
Here we go again; what we see is what we get

In TPLF’S code of rule, however, there is always an ultimatum that says either one has to adopt a one party democracy to survive or leave the state high and dry. What we see is what we get.

To date, neither we expect a change of heart from TPLF/EPRDF nor we look forward to see them modifying their method to Coe-exist with the oppositions in order to go well with the newly prevailing situation intended to save the nationhood of Ethiopia from further distraction. Why? For sure, one would say that aside the animosity WOYANES have for AMHARAS, they also tend to have such a deep-seated hatred for the Ethiopian nation state as a whole. To that end, we in no doubt can tell where their method of distraction has began and what purpose it is serving ever since their ethnocentric dictatorial regime came into being. Nothing is further from the truth.

Once again one must say that it is a method of distraction so long as their plan of action is remained to be dismissal of anything Ethiopian and so long as is bound to be limited within the boundary of ethnicity in order to limit and undermine everything Ethiopian too. Moreover, so long as their ideology is designed under the guideline of ethnocentric cannon of scripture to run a one party state project, which is consistent to their code of rule at all times, one cannot expect a change of heart or anything of that nature from TPLF. It is democratic centralism (ABYOTAWI DEMOCRACY) in which WOYANES continue to insist on in order to satisfy their lust of power and monopoly of coercive force.

To that effect, the politburo is still in control of every financial resource, top political positions and the entire military and governmental bureaucracies in the country to subdue and block the movement of all genuine oppositions not to operate freely in their own native soil. That is the fact.

In TPLF’S code of rule, however, there is always an ultimatum that says either one has to adopt a one party democracy to survive or leave the state high and dry. Which is why Ethiopians prefer to have their own ultimatum to run their political affairs, which is to topple TPLF/EPRDF’S regime if possible peacefully if rejected by the use of force. All Ethiopians have to resolutely refuse and shall continue to do so not to comply with TPLF’S partisan rule that gives wrong impression about sovereignty and confuses terrains with territory to begin with. After all, it is a game designed to satisfy TPLF’S ethnocentric regime. It is a threat of punishment for all Ethiopians if you will and
hassling all the genuine oppositions and compatriots not to have an access to a free and fair election is even a more serious offense ever committed by TPLF and cadres. So it is useless for one to keep on speculating on this negative development alone and yet waiting for any miracle possible from TPLF/EPRDF.

After all, “Democratic Centralism” is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the politburo in general and in the secretary general of the party in particular. So the hallmark of such totalitarian system is an elaborated ideology, in WOYANES’S case an ethnocentric set of ideas that does not give any meaning and direction none other than to themselves and traitors would not serve Ethiopia’s cause at any rate. By no means, this very self-styled institute of ideology upon which all the WOYANES accept as true to practice in Ethiopia is clashing with every bit of Ethiopian traditional and sentimental value. The reason being that this institute of ideology admixed with tribalism clashes with every bit of our sentimental value and believes is because of its shortfalls it suffers from the birth. In essence it is bound to be a one-dimensional view rooted from a one distinct social perspective, which in effect has nothing in common with the rest of our conventional wisdom. In other words, the doctrine of TPLF neglects the strength of traditional values associated with Ethiopians’ emotional attachments to their history, legend and unity.

So, since such an elaborated ideology is bound to be one-dimensional view it doesn’t take a genius for one to determine how much unsafe it can be to diverse views of any given society. So long as their doctrine is not deeply rooted in our traditional creed and custom one would not expect to see them coming with symbols reflecting our deep-seated emotions often expressed through our flag, slogan, oaths, national anthems and other symbols as well. As it happens, neither we the majority Ethiopians believe that this very narrowly elaborated ideology could provide us with an alternative to our diverse views nor gives any spaces to any other political thinkers to argue in an effort to reform their political establishment at all.

Clearly though, from the outset, TPLF adopted the concept and practice of democratic centralism based on ethnocentric viewpoint, which further makes the notion of “democratic centralism” itself a lot worse than its original connotation. To ensure the control of the party over the government which in practice TPLF is in a total control of Ethiopia’s state machine, Meles as a secretary general is charged with task of transforming the material and mental condition of TPLF/EPRDF and the entire social order in order to create the ideal socialist system which he calls it in his own term (ABYOTAWI DEMOCRACY).

