TPLF/EPRDF has failed to lead! Disturbing the peace cannot hide this gross weakness
All Ethiopia Unity Party (AEUP)
March 27, 2004
An all-embracing crisis is unfolding in Ethiopia today that is detrimental to our very survival and to our national security. Terror and fear reign in all of the regions of the country. This pathetic state of the situation is happening because of the EPRDF/TPLF practice of settling emerging issues of whatever nature by force rather than through democratic procedures. The 13-year old, uneventful EPRDF/TPLF ruling shows that it is inimical to settling issues of national character through participatory dialogue and negotiation.

EPRDF/TPLF has been inimical not only to democratic values but also to the truths that the Ethiopian people have lived together in peace and harmony for ages. That they have shared social values that they jealously protect today. That they are owners of diverse cultures from which they draw strengths. That their long history has indeed been a shared history that took them to many good and bad times. That they would like to preserve their unity and shared values to bring about democracy to their country. The EPRDF/TPLF government from the first day of its rule has been relentless to undermining the unity of the Ethiopian people through its misguided tribal policies and actions. The ethnic-based unrest rampant in the country at present is the inevitable result of EPRDF/TPLF complete disregard for Ethiopia’s unity in democracy and the well being of its people.

There can be no doubt in the mind of anyone that the ongoing student unrest in the schools and colleges around Oromiya is attributable to the lack of democracy in the country, and to the now too obvious divide-and-rule tactics of the ruling party. Since EPRDF/TPLF considers it against its interest for the students of the higher institutions of learning across the country to have a common vision and an agreed Ethiopian agenda, it wanted to try out its sinister objective with the Oromo students at the Addis Ababa University. Expectedly, the move backfired, and the government is now treating the Oromo students around the country with its traditionally dictatorial way of meting out justice. It holds in custody a large number of students. An equally large number of students have been dismissed with no chance for re-admission. These diabolical actions of EPRDF/TPLF have angered people in all corners of Ethiopia and beyond. Colleges and universities have no academic freedom in Ethiopia. The lack of it understandably leads students to wage a struggle to obtain their democratic rights. This has happened at Bahirdar and Addis Ababa Universities and in colleges at Jima and elsewhere. It is happening right now at Ambo, Alemaya and in other colleges as well. So far, government opted for confrontation rather than dialogue and addressing the root causes of students’ grievances.

The confrontational tendencies of EPRDF/TPLF are leading the country into chaos and turmoil. It is ironic to see that the government, whose main responsibility is to ensure that the laws of the country are obeyed, puts itself above the laws and manipulates them against the long-term interest of the people and the country. Lack of security and political persecution has become the order of the day in every nook of the country. People everywhere, in every trade are wary of their future and the fate of their country. They are seriously questioning whether EPRDF/TPLF is interested at all in a peaceful transition to a democratic rule. EPRDF/TPLF seems to be detracting its rivals from the pursuit of political change through a peaceful struggle. It is openly inviting them to consider all other options to bring about meaningful democracy in the country. All Ethiopian Unity Party considers the EPRDF\TPLF indiscriminate arrest, jailing, and dismissal of students and other utterly inhuman acts against them including loss of human lives as a design to embitter the Ethiopian people and make them question their national identity.

We believe that the peaceful struggle to unseat EPRDF/TPLF from power is gaining strength and recognition from day to day. This seems to have scared the ruling party, and it is doing everything in its power to arrest the peaceful transition to democracy in Ethiopia, including creating a palpable environment to plunge the country into a military rule. It is bent on spreading and promoting fear, uncertainty and insecurity among the people. Events in Gambella over the last few months are living evidence in this direction. We would like to remind the government that it is very dangerous to resolve cases by force. We also hold EPRDF/TPLF accountable for the failure to settle for good the Gambella problem responsibly and democratically and for its lack of concern to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes perpetrated. All Ethiopia Unity Party takes this opportunity to express its deep sorrow for those innocent citizens who have been massacred unjustly.

