I’m excited about the future of Ethiopia

By Zeleke WA
July 21, 2003

In the last 12 years, Ethiopia has been controlled by a bunch of hooligans actively engaged in her destruction and leading the population to unprecedented misery. Thanks to the wisdom and unique tradition of the Ethiopian people, more or less the country is able to survive thus far. At this time, it can be sensed that something exciting is going on regarding the political direction of Ethiopia.

More exciting is the ongoing Conference of the Ethiopian opposition political parties in Rockville, MD. Fifteen of them have gathered to talk about the problems of the country in a civilized manner and come up with a road map that can lead to a democratic Ethiopia in the true sense of the word. These parties come from different sectors of the Ethiopian population with relatively different background and thus could be considered genuine representatives of the population. No political organization of this nature has ever seen before in Ethiopia with such kind of representation of the population. The parties are involved in this task voluntarily only because of love of their people and country. Their leaders are well tested and trusted through time and experience.

Unlike TPLF and ELF none of them is involved in the intentional torture of their own people. Nor have they used the people for the purpose of benefiting the leadership. They have not also betrayed Ethiopia by dealing with her enemies for the sake of power or anything else. Rather, most of them fought and are still fighting against her home-grown enemies relentlessly. While most of the parties in the Conference are known to have pan-Ethiopian agendas/programs and membership, those with ethnic affiliations also reflect similar aspirations in their objectives particularly in the long-run. The parties also manifest open-mindedness for compromise, accommodation and reconciliation as long as it is good for the Ethiopian people. It is, therefore, highly anticipated that something positive will come out of the APC and this is exciting to me as it is an indication for a bright future for Ethiopia.

The other exciting aspect is that the end of the Meles/TPLF regime is approaching fast. This will lead to an era when ethnic-based rule and divisiveness will be eliminated. A primitive system of administration coupled with brutality and the associated ill-effects killing the country will be abolished. The treat to the national security and territorial integrity of Ethiopia will no more be in existence. Instead, the process will bring about democracy in Ethiopia as being envisioned by the APC. Government upholding the principles of individual freedom and rights will be expected to be established, in which all citizens will be treated equally (irrespective of ethnicity, sex, color, etc.) both in terms of opportunity and responsibility. There will also be a government that would assure the national security and territorial integrity of Ethiopia and for setting-up a system of safety network for needy citizens. I imagine this will be, roughly, what post Meles Ethiopia would look like and this is indeed very exciting to me.

In the meantime, I have gathered that there are a few who do not want to share my excitement. In fact, they express their worries about the future in view of the present trend of unity among the opposition parties. That is their right and let them continue as they wish and stay behind. If one belongs to the other camp, it is natural to be worried.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation of the great service given by regarding the APC and other matters that foster a change in Ethiopia to a democratic system.

Ethiopia shall shine once again!

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