Fair & Free Elections

EAC calls on Ethiopians for congressional support

WASHINGTON, DC (Apr 6) – Thanks to thousands of e-mails and calls from members and supporters of EAC, COFFEE, ENC and Ethiopian Diaspora cyber-lobbyists and others, the numbers of co-sponsors are growing, but the long, hard fight continues.

Congressman Mike has vowed to push for passage very quickly, so speedy action is necessary to drum up congressional support. In the next two weeks, we need to significantly increase pressure on members of Congress if we are to succeed in gaining passage of this legislation.

EAC is working closely with other ethnic minority grassroots advocacy groups to intensify the campaign and generate maximum support for the bill, including by making joint lobbying visits to House and Senate offices.

Ethiopian Diaspora is strongly urged to contact their members of Congress to encourage them to cosponsor HR935. As you will recall from a previous EAC Legislative Update, Dear Colleague letter was sent from the office of Congressman Mike to Representatives or Senators asking them to join him as co-sponsor of HR935. This is very important, because the letter gauge the level of interest and support among all Members of Congress to see free and fair election in Ethiopia. In other words, the number of Members of Congress who sign on to a Dear Colleague letter indicates that HR935 is very important and has a very high level of support.

So, if you have already e-mailed your representatives, thanks for your support. If not, please take moment now to send an e-mail to your representative and both Senators. Adding your voice does make a difference, and we need as much support as possible to push the bill. Attached is the current list of co-sponsors.

1. Rep. Ed Royce
2. Rep. Zoe Lofgren
3. Rep. Loretta Sanchez
4. Rep. Barbara Lee
5. Rep. David Scott
6. Rep. Dennis Cardoza
7. Rep. Barney Frank
8. Rep. Dan Burton
9. Rep Lacy Clay
10. Rep. Lynn Woolsey
11. Rep. Al Green
12. Rep. Linda Sanchez

Please encourage your Senators and Representatives to contact Rep. Honda, respectively, about becoming cosponsors of this bill. The Ethiopian Americans Council, EAC, is a national non-partisan institute devoted to promote issues that are germane to the group by providing a forum to exchange ideas, research findings on issues of cultural diversity, politics, economic development and human rights.

The Ethiopian Americans Council
P.O. Box 30132 Bethesda MD 20824
Tel/Fax: 262-436-7178
Email: [email protected]

EMAIL: [email protected]