Ethiopian Interests By Balager
We have taken part of the title from USAID/Ethiopia: Rural Ethiopia today is determined more than ever Together with this powerful political development in CUD has the full support and active participation of In spite of its highly limited resources and the Today, CUD EPRDF’s recent single-handed blocking of CUD from What was still laughable was that EPRDF had demanded CUD had tried to protect the dignity and democratic Why did EPRDF fail to garner support in the debate Actually, EPRDF will always continue to be hopeless Another important coalition is the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces ( UEDF), Thus, disregarding the many small parties that have Hence, To advance the cause of free and fair elections, we “The Regional In response to the current the emergency rights and the rule of law, and the evolution of a federal system essential elements of the and governance There are two more priorities, but we have no We appreciate that regional A democratic electoral process provides the As the distinguished and world-renowned Yale Indeed, A nation with a glorious history of such Democracy has to be placed center stage so that Another prominent example of rent-seeking by EPRDF Democratic elections are all about: (1) universal The current electoral law is implemented by an The current electoral law, even with its partisan Indeed, some 400 voters have just been discovered in The freedom to form parties exists, with All legislative seats are not contestable on equal It is also equally incredible that the National The current political campaigns are far from fair EPRDF has organized the youth and women all over the EPRDF-instigated violence was the rule rather than A crucial element in the electoral process is the During the elections in 1995, 2000, 2001 and 2004, The last In all past elections, ballot papers were either Hence, no competing parties and the private press Essentially the same law of 1995 is in use today in Consequently, the Ethiopian electoral system suffers Hence, the The US Government can make an invaluable |