that unravel how
desperate the tyrant is.

He opened his wickedly written response
with the clichéd affirmation: “I
am particularly relieved and grateful to Your Honourables for reassuring me
that it is in the mutual interest of both countries that


be as secure, stable and prosperous as

Fact: The destructive ethnic
agenda he has imposed on the Ethiopian people, the corrupt fiscal policies he
has unashamedly implemented, his antiquated authoritarian rule, and the
vicious massacre of peaceful protesters, are not characteristics of a man
committed to see


“as secure, stable and prosperous as possible.”

He bragged: “We
embarked on the process of democratic reform in our country not to please or
displease anyone, but because we are convinced that there can be neither
stability nor prosperity without democracy in



Fact: Meles miscalculated he
would please the donors with sham elections and dupe them again, as he had
done several times before May 15, into giving him more money to stash away in
his foreign bank accounts. This time, however, the Ethiopian electorate taught
him a bitter lesson: he did fail to please even his staunchest benefactors,
including Prime Minister Tony Blair.

He alleged: “All
credible domestic and international observers have declared that the
elections, including the processes of the election day have been free, fair
and transparent by any standard and not just by Ethiopian or African standards


Fact: Several domestic and
international observers reported rampant election fraud, vote rigging and
intimidation. Peter Takirambudde, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch’s
Africa Division, pointed out “. the authorities have intensified the
repression they have used to keep themselves in power for 13 years.”
Gomez, Chief EU Election observer confirmed reports of beatings of opposition
officials and disruption of their rallies. On May 25, 2005, the European Union
declared  “…unless there is
a drastic reversal toward good democratic practice (we ) will have to publicly
denounce the situation….”


“The bulk of the
opposition had all along publicly declared that its interest was not to win
seats in parliament, but to use the electoral process to remove the
constitutional order through extra-constitutional means.”

The opposition only asked for free and fair elections, and for an
independent electoral board that was not an appendage of the ruling party. In
the run-up to the elections, they demanded the formation an independent
electoral body. After the elections, they requested
investigations into rampant fraud, vote rigging, imprisonment and harassment
of poll watchers, members and supporters of opposition groups.
absurdly affirmed:
in Ethiopia, as I presume is also the case in the United States, such an act
would be an act of high treason, we felt their agenda should be challenged by
political, electoral means rather than by legalistic means”


Fact: To think that asking for
free and fair elections is considered high treason in the United States is to
display utter ignorance, emanating from compulsive arrogance.  


brashly asserted
: “In this
context, we defeated their attempts to smear the pre-election and polling day
processes by going out of our way to ensure a fair, free and transparent
process, a process that was declared to be such by all who had the opportunity
to observe it
. “

Fact: The ruling party lost the
elections and went its usual way of harassing, intimidating, arresting and
killing members and supporters of the opposition. Many credible observers
witnessed that the elections were marred by blatant irregularities and fraud.


absent-mindedly conjured up:
with our decision to face the challenge by political and electoral means, we
again went out of our way and on the morrow of polling day asked all foreign
observers to observe the investigations into the possible allegations of
election irregularities.  We put forward a process of addressing such
concerns that was exemplary in its transparency and fairness.”
Fact: In the aftermath of the
elections, Meles Zenawi declared a state of emergency, banned all forms of
public gatherings, and denied the opposition any access to the
government-controlled media.


brazen denial, he belabored:
the end, those who were seeking excuses to launch their “revolution”
could not be deterred by transparent, free and fair processes alone and
created the disturbances of June 8.  Your Honourables would be mistaken
if you believed that our compatriots died on June 8 as a result of state
sponsored violence in a confrontation between the police and
“enthusiastic demonstrators”.  The tragic deaths were the
result of the opposition’s attempt to subvert the constitutional order and the
government’s legitimate attempts to prevent it.”


On June 8, Meles Zenawi 
(who had put under his direct command the military and police as of May
15th) ordered his special forces to massacre university students and other
citizens, whose only crime was to request that their votes be fairly counted. 
In addition to the above reason, Meles and his
have been throwing conflicting reasons for the carnage. For example, the
Federal Police Commissioner reported that the demonstrators had been shot by
inadequately trained police officers, while the Minister for information,
Bereket Simon, declared the victims had been shot when “they were
attempting to rob banks and stores”.


flagrantly concocted
:  I
fail to understand why Your Honourables thought that the election of “so
many opposition candidates” was “a bitter disappointment” to
us.  . “
Fact: If
Meles thought anybody would believe the above, one would wonder whether he had
not lost his sanity. His security forces have killed opposition parliament
elects in Central Ethiopia, and his cadres and security forces have been on a
rampage arresting and harassing members and supporters of the opposition in
thousands throughout the country since the elections


In the
penultimate paragraph of your joint letter dated 20 June, 2005 you state that
‘The people of Addis Ababa have been unable to work, buy food, access
electricity, and tend to basic daily living needs due to the ongoing state of
emergency and violence in the streets.’  Under normal circumstances, I
would have dismissed such an assertion which does not even remotely resemble
the facts on the ground.”.

Fact: Where was he when almost
everything in the capital came to a stand still, with cab drivers,
shopkeepers, students, etc., going on strike for an entire week following the
June 8th carnage?

He ineffectually alleged: “.
an assertion coming from the fertile imagination of some of the financiers of
the opposition in the U.S., many of whom are facing charges in Ethiopia for
crimes against humanity that they committed as officials of the Mengistu

Fact: This lie is intended to
take cover under Mengistu’s shadow to avoid the inevitable charges against
Meles for his crimes against humanity. If there are officials of the Mengistu
regime in the US who should be charged for crimes against humanity, Meles was
unable to comprehend that members of Congress would be in a better position to
get more reliable intelligence about them.


lies and more malicious lies
: “It
is in this context that I want to re-assure you that Ethiopia is currently
peaceful and stable, that we will complete the election process by carrying
out a totally transparent and fair investigations into the alleged
irregularities and redressing wrongs, if any.” 


The Meles propaganda machinery and his state apparatus are tirelessly
promoting all sorts of machinations aimed at turning one Ethiopian ethinc
group against another. In a  police
state where mismanagement, nepotism and corruption are rampant, and where the
people are completely disenchanted and disgusted with the authoritarian rule
of a tyrant, the illusion of stability and security would remain whimsical.


vile nature took the better of him, and swanked:

We will naturally enforce the
rule of law in our country and prevent any attempt to subvert the
constitutional process, in a firm but restrained and legal manner


As he has done it numerous times, there is no doubt Meles will continue to use
all means available to him to thwart the Ethiopian people’s aspiration for
freedom and democracy.


conclusion, he pathetically and impudently pleaded:  “I
believe as friends of Ethiopia, you ought to have balanced information and to
listen to both sides before you make your minds


While his soldiers are killing innocent lives, his security forces are
harassing, intimidating and arresting supporters of the opposition, and his
instrument of deception, the National Electoral Board, is engaged in
full-fledged vote rigging, he is asking for sympathy from the US Congress. In
other words, he is asking for Congress to put the blame on the massacred, the
imprisoned and the harassed, whose only crime is to demonstrate peacefully and
demand fair and free elections.


Thus, the
obsessive and compulsive liar once again exposed his despicable ignorance and
antiquated propaganda to the people of Ethiopia, members of the US Congress,
and all other friends of Ethiopia.

