The ONLF wishes to make clear to the international community that we are not, have not been and will not be a party to the ongoing conflict in Somalia as a matter of policy and principle. In that regard, the ONLF is not, has not been and will not be a part of any coalition with political groups in Somalia. The only coalition that the ONLF is a proud member of is the Alliance for Freedom & Democracy (AFD). The foundation of the ONLF policy toward Somalia is that Somalia should be left to the Somalis and that the Ethiopian army should immediately and without condition, pull its troops out of Somalia.
The TPLF regime will have to face the reality that they must deal with the legitimate representatives of the people of Ogaden and abandon their failed military strategy in Ogaden and ongoing brutal crackdown against our civilian population. The TPLF must accept direct talks with the ONLF in a neutral country and in the presence of a third party arbiter with no pre-conditions placed on either side if there is ever to be a just, comprehensive and lasting solution to the conflict between the people of Ogaden and successive Ethiopian governments.
The TPLF must also accept the call for an all inclusive conference made by the member organizations of the Alliance for Freedom & Democracy (AFD)
URL of the VOA report: http://www.voanews.com/english/2007-06-08-voa39.cfm
The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF).
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