Ethiopians and Ethiopian-Americans to Celebrate King Menelik and His Victory at the Battle of Adwa
EHSNA Press Statement January 20, 2014
Washington, DC – One-hundred and eighteen years ago, a well-organized army under the The Ethiopian Heritage Society of North America Black Unity King Menelik’s victory at Adwa raised the status of Ethiopia to In Africa, many nations viewed Ethiopia as a role Emperor Menelik II’s leadership Besides saving his country from slavery, Minilik can also claim victory in the development sphere. Emperor Menelik II introduced A Battle for Emperor Minilik II and the Truth Recently, an organized campaign to degrade and Despite the diversity of language, culture, and This smear campaign not only attempts to belittle and Using Colonialist Policies The present regime in Ethiopia is adopting the techniques The ongoing campaign of demonizing Menelik Common knowledge indicates that the regime has EHSNA and History EHSNA, the – An African-American news and views website. Copyright 2013 Email: [email protected] |