All Party Conference will triumph!

By Neamin Zeleke
July 21, 2003

In response to calls made by All Party Conference Organizing Committee
for its paramount and decisive objective, Ethiopians from all walks of
life are organizing and fund-raising to support the upcoming All Party
Conference (APC).

Ethiopians residing in major cites across the
US and Canada have formed support committees in a show of massive
support for this popular and timely call for the convening of the All Party
conference whose purpose is to deliberate and design common purpose,
leadership, organization and action plan for Ethiopian opposition
political forces. Successful fund-raising drives have been held in San
Francisco, Las Vegas, Boston, Dallas, Seattle, Ottawa, Toronto, Chicago,
Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Michigan, and so many other cities and
small towns in US and Canada.

In the meantime, there is credible information that TPLF/EPRDF regime
has allocated millions of dollars to sabotage the APC and the
inevitable Unity Of Ethiopian Opposition Organizations. Other credible
sources have also disclosed that few months back, Brehane Gebere Kristos,
TPLF CC member and Ambassador At Large in Europe for Meles as well as
a number of other “diplomats” and cadres stationed in Europe and
North America were summoned to Addis and given the strict directive to do
everything in their power to sabotage the APC process. Lately
several of the regime’s agents have been sent from Addis and have checked
in five star hotels in Washington, DC and few other major cities in the
US. They have also sent their top cadres, including Dawit Yohannes who
is now in the Washington, DC area. Others top cadres are said to be
arriving in the US in the days to come.

TPLF/EPRDF hirelings throughout North America are desperately and
adroitly working to carry out their evil mission of spreading all sorts
of calumny with an aim of sawing seeds of acrimony and thus drive a
wage amongst opposition groups. Their objectives of course none other
than making the APC ineffective and render it a failure.

As the months and weeks are approaching, as the days are closing
towards the culmination of The All Party Conference, the ever increasing
momentum has for sure sent shock-wave to the inner core of the regime.
All signs indicate that the regime is trembling at the outcome of such
a historic and decisive conference of Ethiopian oppositions political
forces. No matter how hard a regime, whose days are numbered,
attempts to undermine and sabotage the APC and its eventual outcome — the
formation of a broad based Front of Opposition political organizations–,
the people of Ethiopia will no doubt triumph over the decaying and
decadent Meles Zenawi’s regime’s latest machinations.

The APC will succeed. The APC will give birth to United Opposition.
United Opposition will effectively respond to our people’s clarion
call. United Opposition shall respond to the demand of our people to
struggle in unison against the bankrupt regime of Meles Zenawi and one
that has been long overdue.

The All-Party Conference of Ethiopian oppositions organizations will
overcome all odds and triumph! The struggle for a United , Democratic and
Just Ethiopia shall prevail over Meles Zenaiw’s anti-Ethiopia and
unjust regime.

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