Open Letter to Djibout Government

Please don’t hand over the two pilots to Mr. Zenawi

TO: His Excellency Mr. Mohammed Ali Youssouf
Foreign Minister of Djibouti
Foreign Ministry

Your Excellency,

In the name of the brotherly people of Djibouti and Ethiopia,
and the long-term interests of the two historically-tied people, we
appeal to your government not to repatriate to Ethiopia the two
Ethiopian pilots Captain Behailu Gebre and Co-pilot Abiyot Manguday who
at the moment find refuge in Djibouti.

Ethiopians all over the world, and all peace-loving people do
hope that the Government of Djibouti will stand firm and not give in
any and all forms of pressure coming from the Government in Addis Abeba
for the return and incarceration of these Ethiopian pilots who refused
to obey to the orders of terrorizing the Ethiopian people by
Mr. Zenawi’s regime.

Mr. Zenawi’s regime is a regime which is condemned by the
Ethiopian people as unfit to rule over Ethiopia! It is not a regime in
whose interest the long term friendship of Djibouti and Ethiopia must
betrayed and damaged!

Your Excellency, the coming years must be years of good memories
and remeberances of the just stand of your government in not delivering
back of the two Ethiopians to the most Hated Killer Regime in Addis

In accordance with the relevant parts of the Geneva Convention on
matters especially pertaining to military personnel, we appeal to your
government to put the two pilots under the auspices of the United
Nations Refugee Commission for their settlement in a third
country.Ethiopians shall remember your stand of today. Djibouti must
refuse to submit to the pressures of Mr. Zenawi and his merciless
who are only for a short time in power in Ethiopia! Their days are
numbered. The Ethiopian people have stood up and said NO MORE to the
dictatorship in our country!

The future of the friendship of our two people must never be
tarnished by any false decission on the part of your government to
over the two Ethiopians to be murdered in the death camps of Mr.

Your Excellency, in the hope of hearing of your government’s
positive decission in this urgently humanitarian matter,
I express my highest considerations to you, your government and
the brotherly people of Djibouti!

EMAIL: [email protected]