“Quite repugnant!”

Letter To The Editor

June 9, 2006

Dear Editor,

As a regular visitor and occasional contributor to your informative and so far adept website, I found the article on June 8, entitled “ETC CEO fired, what now?” by Ewnetu Tessema particularly distasteful.

I have no issues, knowledge or opinion on the essence of the subject matter the writer attempts to deal with in the article. However, I found his glaringly viscious personal attacks on a seemingly apolitical individual, all sorts of utterly unsubstantiated allegations including serious theft and above all his choice of verbiage quite repugnant.

I was astonished to see several outright vulgar and repulsive statments in the article including references to “…soulless prick” among others, published in your website.

There may be merit to the essence of the allegations made by the wiriter and his opinions on the issue, but his type of vulgar hyperbole should have no place in your respected website, in my humble opinion.

I don’t need to tell you that ethiomedia has for sometime been and hopefully will continue to be the leading and choice website not only for regular folk, but a wide range of professionals, individuals as well as insitutions who seek to obtain or provide opinions and articles on serious ethio related matters.

I have no doubt your editorial policy is widely accomodating and I also do not discount the difficult task of balancing free speech with decorum and public sensibilities. Still, I feel that publishing such outright presonal attacks with an unprecdented level of repulsive verbiage is not very helpful to the continuing readership of your website – to say the least.

My apologies if I sounded unintendedly high minded here. I just thought, as a dedicated reader and occasional contributor to your website, it would be remiss of me to not suggest a bit more circumspection on such articles.


Stay Focused!

Dear editor,

I would not be wrong if I say your site is the most visited ethiopian
site; but you should know that we do not need it as a window to the world,
but as a mjor window to see Ethiopia. Focus only on ethiopian news and views.


EMAIL: [email protected]