Dr. Merera Gudina briefs Ethiopians in California

He shared encouraging news about the supports the oppositions are getting from the Ethiopian public at large. There were video presentation on UEDF tours to Ambo, Bahr Dar, Jimma, and Dessie to rally public support for the upcoming election. The video showed thousands of Ethiopians who attended meetings organized by UEDF in various cities were jubilant in their receptions of UEDF representatives. Public defiance against the regime was evident in the video presentation.

Dr. Merera told the gathering that in its desperate effort to win the election, EPRDF was using every means at its disposal to sway the public in its favor. While denying the Ethiopian youth their democratic and fundamental rights to participate in the election, Dr. Merara said the regime has registered its military and security forces to participate in the lection. He pointed out that the main reason behind registering security forces for the election was for deception purposes. He gave an example of how security forces registered to vote in Ambo in the morning would be transferred to vote in Addis or another areas in the afternoon.

According to Dr. Merera, this arrangement would enable EPRDF to field security forces to vote in many places. Dr. Merera warned that considering the level of defiance of the Ethiopian public against the regime, EPRDF would bear the ultimate responsibility for civil unrest should there be any irregularity in the election process. He said the opposition will not be responsible if the Ethiopian people take matters in their own hands and things got out of control. He pointed out that unless the regime came to its senses to avoid illegal activities, the situation is fluid for public uprising, specially with the youth group. If and when EPRDF tries to win in this election by any other means than democratic process, what the world witnessed in Ukraine and other parts of the world could potentially be repeated in Ethiopia. He warned that the regime is well advised not to alienate the Ethiopian public to make matters out of control.

At the conclusion his presentation Dr. Merera stressed the importance of financial, material and moral support to the oppositions from Ethiopians living in North America and Europe. If Ethiopians at home are willing to pay the ultimate price in their struggle with the EPRDF, those of us living abroad have moral responsibility to provide financial support. Dr. Merera said that in the past Kebele officials were providing free service. Now the regime is paying them salary to buy their loyalty and support during the upcoming election. Dr. Merera further pointed out that the regime had refused to entertain the demands of the opposition that the election board be neutral and transparent. Since the regime had long lost the public trust, every tricks and mischief are being played by TPLF to win the election. In a free and fair election, Dr. Merera said, leave alone a human being a dog will beat EPRDF at the ballot box.

There was a Q&A session during which time Dr. Merera gave answers to questions raised from Ethiopians who came to the meeting. Some of the Ethiopians pledged to provide financial as well as material support. All in all it was one of the best and well coordinated meetings held in San Jose. Dr. Merera showed political maturity and articulated his points. He played down minor differences between UEDF, CUD and others and in stead emphasized the positives and some of the working relationship they have. The opinions of Ethiopians who came to the gathering were positive. Most of them said that they were encouraged by the activities of the opposition and promised to support in any way they could.

At the end of the meeting Dr. Merera participated in a teleconference of UEDF support group in U.S. and Canada and updated the group about the activities at home.

UEDF Support Group and Ethiopian Discussion Forum in the Bay Area

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