It is clear that the source of the conflict in Gambella that claimed the lives of the hundreds and sent thousands of others into exile is the tribal policy of the government in power. The tribal policy had already caused similar conflicts between the Oromos and Somalis, Afars and Isas, Oromos and Gedeos, Wolaitas and Sidamas, Agnuaks and Nuers, Wolaitas and Gamos, Surmas and Dizis, Shekas and Mejeghers …As a result many lives had been lost and million and millions Birr worth of properties were damaged. EPRDF/TPLF considers its tribal policy the cornerstone of its government strategies and programs, and yet it is so divisive that we think it is leading our people to massacre and our country to destruction.

Although All Ethiopia Unity Party (AEUP) is operating peacefully throughout the country with the aim of saving the people from massacre and the country from destruction, the EPRDF/TPLF government is perturbing and obstructing our work and that of our members in diverse ways. For example, in Gojam the CIF roofs of peasants’ houses of those labeled AEUP members and supporters have been dismantled and taken away by government militia and officials on the pretext that they did not settle their fertilizer loans. These peasants and members of their families are exposed to vagaries of weather that in turn exposes them to contract various types of diseases. AEUP members in other locations in Wolaita, Sidama, Bale/Dodola, Nekemte, North Shoa and Wollo have been subjected to imprisonment, death, confiscation of properties, and other humiliating abuses. Some have been shot at and their houses set on fire in the middle of the night. All this is being done to frighten the people and distance them from the peaceful struggle and make them submit to the dictatorial rule of EPRDF/TPLF. Nevertheless, our people who find themselves in multi-faceted economic, social and political problems show incredible resilience to the cowardly acts of EPRDF/TPLF. On the contrary, the more they are obstructed and suppressed, the more they get embittered, the more they want change, and the more they get prepared for a further struggle.

EPRDF/TPLF fears nothing more than it fears people getting organized and operate on democratic principles. Therefore, democratically set up civil society organizations are in the eyes of the ruling party like the sword of Damocles. Such institutions are its targets for its destructive retaliation. It is common knowledge that it forced the Confederation of the Ethiopian Labor Union to go into exile. Likewise it caused the leaders of the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association to go into exile, to be assassinated, and to be imprisoned on fabricated charges. Following a long lasting court litigation, the Senior Ethiopian Teaches’ Association came out victorious and the ban on its office premises and finance was subsequently lifted. EPRDF/TPLF appealed in an attempt to reverse the court decision. It is our hope that justice would once again prevail. Another civic association that fell victim to EPRDF/TPLF suppression is the Ethiopian Private [Free Press] Journalists’ Association. It has been banned illegally after it obtained a legal recognition following a bitter struggle with the bureaucracy.

Yet again attempts are being made to frighten off the members of the business community through coining unconvincing and lame excuses. The recent steps taken on the president of the Addis Ababa and Ethiopia Chambers of Commerce and other businessmen as well as business establishments is one feature of EPRDF/TPLF oppression. The ruling party is intimidating the private sector on purpose. It is only this way that it can effectively protect its own companies operating in all sectors of the economy against competition. This seems to be the ruling party’s understanding of the context of market-led economic management.

The EPRDF/TPLF companies have extended their operation to the rural communities. They enjoy monopolistic status in the supply of agricultural inputs like fertilizers, improved seeds and chemicals to the peasants. Competition from the private sector is stifled through government input credit policy and other mechanisms. This allows the party companies to harbor inefficiency and increase the cost of the inputs to poor and helpless peasants in the process aggravating the indebtedness of small farmers. On another front, the ruling party that had previously condemned the Derg resettlement program on grounds of being undemocratic and insensitive to individual rights is now saying that resettlement is one of the most viable options to attain food security nationally and at the household level. Although resettlement based on the expressed willingness of the participating farmers is supportive, it is very sad to observe that the government is implementing resettlement, just like that of the Derg’s, in violation of democratic and human rights of the families involved in the program.

