Proof of Wahabi activities in Ethiopia
By Hibret Selamu
July 15, 2004

A number of interesting articles have recently appeared on the attempted interference by Wahabi fundamentalists in Ethiopian internal religious affairs.

Erudite writers such as Alem Zelalem and Chisu have expressed various interesting and, at times, diametrically opposite views and suggestions. However, no direct and concrete evidence was provided to the readers on the evolving Wahabi fundamentalist mischief in Ethiopia. Assumptions, however plausible, were made based on circumstantial evidence such as the mushrooming of mosques, and the mimicking of Wahabi garb and external symbolic appearances among certain individuals in Ethiopia.

Finally, here is the concrete, unassailable evidence of actual Wahabi/Saudi involvement in Ethiopia’s religious affairs coming from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, from personalities no less prominent than former senior officials of the National Ethiopian Majlis for Islamic Afffairs (YeEthiopia YeIslimnna Gudayoch Teklalla Mikr Bet). According to a report that was recently published in The Reporter on Tahsas 19, 1996 E.C. (12/29/03), the two senior officials, namely, the former Secretary-General Ato (Mr.) Abdul Rezzaq and the former Chairman for Haj and Umra Services have revealed, in their open letter to the Ethiopian Prime Minister, H.E. Mr. Melles Zenawi himself, that Wahabists were using 4 million Saudi Riyals obtained from Saudi Arabia in order to influence elections for membership of the Majlis with a view to ensuring that their fundamentalist followers would hold key positions in the council on all levels.

This very interesting and extremely important article reveals further the highly corrupt methods including financial incentives used by the Wahabists to influence not only elections but also the government bureaucracy.

The above disturbing and highly significant developments have further been corroborated by another news item that has just been published in The Monitor (Tahsas 30, 1996) (1/9/04) stating that members of the Ethiopian Majlis for Islamic Affairs have been dismissed for easons of corruption. It is also interesting to note from the article that the loyalty of the Majlis’ previous chairman, Haj Abdrahman Hussain is alleged to have been primarily for Saudi interests even at the expense of the interests of the Ethiopian Muslim society!

All who are interested in knowing the truth should make it a point to scrutinize this issue seriously including reading the articles published in the Reporter entitled: “BeEthiopia Wahbiyyawoch be4 Million yeSaudi Riya(l) LeMejlis Mircha Sinquesaqqesu Nebber”; (a loose translation: Wahabists have been active in Ethiopia using 4 million Riyals for the Majlis elections); and the report in the Monitor entitled: “YeEthiopia Islimnna Gudayoch Mikr Baet Abalat Tebarreru”; (a loose translation: Members of the Majlis for Ethiopia’s Islamic Affairs Have Been Dismissed).

Alem Zelalem makes another significant point that whereas the Saudi Wahabists and their ilk are misusing the freedom of religion in other countries including Ethiopia, Christian Ethiopians have been facing religious persecution in Saudi Arabia. If evidence may be required regarding the harassment, imprisonment and maltreatment of Christians in Saudi Arabia (a presumably tolerant society?), one need go no further than check on numerous sources from various reliable publications and media reporting on the plight of desperate Christians who have been languishing in Saudi jails. An immediate reference may, for instance, be made to Ben’s “Open Letter to His Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia” posted on appealing to him to restrain his officials from perpetrating acts of injustice against Christian Ethiopians. Ben and his co-author of the appeal remind His Majesty of Ethiopia’s historic assistance to the earliest Muslims by granting them refuge in Ethiopia where they had stayed for 15 years and were duly protected against the then idol-worshipping Meccan officials.

Another well known source is the International Christian Concern which had expressed concern about the cases of Tinsae Gizachew, Gebeyehu Tefera, Bahrou Mengistu, and Befrdu Fikre, who were in Saudi in jail for the same reason. This case had in fact been reported in Ethiopian media as well.

If further evidence of Saudi intolerance might be required, all one has to do is to talk to the multitude of nationals from developing countries such as The Phillippines, India, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, etc. about their experiences in Saudi Arabia and the truth would shine bright. They would certainly reveal the fact they lived in daily fear of various harassments including the fascist Mutawa (religious police) who roam the streets of Saudi cities imposing their fanatical standards such as the requirement for women to cover their hair, arms and legs, and handing out direct corporal punishments similar to what has been seen, with horror, on various TV coverages of Afghanistan in the days of the Taliban. One should ask where the ILO, human rights organizations, and universities are while so much archaic and inhuman acts are being perpetrated.

If one still needs a further indication of the truth, one should view the Ethiopian movie entitled: “Hiywot Inde Waza”; (loose translation: As If Life Were Mundane) depicting the desperate plight of Ethiopian female workers in Saudi Arabia. Those who have worked in Saudi Arabia invariably confirm that the reality is worse than the horrors shown in the movie. The tragedy is that innocent Ethiopians have to suffer the indignity of Saudi society in order to overcome their economic difficulties. A Wahabist society with a belief system that permits a husband to beat his wife for misbehaving would have no mercy on a female worker.

Based on the above revelations and other reliable information, the following conclusions and recommendations are worth considering:

1. It is pleasing to note from the various opinions expressed in articles posted in Ethiomedia, etc. that there is a general consensus on the fundamental point that Ethiopia’s unity and independence is sacrosanct to all Ethiopians irrespective of their religious persuasion. The discussion should, therefore, focus on identifying and dealing with foreign elements with latent motives and dangerous aspirations against Ethiopia’s interests.

2. The responses to Alem Zelalem’s article seem to miss the main point, namely, that there is a threat posed by Wahabi fundamentalism in Ethiopia and that it should be resisted by all, whatever faith or religion they may be subscribing to. If there is any doubt about this, one should look at the case of Afghanistan which was taken by Wahabists to a disastrous consequence from which that country is still struggling to survive. It is upto all Ethiopians to wake up in time and nip the Wahabist mischief in the bud. The alternative of letting Wahabist hegemony loose on the Ethiopian scene would have consequences that would be too dire to contemplate.

3. Now that Wahabi fundamentalist machinations in Ethiopia have been rendered stark naked, it appears from the article in the Monitor that appropriate action is being taken. However, it is essential that the people and Government of Ethiopia should remember their history and always remain vigilant against attempts by other countries which use religion as a method of promoting their agenda including the well known desire to control the source of the Nile.

4. It is extremely important to highlight and reiterate the fundamental point that all Ethiopians, be they Christians, Muslims, or followers of any other faith are children of the same mother: Ethiopia. For nearly one and a half millennia, Ethiopian Christians and Muslims have mostly lived together in peace and harmony. They cherish a history of a heroic and successful resistance against external enemies including Fascist attacks and Ottoman/Arab hegemony. Therefore, malicious and divisive foreign elements such as Wahabists would not succeed in their quest for domination and the spread of their evil design.

5. Saudi Arabia should be mindful of the fact that it would be in its best long-term interests to abandon its policy of encouraging narrow minded religious fanatics such as the Wahabists who only promote extremism and conflict. It should be well advised instead to engage in positive and mutually beneficial regional collaboration among the countries around the Red Sea area including Ethiopia. Having a current population of 200 million (estimated to increase to over 400 million by 2025) and huge resources including agricultural, oil, mineral, water and labour, the Red Sea Region could contribute significantly to its own prosperity as well as to international development and security.

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