Colonel Kassaye Kifle (1943 – 2009)

Family & Friends

| July 25, 2009

Colonel Kassaye Kifle
Col. Kassaye Kifle

Colonel Kassaye Kifle died on July 14, 2009 in Nashville, Tennessee at St. Thomas Hospital.

On July 17, 2009, friends and family got together at Debre Keranio Medhanialem Ethiopian Orthodox Church service in Nashville. His remains were transported to Ethiopia on Wednesday July 22nd.

Many who had served in the Ethiopian Armed Forces as officers (1965 – 1991) remember him as a leader who served his country honorably. Over the years his training took him to the United States where he trained as aviator, aviation commander course in the Soviet Union and Ethiopian Air Force Command Staff College. His exploits are many. He was among the handful officers that made the services rendered by Army Aviation Unit so unique among Ethiopian Ground Forces.

He was Assault Helicopter Team Leader where he was awarded one of the highest order medals for bravery. His personal contribution continued when he trained pilots in the Ethiopian Airlines.

Colonel Kassaye is survived by his wife, two children and two grand children. Colonel Kassaye’s funeral service was held at Debre Libanos Monastery today July 25, 2009.

የኮለኔል ካሳዬ ክፍሌ አጭር የህይወት ታሪክ

ኮሎኔል ካሣዬ ክፍሌ ከእናታቸው ከወይዘሮ ደመቀች አስፋውና ከአባታቸው ከአቶ ክፍሌ ደስታ እንደ ኢትዮጵያ አቆጣጠር በ 1935 ዓ∙ም∙ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ተወለዱ:: እድሜያቸው ለትምህርት ሲደርስ የ 1ኛና የ2ኛ ደረጃ ትምህርታቸውን በአዲስ አበባ ኮከበ ፅባህ ቀዳማዊ ኃይለ ሥላሴ ዩኒቨርስቲ ከገቡ በኋላ አገራቸውን ለማገልገል በፅኑ ወዳመኑበት ሀረር ጦር አካዳሚ በመግባት ከፍተኛ የውትድርና ትምህርት ቀስመዋል:: ኮሎኔል ካሣዬ ክፍሌ ከሀረር ጦር አካዳሚ ከተመረቁ በኋላ በአርሚ አቪዬሽንና በኢትዮጵያ አየር ኃይል በአውሮፕላን አብራሪነት ለረጅም አመታት አገልግለዋል:: ኮሎኔል ካሣዬ ክፍሌ በስራ ባልደረቦቻቸው ክብርና ከፍተኛ አድናቆትን ያተረፉ ከመሆናቸው ሌላ በሀገር ፍቅር ስሜታቸውና በቆራጥነታቸው እጅግ ተወዳጅ ነበሩ :: ኮሎኔል ካሣዬ ክፍሌ ከባለቤታቸው ከወይዘሮ ዘሪቱ ዘውገ በሰላምና በፍቅር ለ 27 ዓመታት በጋብቻ ፀንተው የኖሩ ሲሆን ሁለት ልጆች አፍርተዋል:: ኮሎኔል ካሣዬ ክፍሌ ባደረባቸው ፅኑ ህመም በህክምና ሲረዱ ከቆዩ በኋላ በናሽቪል ከተማ ሴንት ቶማስ ሆስፒታል እንደ ኢትዮጵያ አቆጣጠር ሐምሌ 7 ቀን 2001 ዓ∙ም∙ ከዚህ አለም በሞት ተለይተዋል ::

አስከሬናቸው ወደ ውድ አገራቸው የተላከ ሲሆን በዛሬው እለት እንደ ኢትዮጵያ አቆጣጠር ሐምሌ 18 ቀን 2001 ዓ∙ም∙ የቀብር ስነስርዓታቸው በኢትዮጵያ የደብረ ሊባኖስ ገዳም ይፈፀማል:: ቸሩ ኣምላክ የኚህን ጀግና የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ ነብስ ከፃድቃን መካከል እንዲያኖራት የሁላችንም ፀሎት ነው :: – An African-American news and views website.
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