In urban areas unemployment is frighteningly high and increasing. The youths are losing hope of ever finding jobs; they are losing confidence in themselves too. They are succumbing to dangerous practices including the use of drugs. They have become the main victims of HIV/AIDS. Instead of reducing unemployment, taking measures to help the youths to acquire marketable skills, and encouraging domestic and foreign investment in the effort to create jobs, the EPRDF/TPLF government is engaged in never-stopping retrenchment programs. It is laying off a large number of employees, often more qualified ones, in a partisan manner thereby adding to the army of the jobless. On top of that, the ruling party has recently issued out a proclamation providing for the handling of “High Security Risk Group” of the unemployed. The proclamation gives the law enforcing agencies a sweeping power to arrest anyone they thing is security risk. We think the proclamation is nothing but another EPRDF/TPLF instrument to intimidate Ethiopians opposed to its harsh ruling.

As a whole, a group that has no national vision is ruling our country. It is thus heading us towards doom. Our people’s feeling of Ethiopianness and their culture of peaceful co-existence are being undermined; they are being led towards social strife. Untold oppression and injustice are being perpetrated under the cover of maintaining peace and stability. Our people are being forced to go into exile. The ruling party, following the adage,”Après moi le deluge”, is preparing us for the inevitable destruction.

That is why our people should defy the divide-and-rule policy of the powers to be, should stand united, and continue the peaceful struggle to overthrow the dictatorial rule of the EPRDF/TPLF government, and establish a democratic regime in its place. The opposition forces, too, should ascertain in action that they stand for the people’s unity. Ethiopian intellectuals, too, are expected to play their proper role in an organized manner, fully aware of the complex problems of our country. Likewise, citizens who have stood by the ruling party, knowingly or unknowingly, should realize the precarious situation our country finds itself in, and takes a constructive stand; they have a historical responsibility to do so. In particular, members of the armed forces and the police are expected to be very careful not to become instrumental to the illegal steps being taken by the ruling party. They should realize, on the contrary, that they have the trust of the people to maintain the territorial integrity of the country and the security of the people; they should, in this regard, show that they are on the side of the people. The Diaspora, on their part, is expected to follow closely the concrete situation of our country and the peaceful struggle that is being waged; they should give support to the struggle and make diplomatic and lobbying efforts. Ethiopia’s development partners and donors should see to it that their support properly and effectively addresses the people’s and the country’s democratic needs and aspirations. All Ethiopia Unity Party calls upon these forces to exert maximum pressure possible on the ruling party so that the country may not be dismantled by the forces of division, so that it may not fall under the hands of military dictators, and so that a peaceful transition of political power may be effected.

Finally, All Ethiopia Unity Party suggests the following:

  • Investigation of the massacre carried out in Gambella by an independent body and taking legal measures against those who perpetrated the crimes.
  • Putting an end to the suppression by force of the issues the students raise regarding their rights, and solving the problems in a peaceful manner.
  • Putting an end to the disturbance, terrorizing and disruption of the life of the people who are striving hard to carry on their day to day affairs in all parts of the country.
  • Putting a stoppage to the imprisonment and harassment of peasants with the excuse of making them pay their debt of fertilizer they bought from business establishments of the ruling party.
  • Putting a stoppage to the imprisonment, assassination, harassment, and confiscation and destruction of properties of the members of opposition parties, especially those of All Ethiopia Unity Party.
  • Putting an end to the pressure enforced on the members of the business community, professional associations and their leaders.
  • In general, preparing a conducive atmosphere for a free and fair election next year, and a peaceful transfer of political power, so that our people may be spared mass killings and save the country from destruction.

Our people should carry out a relentless struggle to put pressure on the government so that the above proposals may be effected.

An Organized Popular Struggle Triumphs!
All Ethiopia Unity Party
March 22, 2004

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