Source of Data: Election in Ethiopia (Ethiomedia.com) |
The only pattern I know of such kinds of inequality is in counties where there are colonial relationships, not in a country where the everyday drumbeat is about how nationalities have become equal. Even Menilik, the person your government often accuse of failing to introduce the internet, did not develop such an elaborate and systematic trick to skew everything toward Ankober. At a minimum he was honest in what he did.
I want to clear one point here. This is by no means an argument to say that the people of Tigrai are the beneficiaries of such a program. I only wish they have benefited. The other data I see do not show me that the people of Tigrai are any better off than the rest of their countrymen. The number of people living below the poverty line is not different in Tigrai from the rest of the country. The people of Tigrai do not look like the statistics to me. My suspicion is that the ruling elite is stocking up in its kitchens in Tigrai. I suspect there is something fishy going on here that Your Excellency does not know or try to cover up or afraid to tell us. The reference to Marie Anne Valfort’s 61 page detailed study entitled “Ethical Altruistic Voting in a Multiethnic Country: Evidence from Ethiopia” is here.
Now, sir, any reasonable person may also be forced to ask what this shoddy formula prepared by the so called House of Federations you are talking about is. That House of Federations made up of Adam Smiths? You made it look like the formula is some kind of sacrosanct economic law discovered by Adam Smith himself or some rocket scientist. My daughter has a word she often uses when I try some poor psychology and formula to dissuade her from doing something. She calls it baloney. Sir this is baloney. What is the weight of population size in the mysterious formula? How in the world can you come up with figures to fill the variables, “levels of economic development” and “revenue mobilization effort”? What about a multitude of other variables we commonly employ? I am not an economist. I took courses in economic geography and regional planning as a collage student. I have taught courses in these areas too. I know the literature and problem of resource allocation and equitable distribution is a relatively complex undertaking. But I have never seen anything that looks like your formula sir. Some people may call this looting. How come Oromia, the region that produces the bulk of our revenue and whose people, despite their size, remain marginalized for years now end up getting the shortest end of the stick? Believe me, I am not the only one asking these questions.
I know you are trying to pander to foreigners for more aid by telling them a non-existent success story. I don’t know where you get this idea that foreign aid is the most important tool for economic development. You can’t get Ethiopia out of this hellhole even if you refine beggary to the level of art. You got 22 billion dollars of foreign aid over the last several years. The number of the poor and unemployed is still increasing. Sir, without democracy there is no way to help our country out of this hellhole. Two of the most brilliant economists Ethiopia ever produced, Drs Befekadu and Berhanu, are now sitting in prison accused of treason and genocide for the simple reason of having a vision of changing this backward and reactionary Bantustan system that has become the reason for the increasing poverty, unemployment, suffering and degradation of our natural resources.
If you want real development to take place in Ethiopia free the people’s leaders in your jails and stop mocking justice. Get into the 21st century where problems are solved through dialogue and fights at the level of ideas. You have to have dignified humanity in the country before thinking any development. Above all please stop these cruel jokes of telling us that you are going to rain bread from the sky.
Fekade Shewakena may be reached for comments at [email protected]
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