Ethiopia airs jihadi film amid sensitive Muslim protest trial
By William Davison, CSM; February 15, 2013 The strategic Horn of Africa country is one-third Muslim and two-thirds Christian; why is its state-TV ginning up religious tension? Ethiopia, Ethiopian Muslims are furious about the film, which they say dishonestly blurs The program, Jihadawi Harekat Currently, 29 leaders of a Muslim protest movement, and representatives of two The Muslim defendants were arrested in August after nearly a year of nonviolent “The risks posed by violent religious radicalism in Ethiopia are not Ethiopia is considered a stronghold of Sufism, an approach to the practice of Muslims make up a third of a population of around 90 million in sub-Saharan Ethiopia’s key position in the Horn of Africa – adjacent to volatile Somalia In return, Ethiopia allows the US to fly surveillance drones over Somalia from Stoking tensions The Muslims who protested (largely peacefully) for nearly a year are led by a Those on trial say the state is leading a coercive campaign, pushing the The group is demanding that Muslims be allowed to run their own affairs, and Government officials claim the campaign is a stalking-horse for extremists Last week, in the midst of hot debate over the trial of the 29, Ethiopian While authorities may have intended their documentary to be informative, it has The film starts with shots of Al Shabab fighters in In the film, one man, Aman Assefa, Then, inexplicably, clips of interviews with some of the 29 on trial and of In a phone interview after the film was aired, government spokesman Shimeles Kemal said the documentary revealed “loosely “The whole thing was coordinated by the government,” says Kedir Mohammed, a taxi driver, expressing skepticism. In recent days, some 90,000 Muslims, the biggest grouping since Ramadan in “This is going to increase more and more until those people are “There’s no fear but people became more angry Propaganda or public information? Opposition politicians were similarly outraged when ETV, the only Ethiopian Dissidents view the latest broadcast as the natural act of a police state that “Keep on recording at least half of your crimes, that is part of our collective “The only thing I like about your court drama is this aspect of recording Many ordinary citizens were divided over the film. Even some who are ”After watching the documentary my mother said something like ‘I didn’t know A middle-aged rental agent from a Christian family alleged that a quarter of “The government is trying to reduce the power of Muslims,” he says, – An African-American news and views website. Copyright 2012 Email: [email protected] |