Blending soccer passion

Ethiopian spirit

Tuffa Billa (July 16, 2005)

is no doubt that the 22nd North American Ethiopian Soccer Tournament
and cultural events in Atlanta were unique. This is my second attendance of such
an event, the first time being in 1997, which was in Atlanta. For those of you
who have not attended this event, I will try to describe some of the things I
observed and comment on few of them. Through out the week in Atlanta there were
several parallel events including music,
poems, comedy, meetings, mass rally etc
. The over all noticeable difference from the past events is the level of
Ethiopian spirit was very high
. In
every opportunity, the message was to reclaim our Ethiopian heritage, Ethiopian
unity and support the hopes of the Ethiopian people.

most striking thing was the number of attendance at the stadium probably reached
to 30,000 in peak times. The event was held in the Georgia dome (has a capacity
of 78,000 seats) indoor setting where rain or shine the events continued
according to schedule. The number of youth that attended seems to exceed those
of older ones. There are those who migrated to the USA at early age or some that
were born here in the Diasporas. I tried to pay attention how the people change
in their appearances when they live in the Diaspora because culture itself
affects how people look. This meant that people that attended the event have
diverse features in their face, clothes, and styles but there is always that
distinct Ethiopian Feature.

It was
very interesting to see that various businesses from both Ethiopia and the
Diasporas have set booze inside and outside the dome. I met with some of the
people who came from Ethiopia most of whom are working for NGOs in Ethiopia. It
was very encouraging indeed to learn that some dedicated Ethiopians are doing
marvelous jobs despite the various obstacles that exist. These various
institutions and groups need to be encouraged to continue their work because
without these types of civic organizations and dedicated people the country will
not change for the better.

July 7 meting of CUD at Sheraton Hotel

July 7, 2005, I attended CUD meeting whose guests include Prof. Mesfin
Woldemariam, Col. Goshu Wolde, Shelake Yoseph, and Birhane Mewa. I never met
them before except Prof. Mesfin whom I met when he came to Winnipeg in 1993 for
a conference entitled “Ethiopia Today”. 
During that time, I had skeptical mind about him partly because I only
heard what the pro-TPLF people were saying about him and it was in the beginning
of TPLF/EPRDF rule in Ethiopia. At that time, they accused Prof. Mesfin
everything they could which I thought that they could be right since I had
little information then.

time I found him a man of high stature that Ethiopia has produced. Later I spoke
to a person of Prof. Mesfin contemporary who had known him well for a very long
time. One thing this individual said to me was that “Prof. Mesfin is a man of
integrity with the exception of telling like it is regardless which may not go
well with some people”.

At the
meeting there were 350-400 people despite the announcement was only on the
internet. Prof. Mesfin opened his speech by stating two key points:

  • Ethiopia is currently devoid of spirituality or “menfesawinet
    ” spiritual leaders from the Orthodox, the Muslim and the
    Protestant religions

  • The number of respected elders in our society have
    declined dramatically and that leads to lack of moral authority to do
    anything truth

lack of response from these spiritual leaders to say “people should not be
killed” while 40 people were gunned down in the June 6-8 says something about
the state they are in now. Indeed, there are other points he raised but I think
the shortage of these types of people in any given society is very dangerous. We
must make efforts to curb the trend very fast because without any doubt the
people in governmental power desire to see leaders in the spiritual world or in
a community to be less respected. As we have seen repeatedly in the past if a
person is of high influence, the cadres would smear through various means like “Gimigema” as well as
sending rumors in a community to raise doubts about respected community leaders.
EPRDF does not like order and harmony because chaos is the plan of they have for
Ethiopia. This is the time the truth came
naked and even the supporters of TPLF/EPRDF would have no choice but to accept
this fact.

One of
the audiences asked Prof. Mesfin, “We will help you with what we can. 
The question I have is what is the plan of the opposition parties
after the result of votes is counted?” Prof. Mesfin said,

With due you respect to you, what do you
mean by  ‘we will help with what we can’?” He further stated a
conversation once he had with some one in the Diaspora during his work with the
EHRC. The individual he mentioned insisted many times that there would be no
choice but to carry on an armed struggle. Mesfin said to him: OK I am on board
with you but under one condition, that is how much would you contribute for the
struggle? The answer from the individual was the same “simechegne”,
simechegne”, “simechegne”. The message was that how could we expect to declare a
war or a struggle if we are not supporting without a firm commitment?simechegne
is no virtue and we need commitment,
commitment, commitment!