Unlike V.I Lenin’s Democratic Centralism, Meles’s ABYOTAWI DEMOCRACY is based on his central theme called ethnicist/racist view. So it is perceived to be a lot worse than what the original thinker V.I Lenin had to practice in the former Soviet Union. The notion of democratic centralism dealt with tribalism in Ethiopia is causing a far more destruction in which Meles is the control at all levels. And yet, he still remains firm in his stand to tear down the social fabrics of our society that bind our people together. What matters most for Meles is state power not the negative impact we feel or the danger in which all Ethiopians are suffering. He knows how much distractive his ethnocentric view is to Ethiopia and that is what he has to do to accomplish his anti Ethiopia mission. Anyhow, does he care how much unfolding his game plan may become to Ethiopia?

Apparently, Meles’s ethnic based democratic centralism lacks the substance that V.I Lenin had to practice in order to drive and justify his legitimacy in the former Soviet Union. But since Mele’s TPLF and affiliates bear no such high moral aim they have got to depend on their heavy hand and yes they are continuing to employ an excessive force in an effort to defend and justify their totalitarian system in Ethiopia to this very movement.

Their goal is sought under the leadership of elite group carefully crafted by individuals to serve their narrow purpose, which exercises national sovereignty in the name of one ethnic group namely Tigregna speakers. So, TPLF/EPLF in turn are led by the politburo (political bureau), a small group that selects its secretary general. Prime minister Meles Zenawi is a secretary general and is the one who holds all the reins of party and government power in Ethiopia as today.

As is required by Democratic centralist system, Meles’s ABYOTAWI DEMOCRACY is marked by such an overlap of both local and national governments. The very system in place is primarily designed to feed the elite; the elite sitting on the top of everything including but not limited above the constitution, the legislature and the judicial system of the nation as a whole. After all, it is a one party state that we are talking about here. The secretary general of the party can and often does serve as prime Minster of government, which Meles is in effect doing it fitting into that category. Many politburo members are also members of the cabinet. As they are part and parcel of the legislature they are also members of their handmade coalition or their associated organizations. Practically, all policy debate originates and is settled within the politburo way before passing it around or disseminated for public consumption. Shortly before Decisions are made are referred to the central committee of the party and to the legislature for approval. The function of these unauthentic groups is not to debate or amend the decisions once made by the politburo but to demonstrate the obvious correctness of the decisions. So they approve the decisions once passed by the politburo unanimously. This is the extent of so called democratic process we see in Meles Zenawi’s ABYOTAWI Ethiopia today.

In practice, both TPLF/EPRDF and their handmade parliament contain a variety of special interest to cook in the nation of Ethiopia as a whole. The politburo at the top is in control of several industries, agriculture, military, police and all subjects to be precise the assigned chiefs to keep their respective ethnic groups in check all across the nation. On the other hand, it is a foregone conclusion that the secretary general manages and totally dominates the politburo; he has every right even an ultimate power to arrive at decisions with little or no consultations.

In the ideal form of what WOYANES ABYOTAWI DEMOCRACY, TPLF is the ruling party that permits no competing institutions or success of independent power in Ethiopian political landscape at all. To prevent any development of such sort, it has already its own line of defense in place. An elaborate network of security apparatus, including but not limited police surveillance and informers are throughout Ethiopia ready to step in anytime to distract such developments. Besides, it is obvious that TPLF/EPRDF also inhibits the development of independent power by placing loyal party members in all-important positions of all institutions n the country.

In their establishment, free and fair election is unthinkable. Unthinkable, because if one is nominated is nominated and approved by the politburo itself the entire candidates for political offices are approved by none other than Meles. Every active members of TPLF through out of their own chain of command manage all publications and other sources of information and opinions. Every military unit has a political officer, a party member that is to monitor every movement of its own unit. Every key economic sector factory, trade union, and major retailer has a member as employee in key positions. The entire system is designed ostensibly to make sure that all elements of society are working properly to fulfill the goals laid down by the party leadership. In practice nothing escaped the party control.

In conclusion, given that that my chain of reasoning is true, how is it possible to hold a free and fair election in Ethiopia today? And I want anybody to tell me as to how the oppositions could gain access to the process of this election while we know for fact that the clique in power has such an elaborated and embellished political establishment in today’s Ethiopia?

Here we go again; what we see is what we get.

The struggle continues!

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