The Nile River is African and Ethiopia is its hub
By Aklog Birara (PhD) July 12, 2013 “ዓምላካችን ያበረከተላትን ቀዳማዊ “Watercourse States shall in Convention on the Law of the At the height of the Arab Spring in 2011, Al-Jazeera In light of the dramatic social, political and economic Egyptian political and social groups are now trying to Ironically, both Egypt and Ethiopia are America’s More than 1,400 miles upstream in Ethiopia, the Tigray People’s In June 2013, President Barack Obama of the USA visited President Obama recognizes that However, President Obama’s visit to Africa underscores In light of these and other dynamic changes in The key point here is that, in the past, it is Ethiopia Water determines life Many countries in the Horn and in North African face the The ancient dispute is about wellbeing and I concede the point that the TPLF/EPRDF government does I further suggested in the article that Ethiopian Change is not alien to Ethiopians; they have overthrown The entire article written on the Nile for Al-Jazeera more The specifics of the argument In light of recent developments and the accelerated Ensure drinking water security for their people; “the Harness their waters, irrigate their lands and feed Develop hydroelectric power and provide reliable, cheap Establish agriculture based and other industries; the Promote tourism; the eco-tourism argument Reduce water loss from evaporation; protect the Expand fish farms; the food diversification argument Improve water transport; the infrastructure argument Generate employment; improve the standard of living It is clear that Egypt and Ethiopia have similar needs Ethiopia is most likely to resort to the first three options. Unfortunately, Egyptian technical experts, intellectuals, This technical analysis which does not offer the prospect “Request stopping the construction of the Dam until The minimum requirement for the Egyptian Government Ethiopia must commit officially not to use the water Ethiopia must commit to give advance notice of future The design of the GERD must be reviewed by Egyptian These are huge and unacceptable demands by Egyptian technical My contention here is that peaceful and fair competition I should like to remind Ethiopian readers of the Dr. “Ethiopia’s Dam must be used for electric The price of electricity sold to Egypt and Sudan should Filling the waters of the Dam’s reservoir should be The operation of the hydro plant should be coordinated In comparison to the draconian recommendations of the GNB In a nutshell, this is the unchanging Egyptian position. – An African-American news and views website. Copyright 2012 Email: [email protected] |