Dictators’ insatiable lust for power

By Gezahegn Abebe (Lena, Norway )
April 15, 2014

Gezahegn Abebe

The ruling TPLF, aka woyane regime, in Ethiopia commits gross human rights violations in broad daylight on a daily basis, and this is a case well documented by Human Rights Watch (HRW), among others.

Intimidation ,harrassement ,imprisonment torture and murder are the regime`s means of silencing political dissent and disorienting the public about its basic human rights.

Ethiopians have been voicing against the agony inflicted upon them by the TPLF regime. There has never been even a brief moment of relative stability and safety since the unfortunate fall of Ethiopia under the brutality and savagery of the TPLF dictatorship.

Ethiopia has literally become a nation of fear , hell on planet Earth for Ethiopians. Not surprisingly enough fear has overtaken the regime it self as they very well know that this disgruntled nation will some day turn around and stand against them.

Tens of thousands of women, men young and old flee the country ever year seeking protection and safety.
For the sake of clarity let us have a look at the basic characterstic propertys of dictators and scrutinize TPLF accordingly.

1. Generally dictators have a natural trend of clinching to power for life

Apparently most dictators assume power through coup d etat ,war or as monarchial decendents. History tell us that people who ascend to power militarily or by some other illegal mode are seldom willing to transfer power to others or share with others. They usually become totalitarian and ignorant of the grievances of the people they claim they rule.

Dictators never trust their subjects ,and the vicersa. The ultimate downfall of dictators is however inevitable .
The popular Noth African and Middle Eastern uprisings are vivid examples of the demolition of dictators by mass uprisings . The dictators in Tunissia ,Egypt and Yemen were unwilling to transfer power until the last minute at which time they were forcibly and unceremoniously toppled from their thrones by popular mass uprisings.

The case of Ethiopia is even worse as compared to the situations in Tunisia or the others. The misery of Ethiopians by the brutal dictatorship is compounded by the ultraracissm and ethinic apartheid by the TPLF gangs.

Leaders of the TPLF regime have no the slightest grain of shame when they publicly declare that they never have the intention of sharing or transferring power to a different party.Some members including the late Zenawi used to say that one who needs power got to go to the mountains and earn it like they did it.
The fact of the matter that the TPLFites fail to understand or struggle to accept is that an “Ethiopian “ popular uprsing is unavoidable,imminent and real,given the scale of poverty,corruption,and dictatorship in ethiopia.

2. Violence – dictators’ hand tool

Dictators ,as stated earlier have no faith on their subjects. Neither do they have the will and institutional capability to cater for basic human right issues in a civic and democratic manner. Violence is the ultimate weapon dictators resort to.

Fear,intimidation ,harassment,terror,imprisonment,torture and murder of journalists ,activists,politicians and citzens in general are the cardinal modes of quenching political dissent in Ethiopia.

Concequent to this a recent study by an independent international group shows that Ethiopia is one of few countries which is unstable and has risk of a coup d eta.

Another study by HRW indicates that the TPLF led government is deteroriating alarmingly in its capacity to act as a functioning body,that the regime has lost faith and confidence on them selves as a plausible force.
The study also shows that TPLF is so desperate that they have started tapping private calls using modern spyware secured from western companies and possibly china. International calls in particular are tappe and analysed by the regime`s security agents. International calls given especial emphasis ,suspecting they might be with individuals who are supposedly members of banned political orgs in the diaspora.

Political parties,journalists,activists and any one or group who attempt tp address the rampant human right violations in ethiopia is categorically slammed as “terrorist” according to the infamous “anti-terrorism” law they enacted in 2009.

Eskindir Nega, Reeyot Alemu, Andualem Aragie, Bekele Gerba,and thousands of others languishing in the notorious prsion cells of Maekelawi,Kaliti,Zeway and other places are all victims of the ill-conceived and infamous “anti-terrorism” law.

It is crystal clear that Ethiopians have much more excruciating grievances to fight against than our Noth African and Middle Eastern counter parts.

It is therefore detrimental and mandatory that we embark upon the next and decisive phase of the struggle ,namely “Ethiopian” popular upsrising.,should we eliminate the ones and for all TPLF and free Ethiopians from bondage of racism ,poverty and dictatorship.

3. Dictators are extremely corrupted and lavishly extravagant. This is probably best exemplified by TPLFites than any body else

The whole TPLF state apparatus is run by corrupted individuals at all levels.
Global Financial Integrity recently revealed that about 11billion usd has been illegally transferred out of Ethiopia to western and Asian banks.

It is to be remembered that the late Meles Zenawi had billions of dollars in his personal and family accounts. As well.

In summary extreme corruption vis a vis extreme poverty,rampant gross human right abuses and poltical and economic discrimanations and disparitys shall unavoidably lead to the demise of the TPLF tyranny.

An “Ethiopian” popular uprising is thus a natural and dialectical culmination of the misery of all Ethiopians.

Death to Dictators.
[email protected]

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