Response to Emiru Hailemariam (MD)

By Fekade Shewakena | December 17, 2010

Dear Dr. Emiru Hailemariam,

Thank you for taking the time to write a comment on my article that dealt with Lidetu’s pitiful politics. Unfortunately and by your own admission, you formed your opinion and arrived at your conclusions by the first paragraph. You have made a terrible mistake by paying little attention to the rest of the article. What you did is not actually different from writing a prescription to the patient only after asking his name and address. By so doing, you gave me little chance to engage with you in a useful civil debate. In any case, I commend you for your courage to write using your real name and put out your opinion whatever its merit. I take this opportunity to also encourage Ethiomedia to allow people who want to come out of the woodworks, tell us who they are, put out their views courageously, and engage in a civilized debate. That way we will all benefit.

Dear Dr. Hailemariam,

Your logic that by criticizing Lidetu I aligned myself “with those forces whose dream is to cling to power at any cost and by any means necessary without spilling a drop of their own blood”, is silly and bizarre to say the least. You know the people who cling to power by shading the blood of the innocent and freedom seeking Ethiopians. To use a case from your own profession, your bizarre suggestion amounts to mixing up the urine test results of a husband and wife and declaring the husband pregnant. One reason of my disgusts with Lidetu, which should also disgust any sane human being, is his suggestion to the Kinijit leadership to call a demonstration where people would inevitably be killed by the regime and use that as a justification to enter parliament. Anybody with half a brain who reads the same article you read or any of my writings over the years for that matter, cannot accuse me of trading with other peoples blood or advocating the spilling of a drop of blood of anybody. You should be ashamed of that suggestion.

I know that Lidetu has now become the darling of the supporters of the regime in power for reasons even political troglodytes can understand. Your comments, which avoided any defense of the points I raised against Lidetu and instead dwelt on unrelated issues, smells that you may be coming from the quarters who goad Lidetu to do this dirty hit man’s job. You showed no care for Lidetu who is fast going down the drain into the political ditch.

If you are concerned about the spilling of blood in Ethiopia you should look for the source of the problem. That source is the culture of impunity of people in power who get away with murdering the innocent like flies, degrading the pride and dignity of our people, use their poverty for political purposes, loot their wealth and property and push them to the edges of violent reaction. Fighting and stopping these forces is a step closer to stopping the cycle of bloodshed in Ethiopia. That is what I believe I am contributing to.

Fekade [email protected] – An African-American news and views website.
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