
On articles related to Al Amoudi

Ethiomedia has received articles in response to Sheik Alamudi’s letter, and on the commentary by Nurit Adem. The messages carry mixed feelings: for and against Alamoudi as supporter of Meles Zenawi’s ruling party.

When news of Al Amoudi campaigning for the Meles party broke, many were left dumb-founded. We also said “How come the Al Amoudi who loves his country, and has done so much good, sided with the regime we want to remove even from our memory?” When tempers died down, however, reason sprang up to mind to remind us the political practice of the ruling regime: Meles and Co. have a culture of spending whatever it takes to win the hearts of those they think would be key weapons in their longevity.

They don’t plan to wrap up Al Amoudi as their member over a coffee-break. They campaign for months, and years. The head of the hunting expedition team is dragged through EPRDF’s endless, communist-style boring sessions we all know as “gim-gema.”

The delegation that is assigned to lure Al Amoudi or any other person Meles sees as “life-saver” awaits demotion if it fails, or promotion if the big fish is caught. Therefore, a meticulous plan is laid out before hand. They follow their “target” everywhere: From international commerce and trade expositions to regional inaugurations of establishments. So even if the person chooses to stay neutral, EPRDF has already created an environment which makes that impossible.

If Al Amoudi goes to Foreign Ministry, a big cadre awaits him, and keeps hammering on the same subject; how he can make a big difference if he works with them closely. If he is on a business talk with the Ministry of Trade and Tourism, another big fish awaits him there too, and connects from part of the story the official at the Foreign Ministry left. The ruling party has years of experience in working efficiently for whatever it thinks would contribute to its morbid desire to rule Ethiopia with the age of Methuselah, and beyond. Even if Al Amoudi tells us that we are dead wrong to say he was sleep-deprived by EPRDF, and his support for the ruling party was of his own volition, we’ve to gladly respect his choice. Because, like every one of us, he had one voting card which he cast for EPRDF but did not win Meles any seat in Addis Ababa.

So, let’s leave the issue at that, please. It just doesn’t go with the democratic beliefs and practices we all aspire to nurture in our country. Even if Al Amoudi goes an extra mile in other issues that have been buzzing in town, all to beef up EPRDF’s muscle, it is still OK. He believed in it, and as aspiring democrats, we’ve to respect his individual rights. We have our own firm conviction: nothing adds up to the might of the Ethiopian people!

Given the magnitude of the prevailing problem in our country, we’ve chosen not to publish the many articles that we’ve received on the Al Amoudi thread but one, a mild criticism to the ideas Nurit reflected in her message. Thank you for your understanding.


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