Public Discussion

Open invitation to EPRDF, CUD, UEDF, and Ambassador Kasahun Ayele

An Open Invitation to EPRDF, CUD, UEDF and Ato Kassahun Ayele, Ethiopian Ambassador to the United States of America

Dear Sirs/Madams:

First of all, we would like to briefly introduce ourselves, who we are, our concerns and the activities we have been conducting over the last 8 months. We are a group of concerned Ethiopians in Chicago with diverse civic group affiliations who have been concerned of the current political situation in our country. We are the first group in North America to reach out to one another and break the ethnic ice through dialogue and discussions. So far, we have conducted three Community Forums by inviting prominent scholars, opposition party representatives and civic leaders on issues concerning national unity, democracy and the May Election that began well but ended in a brute bloodshed of innocent civilians.

Encouraged by the positive responses we are getting from the community at large and our strong desire to find peaceful and democratic solutions to the election controversy, we would like to include EPDRF?s government representative in the mix of invitees: top leaders of CUD and UEDF to a Community Forum to discuss the urgent and grave problems facing our people in the aftermath of the May Election, primarily on the question of democratic rights and the election outcomes. We would like to give an opportunity to both the opposition and the government to share their view points on the issues, answer some questions that our audience might have and defend their records if need be. We anticipate a large number of attendees by Ethiopians residing in the Midwest States.

Dear Ambasader Kassahun Ayele:

As an ambassador of the EPDRF Government we cordially invite you to participate in this important Community Forum and explain your government?s actions around the May election process.

Once we know of your interest to participate in the Forum, we will immediately provide you with additional information. Your response to our invitation by 7/25, 2005 is greatly appreciated.

Concerned Ethiopians in Midwest, USA
Pertinent Phone Numbers: 630-631-2942 and 312-617-0941

EMAIL: [email protected]