
To those without conscious

(The following article is a rebuttal to an article that’s posted on Aiga forum by Mulugeta Assrate-Kassa. Since, Aiga might not be inclined to post the rebuttal, because of my “unfriendly thought” of EPRDF and the government; I decide to say what I have to say here)

If it was not posted on Aiga forum, Ato Mulugeta Assrate-Kassa’s article would have been a perfect fit for an editorial piece of ‘Addis-Zemen’ or ‘Abiotawi-Democracy’, where real journalism and objective thought are unknown and strange concepts. Those of you who heard what the state media was propagating about the recent unrest in Ethiopia can notice the stunning similarities of Ato Mulugeta’s “opinion” and Radio Fana’s “News”.

Ato Mulugeta says “… a people we are being taken for a ride by forces who have an axe to grind from the tragic deaths of 7th June….”

Radio Fana or Addis Zemen or Abiotawi Democracy would say “…..anti-peace forces and the left-overs of the past regime instigated the violence….” Please, notice the similarities.

What state media and its cheer leaders like Ato Mulugeta don’t realize is every time they assign blame to someone else they are acting like and repeating of the Dergue. He even might be surprised, when I say that there is a stunning similarity between his and his counter-parts, who the most part operate and control EPRDF’S propaganda machine and the Dergue. Just like Ato Mulugeta and his handlers, Dergue never accepted responsibility for a generation of blood they spilt. Instead, they blamed it on imperialism, feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism, anti unity forces, Shabia, Woyane etc… Many now seeing the de ja vu. For 36 young Ethiopians death, Ato Mulugeta found someone to blame already. Dergue, Negede, CUD, etc….I wish he realizes that every time he and the state media try to use that trick, they are insulting everyday Ethiopians.

I bet Ato Mulugeta agreed, when his counter part Bereket Simon told the world that “….the people who have been shot are hooligans and bank robbers…” I however wish that they realize they are telling the victims parents that their children are worthless and deserved to die. Just like Dergue did. See the similarities?

Since, I started matching up the propaganda style of Dergue and Ato Mulugeta, now let me say what I have to say directly to the gentleman. You said in your article that “….the Ethiopian people said yes to reconciliation, they were not issuing a license for the Dergue to enter through the back door?….” Oh really? Reconciliation…huh…? So, you are telling me that the Ethiopian people want to reconcile with Dergue? Addis residents and many people in other parts of our country overwhelmingly elected CUD, which you called “Comrades Under Dergue”, because they missed Dergue so much, and wanted it to kill and maim their children. Is that it? Oh, no…..I get it. The people don’t know, right? The deputy prime minister Addisu Legesse, whom I have no doubt you admire dearly already told us that. He said “…people who voted for oppositions, because they were bribed, it was just a protest vote or they were anti peace and racists….” I wonder, if you guys realize every time you insult people and their intelligence, you are making them hate you and distance themselves from you even more. Sir, Ethiopians who demonstrated on 10th Downing street or in front of State Department are citizens, who are outraged to see horrible pictures of young Ethiopians who are gunned down on the streets of Addis. Have you seen, the picture of a young man, whose half of his head was blown off? Have you heard a mother, who lost two of her children? Think 36 of those. Oh…..I forgot. You guys told us that those were “Dergue”, “hooligans” and “bank robbers” right? Well….we don’t believe that. Because, we believe even a bank robber should have his day in court, instead of his head crushed with machine gun. There fore, we go out and say what we feel in countries where we live to show and voice our sorrow, no matter what label you give us.

You also tried the sneaky scare tactic that in the coming few days should expect from the government. The “Shabia will eat you, unless we’re there to rescue you” tactic. You said “…One other force that is out to mug us is Shabea in the Diaspora…” I suspect what’s unsaid clearly, but stated in hidden in your article is “there is no way that you can get away from this mugger, unless EPRDF is there to rescue you, there fore, we should have a free license to kill. Don’t complain at all. Don’t ruin our perfect image by protesting and showing images of those who we murdered”

In the end of your article you concluded by giving us the address of Hilary Ben, the UK Minister for international development. May be you want us to write him, saying that “the government should be encouraged of shooting anyone it likes. Please don’t scorn EPRDF. They just shot “hooligans” and “bank robbers”. That was all. As you well know, bank robbers should be shot dead on the streets. And…the oppositions? …they are bunch of Dergue and its leftovers. They should be shot dead, too…”

To the disappointment of you and your friends Mr. Ben chose to listen to those Ethiopians who demonstrated and protested on 10th Downing street, and scorned EPRDF. Oh…by the way, do you know that the Ethiopian people , except those who are fortunate enough to have internet access and get private newspapers, don’t know that UK halted aid rise for Ethiopia? I bet you do. Your friends in the ministry of information did not say a word about it through the state media. As usual the state media cut and pasted the news and told the Ethiopian people that Mr. Ben went to Ethiopia met Meles, talked to him and left. Thanks to the world media, we later knew the purpose of Hilary Ben’s visit, what he said to Meles and what he did afterwards. I know that you and the government are annoyed that we know this. That’s why the licenses of VOA and German Radio were revoked and, as we saw on BBC security men beating the heck out of AP cameraman. But, that’s democracy and the rule of law, right Ato Mulugeta? Right. As a ‘fair’ commentator, Ato Mulugeta would you please comment on why Mr. Ben’s visit was hidden from the Ethiopian people? Or the news of the two Ethiopian air-force pilots who denounced the violence and defect to a neighboring country? Don’t you think that’s news worthy? Oh I am sorry. Those are not good news. There fore, in a ‘democratic’ and ‘free culture’ of EPRDF, they will be determined Dergue, right?

I know that it would make your head spin and despise it sunrise to sun down, but I guarantee you, every time we see our fellow Ethiopians killed, jailed and abused, we will go out, demonstrate, shout and call for help for anyone, who listens. We don’t care for the images of your friends. If you wish to have a better image, just be better.

I at times have written articles that were hard on oppositions and easy on EPRDF. I however, have a conscious to protest, denounce unlawful murder and say “Killing my people on the streets is unacceptable.” I hope you have the same conscious, as most of us do, even if you are now so busy of cheer leading.

I conclude by quoting you saying “…The blood of our fathers, brothers and sisters has for long been shouting for justice…” Don’t you think those 36 people and so many others blood shouting for justice, too? Or it was water that is flowing through their veins?

Natnael Berhane
Alexandria, VA

The writer, Natnael Berhane, can be reached via email:
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