A Proxy Campaign against Ethiopia? A Response by GERD National Panel of Experts (NPoE) EIPSA April 15, 2014 For so many years now the IRN, International River Network, this self- Apart from being amused, the NPOE so far had chosen to ignore IRN’s anti- Until now we did not find it worthwhile to get into polemics with what we It would be unconscionable for us as professional Ethiopians well versed Stage 1: Dissuade them!
True to its anti-dam creed, IRN did its best to discourage the idea of dam building
IRN, in a piece titled “A Tale of Two Dams: Comparing Ethiopia’s Grand
IRN’s message is not only that Ethiopia should not build big dams. The message is When the above tactics fail, IRN, referring to an expert (which it conveniently “Ethiopia’s Biggest Dam Oversized, Experts Say Date: Thursday, September
Again, IRN never loses opportunity to lobby for its Egyptian paymasters. Not only
In yet another alarmist piece related to GERD, IRN bemoaning “Ethiopia’s Dam
Alas, IRN has nothing factual to show, in any of the GERD plans, to substantiate Stage 2: Smear campaign
When its dissuasion tactic failed and GERD implementation proceeded on with
IRN, the all-knowing God of water resources development, is angry that Ethiopia Oh, GERD planning is too “secretive” concludes IRN. As if Egypt shared hers with GERD planning is autocratic says IRN – it was not discussed with its neighbors!
GERD planning is dismissive judges IRN – since Ethiopia will not change the Oh GERD is wasteful condemns IRN – It will evaporate 3 BMC of water annually,
Oh yes, GERD is provocative, says IRN, referring to Mohamed Allam, of all people, a
Oh yes, GERD is harmful bemoans IRN, because it is going to affect Egypt, which Oh, dear IRN folks, need we tell you that of all African Countries, surely of all Nile
Oh IRN folks. What do you say to the appreciation Sudan is heaping on Ethiopia for Stage 3: Create Alarm!
IRN, noticing that its dissuasion and smear campaigns did not achieve its goals of
IRN first attempted spinning or otherwise amplifying a conspiracy theory about
IRN also “psychologized” Ethiopia’s decision to build the GERD thus:
Be that as it may, the worst is that IRN seems to wish any conflict, violent or
Again IRN’s concern is Egypt’s water security, not Ethiopia’s poverty, water, energy Stage 4: Conduct a Stop Them Campaign!
IRN, realizing its preceding three maneuvers did not yield any meaningful result, In a June 2013 piece titled “Why has the Nile River Become a Battleground?”
IRN’s maneuverings and multifaceted campaigns notwithstanding, the GERD
In the first place the IPoE did not have an “oversight” role as erroneously stated by IRN.
We appreciate the response to the biased IRN article posted on hornaffairs.com by Mr We would however like to pose our own BIG QUESTIONS to IRN: Where in the IPoE report do the IRN experts find recommendation of the IPoE that states
Where in the report do the IRN experts find a statement that states “the experts’ study
What is peculiar with the panel’s recommendation to conduct “a full transboundary
The desk study has clearly shown that all expected downstream impacts can be mitigated
Instead of sowing seeds of mistrust with your unsubstantiated writings among the people 1. The energy generation from the GERD will enhance regional and economic
2. Due to regulated and increased flows a longer period of navigation on the Nile River
3. The HAD reservoir capacity loss due to sedimentation will be reduced since the
4. With GERD operating upstream, average annual HAD losses will be 9.5 BCM/year
5. With GERD there will be increased flood control and due to its routing capacity
6. With GERD, the total storage capacity along the Nile River will significantly
7. The GERD will regulate the flows of the Blue Nile and this will support flows
8. The GERD will reduce negative impacts on population and infrastructures in
9. The GERD will capture sediment, protecting irrigation canals and equipment from
10. The GERD will improve Sudanese dams efficiency and water use optimization and Conclusion
It is obvious that in its desperation the IRN has been forced to come out and show its true
In all its ranting does IRN feel obliged, even if to feign decency, neutrality and disinterest, Why does IRN dwell and fight exclusively for Egyptian interests, harps on their real or By contrast, IRN never feels obliged to mention a single merit of GERD. It is a taboo!
IRN has no boundaries of shame. It accuses the IPOE members of ‘keeping silent”! Should The IRN! The IRN that resides in California, USA, whose activists never have endured or Or, is it only in Ethiopia? Consider this: Prior to1950 large scale dams worldwide did not number more than 5000.
Be that as it may, we condemn IRN’s unfair and biased support for Egypt in its We would like IRN, all friends and foes to know that the Ethiopian people are determined
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