One of the weapons Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has used to hold the country and the Ethiopian people bondage to his misguided policies is institutionalizing Disinformation Campaign.
In addition to controlling the nation’s state-owned media such as Radio Ethiopia and Ethiopian Television (ETV), and the two dailies (Addis Zemen and Ethiopian Herald), the ruling party EPRDF realized early on the power of disinforming the public and launched a series of media outlets to further confuse the public as well as the international community.
In this regard, you may recall how EPRDF launched Radio Fana Propaganda Center while denying Ethiopians the right to own their own radio stations, while destroying the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association (EFJA).
When the world dawned on the Internet era in the early to mid ’90s, EPRDF launched “Walta” website as though it were a private website. But Walta was a nationwide EPRDF propaganda news site that replaced the ailing Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), also owned by the state, though ENA in its heyday some 30 or 40 years ago was one of the oldest, most active news agencies in Africa.
Since it has been some time since Walta has been dropped as a communist bag of lies, the Meles regime has realized it was time to purchase a new one, a new weapon of disinformation that would confuse and misinform the Ethiopian people and the diplomatic community for years to come.
I believe the so-called Ethiopian News Network (ENN) is the new candidate to do the propaganda job for Meles Zenawi’s regime, and please alert Ethiopians that any information coming from the ENN is like trusting news coming from the mouth of an EPRDF cadre.