
Meles Zenawi’s letter of shame

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia responded to the American congress representatives telling them that he has gone out of his way to allow free and fair election. Implying that the normal way of his political operation would be just to rule and suppress any voice that is indifferent to his mentality. More, by allowing the election, according to the letter his intention was to allow oppositions to get more seats in the parliament. Meaning never has been to hand over power to the winner. With regard to his record of human rights violation, his letter clearly ascertained that mass killings of civilians are justified as far as those practices are intended to shake his power. Nevertheless, regarding the brutal events of June 7, he tried to use a tactic that might save his tarnished name by promising investigations. In his mind the USA congress doesn’t know that he, not only given the order but also publicly endorsed the killings. In America they call this kind of individual a lowbrow person.

For an ordinary reader the letter is a composition of clumsy arguments and void of determinations. Because on one hand he tries to show that his commitments for democratic changes are unswerving, and yet he states that the strength of oppositions should not exceed a certain limit, i.e. they need to remain as opposition as long as he say so. He assumes that the presence of opposition would be a solid showcase to western leaders that might mask his repressive nature. In the usual way of branding opponents, the Prime Minister in his letter stated that those Ethiopians, organizing worldwide demonstrations, are fugitives. He has enough prove to show that these were all former officials of the Derg. We all know that those who lost their lives in Addis and else where in the country are robbers and hooligans.

I don’t think Meles has proper knowledge about his audience at the Capitol Hill.

He still assumes that what ever he may say would be persuasive and can fool the western political figures. In this regard his prime tactic looks like to separate and twist the obviously open truth and try to count on carefully orchestrated events as significant facts. This is apparently true when you look at the results of May 7 election. Opposition won in places where there were international observers but lost in other places where no observer was assigned. In Meles’s mind the international observers use a method of sampling to reach at a general conclusion. Accordingly, the fair and free election process in Addis would mean to reflect the general process through out the nation. Then Meles raised his voce to describe the election as fair and free not only by the African standard but also by international level. I can’t imagine how laughable is this infantile discourse.

In Meles’s mind the Ethiopian election process surpassed the African standard but unfortunately fall short because gunpowder is the main ingredient of its realization. Wayane’s election is the shame of Democracy. Obviously the mass shootings at civilians in Addis Ababa were one of the worst post Derg time massacres, carried out with cold-blooded brutality. The behavior of Mele’s private army cannot be excused on the ground they were following orders. Obedience cannot be blind … These men were not novices, as it was claimed by the police chief.

The solders raid on Addis was a sweep to flush out opposition partisans in the city voicing their disappointment in the Wayane system of ruling. As a matter of fact the atrocity was exposed as it was happening as journalists found the city to look like a war zone during the days of civil protests. On finding innocent protesters, the Wayane special army (Aggazi) randomly opens fire and mowed them down with machineguns. Thousands were herded into trucks that were then set on death camps to Zeway. Death camps because detainees were deliberately exposed to HIV aids by using same blade to forcefully cut their hair. Wayane is aware that detainees are taken to the area hard hit by malaria.

The Congressmen and women of the United States have unequivocally denounced the brutality of the regime and expressed their objection to this record-laundering operation. Donors have recently expressed their concern about the repressive characters of Wayane/EPRDF. Would Wayane be mindful of the consequences of the overall international opinion? This writer is very much skeptical about this. I know my fear would mean abandoning any hope for peace, human rights and the rule of law in Ethiopia.

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