On The Issue of Gibe III

Readers | September 11, 2010

Dear Editors,

On Gelgel gebe 3, in my opinion, you are on the wrong side of the court on this occasion. I wholeheartedly agree with Assegid. The development of Gilgel Gibe 3, in one way or another, is a benefit to Ethiopia. It is an opportunity for further development and, given the right policy; it will be a source of wealth for other projects on other resources such as Nile. The benefits from it, in my opinion will outweigh any perceived or non-perceived opportunity costs that a successful implementation of the project might entail.

You do not need me to remind you that Ethiopia has been in the dark for this long while its water resources including millions of cubic feet of eroded fertile soil from Nile is feeding the Economies of Sudan and Egypt every year.

Now credit to this government, for the first time in its history, Ethiopia is claiming its equal share of the Nile resource, without affecting the countries downstream, not in words but in practice. What is wrong with this? Isn’t it a national interest that we should all support? Supporting this will not make us an ally to the current government or make us to contribute to the prolongation of its tenure in power. Far from it, it will make us more united and show the whole world including our enemies that despite our differences, when it comes to our national interest, we are all united. It will make us more united than ever. It will sprinkle dynamism in our struggle to bring one, and united democratic Ethiopia, rather than serve as an instrument for those who are more determined than ever to see a weak and dismantled Ethiopia. Above all it we will earn us the support of our people, who despite all problems, will stand as one and be united when it comes to guarding Ethiopia’s interest against foreign invaders and aggressors.

No matter how debatable the way the project is implemented, it is not and should not be a subject of argument against the government by siding with those who have their own interest at their heart and do whatever they can to make Ethiopia remain a divided, dismantled and weak country with its impoverished ever growing population live on handouts of the west forever. It is humiliating to say the least. You can still fight the current government while at the same time unequivocal standing by the National interest of Ethiopia. Thinking otherwise, in my book will only make you an instrument for those who promote all they can to weaken Ethiopia.

When it comes to Ethiopia’s National interest we should and must raise our voices and stand by the interest of the Country as one. At least from what I see and observe, on this issue, it looks like the current government is doing much better than you lot who think that you are struggling for better Ethiopia. What better Ethiopia are you trying to build when the Ethiopia as we know it is being slowly dismantled by its own mercenaries in the name of OLF and ONLF?
It is not hard to figure it out that most of the havocs in Ethiopia are directly or indirectly micro managed and directed from Cairo. There is plenty of evidence that one can dig from contemporary history that flags the determination of Egyptians to control the source of Nile, by all means including the establishment of their jungle trained army that will invade Ethiopia if all their plans fail to weaken it. We Ethiopians are making their task easier by fighting each other. All they need is to support any movement that will result in the dismantling of Ethiopia, in addition to their dirty game of blackmailing Ethiopia using their international status whenever and wherever they can.

I know the internal dynamics of Ethiopia is much more complex and requires our full dedication and struggle to do more to bring about a democratic and prospers country that all nations and nationalities live in harmony with full individual rights respected and implemented without any restriction. Nothing is insurmountable and, I strongly believe that sooner or later, we will triumph. In the mean time we must clearly distinguish between the national interest and the government that is another obstacle to our effort to further develop Ethiopia both economically and politically.

For the record I utterly oppose the current government’s records on human rights and the ethno-centric polices that it pursues and I will fight it to the end without sacrificing or compromising Ethiopia’s national interest for an iota of second. I opposed and still oppose the policy that the current government adopted to secede Eritrea without due consideration for Assab or sea port outlet… ignoring all Ethiopia’s entitlement and historical right to access to the sea. Even if those in power or at least some of them are non Ethiopians (Eritreans) as you want us to believe, I would not go about attacking our national interest by siding with those whose dream is the demise of Ethiopia. This does not make sense to me. Does this make sense to you? On the contrary, I believe siding with the interest of others at the expense of Ethiopia’s interest, at least by refraining from commenting on articles that contains propaganda against the national interest of Ethiopia, will make you more ‘non-Ethiopian’ Ethiopians than the government is.

Member Desta

On Gibe III

Dear EthioMedia Editor,

I have looked into your argument against Dr. Assegid’s complaint about your failure to protect Ethiopia’s interest as an editor by commenting on anything written by foreigners pertaining to Blue Nile River. I want to be honest with you, you did not argue well. It is actually against what you believe unless you want to tell me you have changed positions. It is my understanding that you do not support using Shaabia to fight Meles, fighting evil with evil and out of that nothing good can come out as it is contrary to nature. Rather fighting evil with evil multiplies evil. Thank you for holding that position unless you tell me, I have misconstrued you.

I agree with you that the BANDA at Meniliks palace is not at loggerheads with Egypt and Sudan as is the case with Shaabia, a position you and I share. However, how do we justify that siding Survival International in support of Egypt and Sudan is morally and strategically right in the effort to fight Meles? I feel that we are duplicating Meles here and in fact we are not any different from him. I may even conclude that we are joining hands with the enemy within. We must not forget that in our attempts to fight the enemy within, we should not do things that will have bad consequences to our nation in the feature. The fact that Ethiopia has the right to build dams should never be compromised because of the fact that building dams at this time is becoming a lucrative business for the Kleptocrats in power.

Happy New Year for Ethiopia and Ethiopians!

Mezgebe Berhe,

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