COMMENTARY ‘Min Teyzo guzzo,’ or the lack of political philosophyFekadu Bekele (PhD): June 17, 2004 By way of introduction Asegedech Mekonen`s article of April 12, 2004 By way of using a metaphor, Asegedech wants to If one looks at Asegedech`s analysis it seems In this small essay I try to show the logical Methodological Problem It is common now days in the Ethiopian politics Since three thousand years, humanity is being According to the Greek philosophers starting Why is important to mention this here? If one looks at Assegedech`s analysis, though Causes of backwardness After Asegedech has stated all the problems It can be true that lack of proper education If we look at the European history closely, The above short analysis shows wrong beliefs, false History has again and again demonstrated that If we examine the Ethiopian education system Such kind of education system that is completely Still today we witness that the so-called In order to bring fundamental changes in our The point whether empowered people could bring In this regard, we come to the crucial point It is not as such sufficient to characterize What do I mean by political philosophy? Political philosophy is the art of governing It is not without reason that the Greeks have Solon who belonged to a rich family and by In order to understand the political handlings Some historians of Ethiopian origin and foreigners The emperor who did not have any political Haile Selasie`s political handling was The political handlings of the military To understand the political handlings of the From this vantage point of view if we look The most radical wing of the Ethiopian student The political practice of the EPRDF government When put into practice, as Asegedech and the PM The political understanding of the present If one analyses the political handlings of the Pro poor economic policy versus market In her analysis Asegedch tries to convince us Following the economic draft of 1993, the EPRDF The investment policy of the regime by itself The lack of any scientifically studied economic If we look at the private sector, money making Let me come to the question of land Land like water and air is a free gift of When we come to In the light of the prevailing hunger problem The arguments for private property are diverse When we come to its practicability the adherents The present food shortage and hunger problem in The Alternative Any economic policy which will be put into The present problem in The fallacy of the neo-liberal ideology lies in According to the neo-liberal ideology the In the neo-liberal model all the three How it was possible that human being did not When we come to political economy which was The problem of a pure neo-liberal market Any economic policy if it becomes effective The problem of the Ethiopian intellectual is Thanks to western intellectuals of the critical 1. Defining the role of the state: The role of the state must be constitution of that from of the state becomes significant and transportation system especially train systems that could be expanded and a to 2. Defining the role of private investment: Individuals who want to know they could except on land must be fully guaranteed and accordance do will to who exemption system prohibited 3. Defining the role of money and banking: Until know the Ethiopian banking system is operating capitalism any have give invested from time to time. Because of the occur banking system of the country could not get private principal lines which could exist side by side central and the the which time system . 4. Defining the role of physical economy: Physical economy is the a not system city construction, rural inland etc. is has taken condemned to permanent poverty and their needs not to citizen this 5. Defining the role not a role soon side. well the peasants of their life small field 6. Formulating accumulation model: All the above points could be extended model producing 2. The second sector is steel and iron 3. Machine engineering sector which produces III. Among these various departments there exists on the other. The fact that each department goods for further production on a higher scale the various departments enable the economy to generate capitalist development and lays the foundation The organization of the Ethiopian economy on The It is very difficult to claim that there is a genuine The perception of the opposition forces on the The problem of the opposition forces becomes On the other side the present government by The irrational political handlings of the Conclusion I am compelled to give this long essay to throw Asegedech`s approach to understand the In a world like this when political confusion * By categorical imperative Kant understands concepts for
Books of references: 1. Brunn, Snell. The Road to Think and to Truth. 2. Friedrich, List. Outline of American 3. Hartnack, Justus. From Radical Empiricism to Absolute 4. LesLie A. Mulholland. Kant’s Systems of Rights. 5 Meier, 6. 6. Schiller, Friedrich. Theoretical Writings. Köln, 1999 7. Seung, T.K ; (1996) Plato The author, Dr. Fekadu Bekele, can be reached by email: [email protected] – Ethiopia’s premier news and views site |