No easy way out for African migrants in Israeli desert detention By Allyn Fisher-Ilan February 14, 2014 HOLOT, Israel (Reuters) – A compound of one-storey buildings deep in the southern…
Yonathan Habte, trafficking survivor: “At least if I died, it wouldn’t go on” By IRIN February 13, 2014 Photo: courtesy of Filmon Tsehaye Editor’s Note – The following is a…
Foreign regimes use spyware against journalists, even in U.S. By Craig Timberg, Washington Post February 13, 2014 Neamin Zeleke, ESAT managing director (Ethiomedia) Mesay Mekonnen was at his desk, at…
No country is free if it is landlocked: top Derg official Ethiomedia February 12, 2014 Fikreselassie Wogderes WASHINGTON, DC – Landlocked Ethiopia cannot say it is a free country because…
Thank you, Dr. Haile Larebo! Letter to the Editor February 11, 2014 Dear Editor, It is with a profound interest that I read Dr. Hailemariam Larebo’s penetrating analysis on Emperor…
Manufacturing in Africa An awakening giant If Africa’s economies are to take off, Africans will have to start making a lot more things. They may well do so The Economist…
Dialogue is the only way, Ethiopia tells Egypt By Anadolu Agency February 11, 2014 ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said Monday that dialogue was the only way…
A Glimpse of the Creeping Famine in Ethiopia By Alemayehu G. Mariam February 10, 2014 A malnurished child sits up in her bed in the Intensive Care Unit of a…
Egypt clash with Ethiopia over mega dam By UPI February 8, 2014 KHARTOUM, Sudan, Feb. 7 (UPI) — Egypt and Ethiopia remain at loggerheads over Addis Ababa’s plan to build…
Tower in the Sky: Book Review By Paulos Assefa February 8, 2014 “In this world there are two tragedies, one is not getting what one wants, and the other is…