COMMENTARY The Hague Court’s Verdict…Unjust and Detrimental To Irob Community September 13, 2002
“Injustice anywhere When Justice Is Abused The purpose of this article is to Justice, in order to be fair and right, In order to illustrate the nature of Let’s look at the divinely inspired a) Solomon’s Prayer and Request (1 Kings 3:7-11): 7. Now, Yahweh my God, you 10. It pleased In this biblical passage, we see that b) Two Disputing Mothers and the Judgement of Solomon (1 Kings 3:16-28): 16. Later two 22. Then the other 24. Bring
Kings 3:29-34): 29. God gave Solomon Analytical CommentsIn this biblical passage, we see two Relevance and ImplicationsIs there any relevance between this Despite the bloody sacrifice of tens of The Irobs in Diaspora have petitioned Where Justice Is Misconstrued, There In the New Jerusalem Bible, according 1. Then he (Jesus) In this parable, we see the human and God Is Full of Justice: When and In the above parable, God is The Irob people’s cry for justice The Hypocrisy of Pontius Pilate’s