A humble call! Unite for common cause, common sense!

By B. Tadesse: December 28, 2004

It is in each country’s best interest to safe guard
its boundaries and protect sovereignty. Ethiopia has
the same interests to protect as well. We are not
asking for something different or more. So there shall
not be conditionality in standing for the rights of
ones own country and there is nothing more honourable
than standing for such rights. It is a privilege
indeed to be a person of such esteem. However it
requires endurance, courage and principled stand to
have it right.

There is no question that Meles Zenawi of the TPLF is
a traitor, who has been changing his position every
breakfast so far it serves his lust for power. His
principle, if at all he has one, is to stay in power
at the cost of what constitutes Ethiopia. He always
stood above the law and the will of the people, not
showing even semblance of interest in the rights of
Ethiopia and Ethiopians. He even annuls his so-called
constitution to fit his selfish desire. His monumental
crimes against Ethiopia go on. First and for most, the
people of Tigray on whose suffering Meles grabbed
power have not only been betrayed but also tortured
and attacked from all directions. We have been
witnessing the wretched situation of the Tigrayans at
least for the last 13 consecutive years.

We, who claim to be concerned Tigrayans, have been
lamenting for so long but doing nothing substantive to
change the prevailing state of affairs. It is common
sense that such deep-rooted and disgracing problem
requires well thought of collective action to mitigate
it. But look, most of us are not even in any form of
organisation, civic or political; to stand for let
alone protect the people of Tigray/Ethiopia. We spend
most of our time bickering over each other’s past and
black mailing other person while the traitor is left
loose to dictate with comfort. Look back, what we have
done in the last 13 years, nothing of what we claim to
stand for. Should we let the next 13 years as well to
come and pass as we let them so? No! No! No! Let us
please make change of attitudes that opens the door to
work together for the same common causes.

Tegaru abroad, especially, have more responsibilities
to dispose, for our problems are more composite than
they appear. Our relations however, do not reflect the
requirements of the day. Why? Still, some Tegaru are
blindly defending Meles in every direction the traitor
walks. Some are taking advantage of the mess we find
ourselves in. Some are just asleep as if nothing is
happening to the homeland. Some don’t even like to see
each other but think they are broad-mindedly
accommodative. Some attack each other as if at the end
of their squabbles few trees will grow in Tigray or
one mouth will be fed for a day. Some are in civic
organizations doing little that does not influence the
bigger picture of our problem. Of course, some try
best, with unbelievable courage to have an impact but
they lack the necessary back-up.

So, where does our strength to bring about the change
our people deserve lie? Indeed none other than
tackling the crux of the problem collectively.
Regardless of our perceived or real differences, we
need to come together and discuss issues of common
interest. There are many bigger issues that humiliate
all of us than these which have preoccupied us so far.
Let us stop mixing and confusing primary issues that
concern us all with local and individual issues that
denigrate the fundamental ones. If we can grasp this
track, there after, it could be much more easier and
smoother to work with other fellow Ethiopian civic and
political organizations on still higher issues; one
outstanding dilemma being to save Ethiopia from
drifting to the debacle Somalia is in. But first we
have to demonstrate the farsightedness expected of
each of us.

Right from the 1991, Meles was selling our land
ostensibly on behalf of all Ethiopians. As thousands
of Ethiopians were robbed and chased out of Eritrea,
the traitor defended his fascist brothers, the EPLF
Like the Ethiopian coffee, our land together with the
people in Badme, Zalambesa, Irob, Afar etc are in the
world market to be traded for the interest of Meles
and Issayas. Neither the ordinary people nor the
so-called parliament know of their secret meetings,
most of them conducted by their loyal lieutenants in
Kenya and elsewhere. When are we going to defend the
right of our people and land?

It is obvious, with out a land; we can not have a
family and a people on whom to count. Without a
family and the people, what could be our identity and
our future? For a moment consider what our forefathers
had done to protect the land and people. Their bodies
are buried as far as Dogalle and the coasts of the Red
Sea. What a brave generation they were and look at us.
How shall we define our generation? Are we just a
waste or we will some how rise up to emulate our
fathers and mothers, do something worthy to be proud of?

What can we do? Let me outline a few points most of
you already know. It is obvious all of us have
personal interests, some of them rational and/or

Let’s leave our personal interests at bay at least
until we get rid of the traitor and save the country
from falling apart. Let us stand
up to discuss this very issue with others who have
similar stand regardless of negative attitudes towards each other.
Respect each other with patience and
at the end come up with a common task to be equally
shared. We should be organised and have
representatives at every chapter. Time to work and
money to cover expenses are absolutely essential and
they should be shared meaningfully. One can choose
his/her own way fit effective. Look at the current
demonstrations in Ukraine; with their commitment, they
earned a lot of support in all direction from outside of Ukraine.
At lease they get
worldwide attention and have managed to influence the
political landscape of their country.

We may not have really to agree on all past and
present issues, but let’s be focused on vital matters
to our physical and political survival, that we must
agree. And on none topical ones, we can still agree to
disagree. Frankly with most of us, I don’t see
disagreement on principal matters of the nation and on
what we strive for; if so let us identify the barriers
among us and we can work on them so that we could
achieve our higher and noble goals.

I believe X-members of TPLF, EDU, EPRP, MESION, etc
have sound political knowledge of Ethiopia and rich
experience of struggle. But when it comes to working
together for the common good, they are
not on the correct path. With due respect, I have to
say it that you have failed in this respect. Isn’t it
time to offer us something that we can learn from you
and be proud of you? Couldn’t you have some positive
impact on us, the younger generation, so that we may
do something good for our county and our people who
deserve a normal life? If reconciliation could work in
post-Apartheid South Africa, why not in Ethiopia? If
Kenyans could enforce free and fair election through
collective action, why not we?

Through reconciliation and engaging ourselves in
harmonious discussion, we can begin to exercise
democratic dialogue and culture and lie the groundwork
for the institutions that could lead us all the way to
a desired level development. We should also first
create the situation for the rule of law to prevail.
No one will let himself to be judged by the whims of
individual, group or party, but only to live under the
law. Therefore, let’s work together to have an
institution that stands by itself and guided by
fundamentals that hold society together. As
generations pass by, such institutions can have life
for as long it takes, like the obelisk of Aksum, the
church of Lalibela, etc that stands by itself and that
we all can be proud of to defend it.

Our problems as a people are not only numerous but
also deep rooted. The traitor in power is at the
centre of all our predicaments. He is bent on prolonging the suffering of our people. As long as he
stays in power our problem will never go. It requires
though a concerted collective effort to deal with the
traitor and the problems compounding us. Isn’t this a
common cause and a common sense to act upon it


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