
Ethiopian Circus Band in Melbourne

Ethiopian Circus Band members Seble Girma, Abay Abebe, Tiglu Mekuera and Abiy Abebe. (Photo: The Age)

Ethiopian Circus Band members Seble Girma, Abay Abebe, Tiglu Mekuera and Abiy Abebe. (Photo: The Age)

Seble Girma’s musical career almost didn’t get started. Girma’s father opposed her singing on the grounds that it was an unsuitable career for a girl in Ethiopia (a view shared by the strictly Christian community to which the Girma family belonged). In fact, her father was certain his 12-year-old daughter had abandoned her aspirations of becoming a performer – until he turned on the TV one night and saw young Seble in full voice.

“I was just singing in a competition in school,” says Girma, who, at 23, is now the singer and lead dancer for the Melbourne-based Ethiopian Circus Band, a five-piece group that performs a blend of traditional and contemporary Ethiopian music and dance at festivals and community events around Melbourne. “I didn’t know the media were there. And my dad was just at home watching TV, and there I was!” she laughs. “The television presenters were talking about me and they told everyone how to contact me, and they didn’t even ask me about it.”

More surprised by his daughter’s talent than angered by her defiance, Girma senior quickly realised he would have little choice but to allow her to pursue her chosen career, and so a star of the local scene was born.

Girma spent much of the next two years touring Ethiopia as a professional performer with local pop acts. But in 1996, and aged just 14, she was noticed by the producers of Circus Ethiopia, a touring children’s circus established in 1991 to promote Ethiopian culture abroad and to teach disadvantaged children circus arts.

Girma was offered a place in the circus’s live band. She initially refused, preferring the idea of staying close to her family and fronting local groups. But after attending a few rehearsals and having enormous fun performing with children her own age, she decided to join.

“It wasn’t hard for me because most of the circus were kids,” she explains. “At that time we didn’t even think about being away from our family because it was really fun, free, you know?”

The circus toured Europe later that year and again in 1997, its young acrobats, dancers and band garnering glowing reviews. As Girma remembers, the act’s leading performers were afforded celebrity-like status on their trips home to Ethiopia between tours. “I became really popular in my area. It was like the kids wouldn’t even come up to me and say hello. They were like, ‘She went to Europe and came back!’ It was crazy,” she laughs. “I was famous, but I was just a little girl.”

In 1998, the circus travelled to Australia. Again, critics heralded the tour, but after the final show of the tour 15 performers – almost half the troupe – defected, applying for refugee status in Australia. When I ask Girma about this, she shifts in her seat, but remains silent. She later says it’s not something she wants talk about, adding that she still has “great memories” of her time in the circus.

But according to an article that appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald in 2002, the young performers had suffered continued exploitation and abuse at the hands of circus management.

The group, who had no relatives in Australia, travelled to Melbourne and were taken in by Footscray’s large Ethiopian community, many of whom had fled their homeland in the early ’90s following the country’s civil war. The younger members were placed in the care of state child-welfare officers, while those over 16 were provided with emergency housing.

Girma, who stayed with an Ethiopian family in Yarraville and now lives in Brunswick, remembers the time vividly. “We had a really, really hard time for about two years. It’s a different people, a different culture, different food too,” she says. “I had to learn everything. I couldn’t go to school to learn English, because if I don’t work I can’t earn money, and if I can’t earn money I can’t survive. I had no family to support me.”

In 2000, the 15 performers were granted permanent residency on humanitarian grounds. While one joined Circus Oz and others pursued work and study, Girma and three former circus band mates – Abay Abebe, Abiy Abebe (no relation to Abay) and Tiglu Mekuera – began practising at the Footscray Community Arts Centre, combining traditional instruments such as the kirar (Ethiopian harp) with keyboard, saxophone and drums.

It was here they met Duncan Foster, the centre’s then music coordinator, who began jamming with them and soon joined as their bass player and manager. And while working jobs and studying on the side, the band began playing club dates and small community events, their frenetic live show gaining them quite a following in the western-suburbs African community.

They hope to expand their audience to the wider community, and maybe even cut an album some time soon. But for now Girma’s aspirations are simple. “A singer,” she says with a smile. “That’s what I want to be.”

The Ethiopian Circus Band play the Port Fairy Folk Festival, March 11-14. Tel: 5568 2227

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