![]() Viewpoint Response to Meles Zenawi’s Herald letter
After officially asking all the parties to wait for the verdict of the international observers on the so-called “impartial investigation” conducted by NEBE, now when the gun is pointing in the other direction, Ato Meles is trying to create a buffer zone for the rejection of the verdict of his once trusted observers. No surprise, because we have seen may times when our PM change his mind and breaks all the international rules. In the first place he should have accepted the verdict of his own people rather than the outsiders. However, may be its our bad luck or the color of our eyes, Ato Meles never listened to us, his people, for the last 14 years. In his letter to the Ethiopian Herald, Ato Meles tried so hard to divert the idea of the statement into completely different direction. And he made his own weird conclusion as usual: “In summary, the EU-EOM states (i) that the complaints mechanism was a good mechanism given the tense environment (ii) that the investigations were in general carried out according to the procedures (iii) that the opposition parties did not present substantial evidence and their witnesses were inconsistent and (iv) that the EPRDF substantiated and argued its case, well. These are facts with which I am in full agreement.” But what I have expected from him was defending the action of his lieutenants (NEBE officials) and the notorious AGEAZI army. One cannot deny that the EU EOM report is based on Article 25 of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) of 1966, ratified by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. This article states: Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions: (a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives; (b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections, which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free _expression of the will of the electors; (c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country. As the EU EOM statement summarize this principle, the standard is: periodic elections; universal and equal suffrage; right to stand for public office; right to vote; secret ballot; genuine elections allowing for the free _expression of the will of the people. So does this election meet this standard? 72 million people and the whole world said big NO, and whether he li8kes it or not, he should learn to swallow it. Or as the letter written to Ato Meles by the United States Congress on June 20, 2005 expressed it: The apparent election of so many opposition candidates obviously is a bitter disappointment to the ruling coalition. However, it is a demonstration of the increasing transparency and openness of Ethiopia’s democratic process and should be accepted by the ruling coalition as such. Lets see first this controversial election against the International Standard set by ICCPR.
The use of administrative obstacles to gatherings or rallies of the opposition by some local authorities. Intimidation of political opponents by public officials, most often by some kebele administrators and militias (e.g. making peasants to sign a commitment to vote EPRDF, threats of land dispossession or deprivation of free ration, dismissal of students). Disruption of rallies of opposition parties by militia and people allegedly related to the EPRDF; with shots fired and people beaten. More than 300 cases have been reported of opposition activists being beaten, by comparison with only a few relating to EPRDF activists. Detention, often for short time, of opposition activists on several grounds, usually related to campaign activities (e.g. the tearing down of posters, campaigning in prohibited places). The week before election day, spot reports from our observers –based on complaints filed mainly by CUD, UEDF, ONC (member of UEDF), and OFDM as well as on direct account from our observers – showed that violent threats and actions as well as imprisonment against opposition members and supporters had increased in particular in East and West Wolega (Oromiya region); East Gojam, South and North Welo (Amhara Region); Afar region; North and West Shewa and Jima (Oromiya); Konzo special zone, Sidama and Hadiya (SNNPR); and the city of Addis Ababa. Several hundreds of opposition supporters arrested or missing (80 reported in Ankober constituency) on alleged public disturbances at the occasion of rallies and other campaign activities. In conclusion this election has failed to meet this standard. Right to stand for public office: With out further explaining this point, the killing of the UDEF candidate in Arsi can prove that this election doesn’t meet this standard. Detention, killing harassment of opposition candidates and their supporters were widely exercised. Leaders of the opposition were kept under house arrest. UDEF’s proposed candidate Ato Aregawi Berhe was systematically banned to come to his country to run for this election.
The frivolous letter of the PM and the propaganda launched by the state media tried to question the credibility of the international observers. The facts and figures show the opposite. It is sad to have a regime, which believes on creating a theater in the cost of the lives millions of citizens. It’s sad to learn we have a regime, which doesn’t care about the benefits of the country, its stability and prosperity. The PM said on his letter to congress :” WE embarked the process of democratic reform in our country not to please or displease anyone, but because we are convinced that there can be neither stability nor prosperity without democracy in Ethiopia.” Since he tried to deprive us this democracy, he chose to see the instability and poverty of our country rather than a stable, democratic and prosperous Ethiopia. Instead of excavating big lumps of truth from what he called”garbage”, the EU EOM preliminary statement, he tried to burry those big lumps of truth in lots of garbage. However, no matter how hard he tried by his acrobatic expressions and twisted words, he failed to hide his failure to lead this country democratically. That’s why all his officials these days are busy in helping him to destroy and cease the existence of Ethiopia as a Nation. By dispersing hatred among people, trying to ignite a dangerous racial plague between brothers. What Ato Tefera Walwa and Ato bereket Simon are doing in Sidama Zone is a clear example. In conclusion, the May election failed to meet the International standard in any case, and the effort made by EPRDF officials and the PM is a foul cry. The regime is fooling no body but itself. If they don’t want to accept the verdict of the people and continue on trying to destabilize the country, well they will face justice sooner or later. So my advice to these people is WAKE UP. ETHIOMEDIA.COM – ETHIOPIA’S PREMIER NEWS AND VIEWS WEBSITE © COPYRIGHT 20001-2003 ETHIOMEDIA.COM. EMAIL: [email protected] |