Nation busy discussing AEUP’s Party Program

By Member Reporter
July 2, 2003

A nationwide discussion on the newly drafted Party Program and
Memorandum of
Association of the All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) went on in 16
out of Addis Ababa and on the premises of the Party Headquarters in
Addis Ababa,
Party sources reported today.

According to reports relayed to us by telephone early Monday morning
of party members, supporters, non-members and even oppositions were
engaged in
the man to man face to face discussion to come out with indisputable
indomitable program and Memorandum of Association of the Party.

“Our Program and Memorandum of Association should be clear and clean
workable to all. It should be discussed, revised and adopted by all
including the
ordinary party members and supporters,” says Hailu Shawel to a large
crowd in
Dejen, Gojam, gathered to celebrate the opening of the party branch
office for
the area. “There is nothing to hide from the ordinary citizen, member
non-member. We want you to actively participate in the nation-wide
discussion of
our program. It is only when it is feasible and acceptable to you and
conventional to all that our party program shall be effective,” Hailu

A general assembly of the All Ethiopia Union Party shall ratify the
draft most probably in July 2003 if the Central Committee finds the
conducted satisfactory. Here in Los Angeles, the draft Program and
have been received long ago in February and discussed by members and
supporters who returned them to the Head Quarter adding their views and

“The Los Angeles Chapter had already received the draft Program and
of Association of the Party and conducted a thorough discussion on each
every word, phrase and sentence of the contents. The participation was
exuberant and the views and suggestions of our members and supporters
were supreme
indeed,” says Mogus Brook, chair of the LA Chapter and member of the
committee of the North America Support Group to AEUP. “It is
democracy at
its Zenith. My first time to see a party program discussed on
nation-wide level,”
Brook smiles with satisfaction.

The draft program and Memorandum of Association shall be in our web
page soon
and a forum shall be opened for interested groups or individuals even
if they
are not members or supporters. They can even be oppositions,” Mogus
with his usual smiling face.

“We got to teach EPRDF the fervor of democracy. We want to confront
them with
pragmatic demonstration so that they learn a lesson. Our people are
of democracy and it is only we who can relinquish that thirst. We shall
let the
people speak what is in their heart, write what is in their mind. In
process of democracy we shall teach our people how to use their big
stick; the
ballot” says Zenebe Tamirat, a political militant on the go with AEUP
in Los
Angeles.” Other Chapters that completed discussion on the draft
Program and
Memorandum of Association include the Washington Chapter.

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