Diasporan Ethiopians Must Foil Meles Zenawi’s Massive Campaign of Defamation

February 12, 2003

After some years of decent harvests, rains have failed and crops have died.
Some of the poorest people on Earth are left with virtually nothing.- CBS NEWS reporter Brian Stewart writes in “Against All Odds” after visiting Ethiopia recently.


I have been informed by reliable sources that Meles’ embassy in London is
planning a massive campaign of defamation against civic and community
leaders in the United Kingdom, paying millions to foreign journalists as part
of Meles’ planned visit to Britain in late March to speak ‘on behalf of
Africa on development.’

The TPLF regime has continued to uproot the fabrics
of Ethiopian society, with violations of peoples’ basic rights a daily taken
for granted habit. There are 15 million Ethiopians on the verge of death
from hunger due to a lack of a basic necessity. The current turmoil at
Ethiopian institutions of higher learning and intimidation of free press are
piles on what is already the grave situation.

Some are trying to escape using any possible route. However, Meles has
taken a step further in establishing diaspora’s directorate to harass those
who escaped his brutal hands at home. It appears his embassies are planning
a massive diaspora hitting terror campaign using money donated by the
international community to help feed those who are starving.

This is a worrying phenomenon that we have to be ready to foil and turn the
heat on the barbaric TPLF regime and its emissaries. I shall provide further
details on TPLF’s UK campaign at the latter date. In due course, expect the
likes of fraudulent Mulugeta Aserate Kassa reappearing as concerned citizens
to front campaigns of disinformation and name-calling being monitored by Ato
Fiseha Adugna, Meles’ ambassador in London [who also was col. Mengistu’s
senior cadre], under the supervision of Mrs. Yemane Kidane. Bear in mind,
too, that a campaign by one government in the territory of another state is
a breach of international protocol and the UN’s convention on human rights.

What is very sad is that some of the agents Meles uses abroad are
individuals employed in refugee supporting positions. These mercenaries
think their identities are beyond discovery. But watch this page as events

Regards and thanks,

Tolossa Gofta Kassane

Dr. Tolossa Gofta Kassane is an Ethiopian political activist and human rights campaigner widely known among Ethiopians in the Diaspora