Messages of Solidarity and Update on continuing All Party Conference

APC PR (Summary of events from July 26-August 1, 2003)
August 1, 2003

August 1, 2003
Rockville, Maryland
United States of America

After two and half years of intense planning and preparation, the All-Party Conference of Ethiopian democratic forces opened with a public plenary session at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 26, 2003 in Rockville, Maryland. A summary report of the Conference’s proceedings, resolutions and specific action plans are expected to be released at a public meeting scheduled to be held on Sunday, August 3, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. at the Wardman Park Marriott Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road, in Washington, D.C.

In the meantime, the following summary of daily activities of the Conference is released to inform Ethiopians, both at home and abroad, who are anxiously awaiting the outcomes of this historic gathering.

Participating Political Organizations and Their Delegates: (listed in alphabetical order)
All Party Conference participants listed alphabetically:

Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)

Ato Muhamed Ibrhahim

All Ethiopian Socialists Movement (MEISON)

Mulualem Awoke

Belay Mekonnen

All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP)

Maj.Getachew Mengiste

Ato Abayneh Berhanu

Dr.Mekonnen Bishaw

Coalition of Alternative Forces for Peace and Democracy (CAFPDE)

Dr. Beyene Petros Lodamo

Mr. Gebreyesus Gebremichael

Maj.Demessie Yohannes

Ethiopian Democratic Unity (EDU Tehadiso)

Ato Tesfaye Asgedom

Ato Yirga Tesfaye

Ethiopian Democratic Unity Party (EDUP)

Dr. Admasou Gebeyehu

Ato Lidetu Ayalew

Ato Mushe Semu

Ethiopian People’s Federal Democratic Unity Party (HibreHizb)

Dr. Desta Damtew

Dr. Alemante G/Sellasie

Ato Beshah Wered Ayele

Ethiopian Medhin Democratic Party (MEDHIN)

Dr. Seyoum Gelaye

Dr. Achamyeleh Debela

Ato Girma GebreMedhin

Ethiopian National United Front (ENUF)

Engineer Kitaw Ejigu

Ato Lema Atakltie

Ato Dagnachew Elala

Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP)

Ato Mersha Yossef.

Ato Iyasou Alemayehu.

Ato Tegegne M. Aboye

Gambella People’s Unity Front (GPUF)

Ato Johm Okwir

Ato Ojulu Tokon Ochalla

Ato Ojulu Ouden

Oromo National Congress (ONC)

Dr. Merera Gudina

Wrt . Almaz Seifu Kebede

Ato Takele Edosa Dinsa

Oromo People’s Liberation Organization (OPLO)

Lt. Olana Lamu Garba

Ato Belete Reda Wakjira

Dr. Legesse Kennenni

Southern Ethiopian Peoples’ Democratic Coalition (SEPDC)

Ato Mulu Meja

Ato Wendimagegnehu Hailu

Ato Berhanu WoldeSenbet

Tigrayan Alliance for National Democracy (TAND)

Ato Aregawi Berhe

Ato Berehe Hagos

Ato Mekonnen Zellelew

APC organizing Committee Members:

Ato Wendayahu Kassa of AEUP, Lt.
Desse of Hibre Hizb, Ato Fasika Bellette from EPRP, Ato Mulgeta Hailu
MESION, Ato Teshome Tesgaye of TAND , Ato Assefa Depaso of CAFPDE,
Meshesha of MEDHIN and Maj. Iyassu Ayalkebet of EDU Tehadiso.

II. DAY ONE: Saturday, July 26, 2003

The week-long historic All Party Conference (APC) was launched through a public plenary session at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 26th, 2003. The event was attended by leaders and delegates of fifteen participating political organizations, leaders and representatives of civic organizations, prominent Ethiopians, and hundreds of invited guests who came from all over the world – Ethiopia, Europe, the Middle East, East Africa, the United States, and Canada,. The plenary session was chaired by the current Chairman of the APC Planning and Organizing Committee, Lt. Ayalesew Dessie of Hibre Hizb.

On behalf of His Holiness Abune Merkorios, His Grace, Abune Elias opened the Conference with a prayer for peace, stability, and national unity and offered inspirational and instructive spiritual advice to the leaders of the political parties to always stay focused on the fundamental interests of the Ethiopian people.

Poet Laureate Ato Tsegaye G. Medhin then gave what turned out to be a keynoting speech. Using the immense power of his world-class poetry, he detailed the crimes and treasonous acts of the Meles Zenawi regime and called on all Ethiopians to unite in removing it from its dictatorial hold of our nation. He appealed to the leaders and delegates of participating political organizations to focus on the single important task of removing the Woyane menace since he considers this as the fundamental precondition for successfully addressing the myriad of problems of underdevelopment of our country.

This was followed by Dr. Getachew Metafaria, professor of political science at Morgan State University who, speaking on behalf of concerned scholars and Ethiopians in the metropolitan Washington region, offered a brief assessment of similar political initiatives in the past and pointed out lessons that political parties today can and should draw from those experiences. Prof. Getachew also outlined strategies they might consider applying to ensure victory as they march forward to bring about sustainable peace, stability, and prosperity in our homeland.

