
A response to EPRP’s call

I commend the present EPRP leadership for making
this call. I am one of those that the call refers too. I am not presently or at any time allied with the government in power. The purpose of this article is to clear some misconceptions and to give my answer for the call.

I do agree that: “the Ethiopian people deserve better than the current abominable conditions of survival.”

I do agree that when I joined the party, like many that did: “all those who joined the party had made a solemn promise to bring a better tomorrow for all Ethiopians.”
I do agree that: “the generation that joined the EPRP had and to a large extent still has immense love for the Ethiopian people.”

The first and the most dangerous misconception is the identification of my love and dedication for the people of Ethiopia to that of the organization EPRP. I never fought for EPRP. I fought for the people of Ethiopia. All the sacrifices that I made are for the people of Ethiopia and not for EPRP. I recognize that whatever happened when I was a member of EPRP I am part of it, its failings and successes. Nobody forced me to join EPRP; I joined voluntarily and knowingly. Therefore I am not washing my hands clear of all that happened at that time; even though I was never in a responsible position that amounts to any significance.

Now that this is clear let me proceed with what is gong on now. There are two questions that are always come to my mind and yet I could not get an answer for.

One is: “Is the current EPRP leadership pursuing the ideals that brought me to the organization?” Going even further, the second question is: “If the leadership of EPRP had taken power instead of TPLF, could the situation of Ethiopia been any different that it is now?”

I do not know what others think, but for me I will state the indications for these answers as follows.

I quote: “to get in touch with all former members who have not betrayed the ideals and objectives we stood for, and blatantly sided with the tormentors and oppressors.”

Leaving the answer to who actually betrayed the ideals and objectives we stood for, this sentence tells me that for the current EPRP leadership it is “You are either with us or with our enemy.” I wonder why the organization is where it is today! I do not see any difference between the current Ethiopian leaders and current EPRP leaders.

Further down it stated: “. . . to fight for those lofty ideals and to carry out the common tasks that we have all begun together but have yet to accomplish . . . This history should be placed ON THE PROPER PEDESTAL, and the writing of it will have to be completed with our involvement . . . by our collective actions to liberate and empower the people. ”

Do I understand that the current EPRP leadership implicitly tells us that unless EPRP is in power those lofty ideals will not be accomplished? Or does it believe it is THE PEOPLE? I know for sure I for one never fought to replace one dictator by another. If that was the case then it will be one of the mistakes that I made as a young idealist. I take the responsibility.

One of the good points that I agree with states: “We certainly have a common responsibility to transfer the knowledge and the crucial experience we have so far accumulated both from our successes and from our failures to the next generation of patriots. They should not be left to grapple in the darkness any longer.” Certainly! But the mistake is to believe that this can be done only through EPRP. There are other organizations that are fighting for the people of Ethiopia and those that belong in those organizations are taking their responsibility. The problem is the attitude that says: “I am the one and the only one.”

It further states that: “Like wise, we expect that all those former comrades who come to the conference would come with an open mind, a soft heart and, above all, with the clear purpose of renewing their allegiance to the Ethiopian people, determined to bring to fruition the struggle in which tens of thousands of their comrades have paid the ultimate sacrifice for.” Are they telling me that because I have not been with EPRP that I have abandoned my allegiance to the Ethiopian people? The place to renew allegiance to the Ethiopian people is inside EPRP? The place to bring to fruition the struggle in which tens of thousands of their comrades have paid ultimate sacrifice is only EPRP? This makes me think that someone is not in touch with reality.

This in my view is the whole mark of a tyrant. Besides as much as the current EPRP leadership claims it is the champion of those brave young Ethiopians who gave their lives gallantly fighting for the people of Ethiopia; I too, in my own way, am a champion of them and the cause they gave their lives for.

I may not say that the current EPRP leadership is intent to get to the throne by any means necessary. It certainly is still locked in its view of: “I versus everybody else.” This does not go with the current political climate in Ethiopia. There are others and others are at the front of the struggle and are paying ultimate price in their daily struggle to bring democracy to the people of Ethiopia. To appreciate that and be humbled and work with them is what is needed. This leads me to attempt to give an answer to the second question.

The question is: “If the leadership of EPRP had taken power instead of TPLF, could the situation of Ethiopia been any different that it is now?”

I am the first to acknowledge the many attempts of EPRP to form fronts. Why they did not go anywhere leads us to ask the purpose and the way they are formed. Fronts are formed to further a cause. TPLF formed EPRDF and we all know what that is. We also know who leads each front and it will be too redundant to go to the details of that. Likewise EPRP formed many fronts. Unless the objective of the creator party is accomplished the front fails. Thus one can see that the fronts failed because the objective of the current EPRP leadership was not realized. Then one wonders what the objectives of the current EPRP leadership were? Was it to form alliances that will help it get to power? Or was it a genuine effort to form fronts with organizations that are treated fair and equal? To attempt to form a front and then go and destroy it is not a work of a genuine democratic party.

Let anyone see the history of our struggle and prove me wrong.

With this, I gave my answer to the call

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