In Defense of Girma Seifu and the other ‘Semein foxes’

Response to Abebe Haregewoin’s article on Girma Seifu (lone MP)

By Daniel Assefa
April 15, 2014

It is with some dismay that I read Abebe Haregewoin’s assault on the lone opposition member of parliament Ato Girma Seifu. As Sirgute-Selassie observed, lately the ‘diaspora media’ seems to favor contributions from persons with intimidating titles of PhD, MD, Eng. or Prof attached to their name. Ethiomedia in keeping with this trend has even decided to edit out the honorific ‘Ato’ for the pathetic reason of not confusing the Ferengies even when the author insists on using it. It is an indecent thing to do.

In any case it was sad to see Abebe Haregewoin’s (MD, PhD) intellect and eloquence being wasted in an attempt to belittle, dehumanize and humiliate Ato Girma. The author’s subtle insinuations cannot be missed. Dr. Abebe after a brief treatise in taxonomy gracefully decides that Ato Girma is not a plant and elevates him to the ‘bushy tail of a Semein wolf’. As undignified and petty this is he further goes on to call the parliamentarian a ‘pseudo-hero’ and declares the effects of his efforts to be less than that of a Listro’s. Be that as it may, it must have escaped the learned ‘social commentator’ that it is common folks like the ‘Listros’ that continue to be thorns in EPRDF’s side rather than venomous pens from ten thousand miles away.

The author’s audacity continues and calls the man who solicited support and won an election against all odds, who has been exposing the inner workings of the ruling party and who has been a pillar of support to many political prisoners, ‘mercurial’ and even a ‘drug resistance bacteria’. The irony of these shameful insults is that they usually come from persons who led a very sheltered and indifferent professional life that was always choreographed outside the political and social medley of the country. Ato Girma along with Temesgen, Belay (of Arena) and others is among the treasured Ethiopians that continue to work in and speak out from the Lion’s den. Their continuous effort to elevate the political discourse is highly appreciated by many. By now the author should have realized that self-exclusionary politics that he seems to espouse is ineffectual and archaic in the context of the current Ethiopian political landscape.

But fortunately not all is lost!! Ato Girma’s ability to speak English seems to have won some measure of respect from the ‘Social Commentator on Matters Ethiopian’ who insists on calling Ato Girma by his fathers name ‘Seifu’. Ato Girma may be powerless in the parliament but I assure Dr. Abebe that his writings are not. In case the author is not aware, every week, thousands of us eagerly await the next offering in Amharic from brave souls like Girma Seifu, Temesgen Desalegn, Nebiyou Sirak (Yemen), Abdurrahman (former MP), Abreha Belay (Tigray) and their colleagues. They are the few fresh courageous voices that continue to inform, instruct and hold the torch of hope and justice up high at tremendous personal risk. They are the voices of the voiceless. Having said this, my disappointment in Dr. Abebe’s latest writing does not in any way diminish the great regard I hold his scientific achievements. He remains the brilliant scientist that with whom I am proud to share his “country of birth”.

NB: Author is not aligned with a political party and does not have personal acquaintance with Ato Girma Seifu

Tip to the Editor: You can perhaps spare a single line from the header to describe what ‘Ato’ is to your ‘likely to be confused readers’ instead of using all of the six lines in the header to explain why you omitted it.

From the Editor – Dear Daniel – Your advice is well taken. I found it still confusing why I chose to take the long route, and thank you for showing me a more meaningful shortcut. – An African-American news and views website.
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