Dr. Tsehai Brehane Selassie, Chairperson of the Ethiopian National Congress (ENC), a civil-society group of Ethiopians worldwide which has been supporting and promoting the unity of Ethiopian opposition forces, highlighted the efforts and contributions for a united and coordinated struggle made by civic movements, in general, and that of the Ethiopian National Congress, in particular. She offered specific advice to the participants on how to forge and strengthen their unity and promised that the ENC will be at the forefront in mobilizing and securing material and political support for their goals and programs.

Artist Alemtsehay Wodajo of Tayitu Entertainment received a standing ovation for her appeal and call to the political parties to engage in decisive action to liberate our people and country. She admonished those who are attempting to sabotage the unity movement and pledged to use her influence to help the process of a united and coordinated struggle for our people’s salvation. Likewise, Ambassador Imiru Zeleke spoke on the imperative of a united struggle and offered valuable advice reflective of his many years of public and diplomatic service. Ato Assefa Gebremariam Tessema, President of the former Ethiopian Student Association, Ato Tewodros Abebe, Wro. Kebebush Tesfaye and Ato Esayas Lisanu, from Netsanet Le Ethiopia, read inspirational poems at the meeting.

Highlighting and demonstrating the grass-root efforts made by Ethiopians in the Diaspora to make the All Party Conference a reality, representatives of APC support committees from Dallas, San Francsico, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Las Vegas, Boston, New York, Toronto, and Chicago were afforded brief opportunities to deliver their messages. .

His Excellency Lij Michael Imiru, the former Prime Minster of Ethiopia who came from Ethiopia to deliver a keynote speech was unable to do so because of delays in his flight. Arrangements were made to have his speech delivered on Monday, July 29,2003. Also in attendance was Colonel Imiru Wonde who came from the Sudan as well as other well known and patriotic Ethiopians were present at this historic event.

Written messages of solidarity were also received by the APC organizing Committee and read at subsequent sessions. They included:

*Dr. Taye Woldesemayat, President of Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA)
*Professor Donald Levine
*Dr. Aklog Birraa and Wro Amsale Wottta
*Participants of the 15th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies that took place recently in Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Dimma Neggo
Dr. Assefa Endashaw
Dr. Fisseha Tsion Mengistu
Dr. Getachew Alemayehu
Dr. Haile Gabriel Negatu
Ato Brehane G. Mariam
Ato Abebe Meche
Dr. Aberra Ashine
Dr. Tadesse Terefe
*Coalition of Ethiopian Civic Organizations’
*Ethiopian Community in Canberra, Australia
*Ethiopians in Switzerland
*All Party Conference support groups in
-Canberra, Australia
-Sidney, Australia
-Ottawa, Canada
-Phoenix, Arizona
*Patriotic Ethiopians in Kampala, Uganda

III. DAY TWO, Sunday, July 27, 2003

Day two of the APC was organizational in nature. The delegates discussed and adopted the Conference’s agenda, protocol, and procedures. It also elected the following individuals to provide leadership during the APC’s entire duration:

Co-Chairpersons: Wrt. Almaz Seifu of ONC; Ato Wendayhau Kassa of AEUP; and Ato Aregawi Berhe of TAND,
Secretary: Ato Fassika Bellette of the EPRP.

IV. DAY THREE, Monday, July 28,2003

First on the agenda for Day Three was the speech by His Excellency Lij Michael Imiru, the former Prime Minster of Ethiopia. H.E. Lij Michael was scheduled to deliver a keynote speech at the opening session of the Conference. He was, however, unable to do so on account of the lateness of his flight from Ethiopia. Lij Michael’s speech consisted of valuable insights and reflections on Ethiopia’s past and fatherly advice and plea for the organizations to come out of the conference with unimpeachable unity and genuine spirit of understanding and common sense of purpose.

A critical assessment of efforts of the Ethiopian democratic forces towards unity and a united struggle was the next item on the agenda for the day. A document, which had been prepared and circulated among participating organizations, was used as the basis for discussion in this connection.

V. DAY FOUR, FIVE.AND SIX — July 29 – 31, 2003

On these three days, the delegates engaged in intense discussions and debate covering a broad range of issues including: review of the abysmal economic, social, and health conditions of the Ethiopian people; a critical assessment of the current political realities at home; the alignment of political forces in the region and the world; methods of political struggle; forms and structure of the unity to be achieved, etc. A number of documents that had been prepared by the APC Planning and Organizing Committee and position papers prepared and presented by individual parties were used as the basis of these discussions.

Although official details are not yet available, individual delegates are consistently expressing satisfaction on the progress that has been made in these discussions and debate to-date. Many report that delegates have been exhibiting an unprecedented sense of determination and commonality of purpose in the deliberations.

VI. DAY SEVEN – August 1, 2003

This is the last day for the APC. On the agenda are two critical items – finalizing the discussion and reaching consensus on organizational, structural and leadership issues, and electing officers and creating and appointing venues and groups necessary to lead and coordinate a united struggle.

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