25 years in search of the killers of “Mogus Abay” in London

May 21, 2014

The late Mogous Abay

Editor’s Note – Mogous Abay was a tall, handsome man who early on realized that TPLF would be, if left unchecked, detrimental to Ethiopia. He and his older brother, Alem-Seged left Sudan, where they lived as refugees, and arrived in London in 1990. Mogus had a rich voice and was exceptionally articulate many mistook him for a TV or radio personality in Ethiopia. Unlike in Sudan, where life was precarious under the eyes of TPLF spies,’ Mogous thought he was a free man in London, and openly began to try to persuade Ethiopians, parituclarly Tigrians, that TPLF was an EPLF attack dog, and should be exposed for what it is. One day, Mogous was found dead. His death was as if he committed suicide by falling from his apartment. Neighbors who heard the fall were shocked to see Mogus dead on the sidewalk. They were also shocked that there was no blood, a hint that he was dead before he was thrown onto the street from a great height. But police reported a different story. They said the victim was lying in a pool of blood. Then who killed Mogus? No answer for 25 years. His older brother, Alem-Seged, has
to this day continued to fight a brave fight to get the support of the law and bring the killers of his beloved brother to justice. Read the following piece by the friends of Mogous whose rallying cry is ‘justice for Mogous’:

Mogous Abay died on June 30, 1990 in suspicious circumstances. His death and the events surrounding it are a cause for concern. His brother, Alem-Seged, friends and supporters are convinced that Mogous did not commit suicide and they dispute the pathologist’s report that his death was caused by multiple injuries consistent with a fall from a great height.

There is particular concern about the police investigation into Mogous’s death. The police claimed that they arrived at the scene to find Mogous lying in a pool of blood. However, no witness at the scene saw any blood, either on Mogous’s body or on his clothes, suggesting that he was dead before he fell.

Police officers attending the scene claimed Mogous was still breathing, but a neighbour who covered his body disputes this.

Neighbours also report that they did not hear any sound at the
time, which would have indicated a body falling from over 30 feet

The police did not carry out any forensic tests on the window from which Mogous is said to have jumped.

Neither the paramedics who attended the scene nor the neighbours were called to give evidence at the inquest.

The duty doctor who certified the death stated that Mogous might have died from a cardiac arrest. Both the doctor in charge of the case and the duty nurse were not called to give evidence.

When Alem-Seged asked for the return of his brother’s
clothes, the Police refused to give back the items claiming they
had burnt them.

Financial support was withdrawn from Alem-Seged in 1995 when the Legal Aid Board refused to support his application to take the case to the High Court. In the light of the above highlighted suspicious circumstances,


  • The Attorney General to agree to an application to the high court for the inquest verdict to be quashed and for an order directing a coroner in the same administrative area to hold a fresh inquest in Mogous Abay’s death.
  • For legal aid to be restored in order to permit proper legal

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