The most interesting statement in Markakis’s paper is the one which says “a political party that bears [the Amhara] name is unavoidably burdened with a heavy legacy from the past. The weight of this history is like a chain that binds a party to the past, forcing it to confront the yesteryear rather than address the future. When it comes to political contests on the national stage, this is a huge handicap. To use an analogy from boxing, the party is compelled to fight with one arm tied behind its back.” This statement reveals the true intention of both Markakis and his TPLF pay masters which have hired the eminent professor at their Ministry of Federal Affairs, where he is advising the TPLF minority regime how it could effectively entrench its power over the Ethiopian people through divide and rule. In this statement Markakis bluntly concludes that the Amhara should not have a political role in the present and the future of Ethiopia because of their “crime” of building the Ethiopian empire. This indeed accords well with the “Neftegna” singing of the TPLF and its surrogates.
The other assertion in which Mr. Markakis willfully deceived his readers is where he described the evolution of the “Amhara region”. Markakis asserted that the historic “ancien Amhara” province used to include Wollo, Shoa, Gojam, and Gonder. I am not sure that the medieval region of Amhara used to consist of the four provinces that are mentioned above. So far, there are no reliable historical sources which provide information about the exact geographic extent of the ancien Amhara province. Mr. Markakis pointed out that the ancien Amhara was reconstituted after by regionalization of Ethiopia after the coming to power of the TPLF in 1991. I do not know why the imminent professor evaded from mentioning the Amhara region which was created by the Italians (1935-1940).
In fact the there are several parallels between the Amhara region created by the Italians and the Amhara region created by the TPLF. I am sure it is clear to Mr. Markakis there are many parallels in the Amhara policy of the Italians and the TPLF. Both the Italians and the TPLF criminalized the Amhara because of their role in the past as empire builders. This was given analytical justification by Markakis paper at the Bahir Dar Symposia. Both the Italians and the TPLF followed a policy of inciting others against the Amhara. Mr. Markakis’s decision to exclude the Italian Amhara policy and the formation of the first Amhara region by the Italians not only show his academic dishonesty but also his sinister motive. After all, he belongs to those European scholars whose academic careers to a significant part depended on Amhara bashing. Markakis and his formers students at the then HSIU uncritically imposed truncated Marxian ideology and Soviet historiography to misdiagnose the Ethiopian society and ended up in giving wrong prescriptions, the result is ethnic animosity and ethnic bigotry. Wallelegn Makonnen’s application of Leninist characterization of Russia as “prison of nationalities” to Ethiopia is still uncritically celebrated by Markakis with no objective assessment of the positive or negative implications of the leftist ideology on Ethiopian contemporary quagmire. If Wallelegn was alive today, I do not think he would appreciate the monument erected by Sheik Alamoudi for Amhara martyrs which includes himself and the festivities for the anniversary of ANDM.
The other equally important misrepresentation in the paper of Mr. Markakis is the narration regarding the “transformation” of EPDM to ANDM. Markakis argues that EPDM was changed to ANDM to fit the ethnic federal model. I am sure that it is well known to Markakis from the very beginning that EPDM was sponsored by the TPLF and it is the TPLF which makes and unmakes its satellite organizations. It is therefore the TPLF which decided to change the name tag of EPDM to ANDM to facilitate its own control of power at a national level.
Indeed as pointed out in Markakis’s paper, the Amhara like other nationalities of the country are divided in political ideologies and organizations. But the argument that because of their past they should not play a role in Ethiopian politics is a mere academic justification for entrenching TPLF’s hegemony in Ethiopian politics. The TPLF indeed made a good investment when it decided to put on its payroll list people like John Markakis and Paul Henze. While Paul Heze is less sophisticated and archaic in his writings and presentations, Markakis has so far been subtle and sophisticated until he was unmasked by attending the anniversary of ANDM by a time when let alone expatriates but also Ethiopian officials are disdained to publicly seen with TPLF officials.
[*] Presented to the symposium organized by the Organizing Committee of the 25th Silver Jubilee of the Amhara National Democratic movement – ANDM
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