Uniquely Evil!

June 10, 2005 0

Alert Uniquely Evil! From the editor June 10, 2005 ETHIOPIA: Hidden Fascism Unmasked after 14 Years ADDIS ABABA (JUNE 8) – Leaflets typed in Amharic were distributed in Addis Ababa…

News Ethiopia rejects killings inquiry Anthony Mitchell; June 10, 2005 A patrol car of the Ethiopian special forces dives through Addis-Ababa. Ethiopia’s government and opposition signed a non-violence pact after…

CUD-UEDF Press Release

June 10, 2005 0

CUD-UEDF Press Statement CUD-UEDF Press Release June 10, 2005 UEDF and CUD have been engaged in good faith to resolve the problems related to the May 15, 2005 election. To…

Response On articles related to Al Amoudi From the editor June 8, 2005 Ethiomedia has received articles in response to Sheik Alamudi’s letter, and on the commentary by Nurit Adem.…