I was
unable to attend UEDF meeting whose guest was Dr. Merara as I thought the time
was over when I got out of CUD’s meeting. However, I met a person who attended
both meetings and told me that similar number of people attended.

July 7, 2005 night comedian Tamagne
was doing a stand up comedy for the first time since he left the
stage about 9 years a go. I took the opportunity to attend this event along with
my nephew.  At the audience Athlete
Shelaqa (I did not know they still do military title like during Dergue) Haile
Gebre Selassie was a guest of honor. Prof. Mesfin, and other guests including
artists such as Alemtsehay Wodajo, Neway Debebe, Tsehay Yohaness etc. were
present. Tamagne took the stage, went through his own life story, and
entertained us for close to two and half
with out seeping a glass of water.

recently watched his DVD and it is a must
see to every one who has done so. One
of the interesting and exciting about the show was not just it was funny but the
deep commitment and love Tamagne has for Ethiopia. Many people are on
and off
but he never flinched from his stand for Ethiopia despite the many
dangers existed at the time. Tamagne talked about his happiness for the presence
of Haile. Earlier in the day, Tamagne bowed “Egiru sir wedeke” or he fall at Haile’s feet to show his
respect for this great athlete.

comedian repeated this at the stage and explained why he did it. Tamagne said,
“Haile Gebre Selassie carries the burden of 72 million Ethiopians, the
Ethiopian flag”.  Of course,
Tamagne himself kissed the Ethiopian flag, as you would see on the DVD. 
The atmosphere is one of that – reenergizing Ethiopiawinet.
Haile was asked to comment and his comment was that Tamagne would not have done
that video if the comedian were in Ethiopia at this time. This great athlete
expressed his wishes for the Ethiopian people to be united and work out their
differences for the good of Ethiopia.

Atlanta March on July 8, 2005

Atlanta march of July 8, 2005 was big (10,000) according to my own estimate.
People marched for almost 4 hours and waited patiently until the end of the

people from the civil rights group came and spoke at the rally. One of was Dr.
Joseph Lowery,
who played a major role in key civil rights
struggles during the 1950s. During his speech, he stated that
citizens in the USA were forbidden from exercising their constitutional right to
until Congress enacted the Voting Rights
Act of 1965
. He further went to say that the Ethiopian people are asking
exactly that– to exercise their
constitutional rights to vote and their votes to count!
This statement took
me back to the situation in Ethiopia where the brutal TPLF/EPRDF regime’s
Special Forces murdered innocent civilians for exercising their basic human!

spirit and the message from the public at the rally to both opposition parties
(Prof. Mesfin & Merara) was to lead
Ethiopia to victory
. This meant that to avoid any division with in the
opposition parties, as the TPLF/EPRDF would continue to cause a crack. During
the march, I had the opportunity to speak to some of the people and the repeated
concern about these divisions. These are legitimate concerns given our
experiences in the past, however, any one who would fall in to such a trap of
the EPRDF propaganda and scheme must be a fool!
He/She would be eaten alive one by one, as it happened to Siye and company.

important observation is that there seems to be a consensus among the Ethiopians
that I had the opportunity to meet was “to
stand together, no turning back, great hope for Ethiopia, now or never
This is in fact unprecedented in the history of Ethiopian politics since the
1974, though I was too young to remember.

SolomonTekalegn asked Dr. Merara & Prof. Mesfin to hold their hands together
to move forward with harmony and lead us to victory. The Artist Solomon
mentioned that Bob Marley brought two opposition leaders together through music
though the circumstances were different here and he hoped that this public
promise symbolizes the commitment that the two dynamic and high stature
individuals that I have ever met. Here is what Dr. Merara said about the
election in Ethiopia.

window of opportunity came for the opposition parties to debate few weeks before
the election via two important media-radio and TV.  The great majority of Ethiopians the existence of the
government via these two media because it is a propaganda machine and only if
then would the people know there is a government. The opposition campaigned
stating that the TPLF/EPRDF has brought to the farmer nothing but misery for the
last 14 years. This is not by accident but there is no desire or plan to change
the lives of the people from this government in power. It was at this time that
the farmer thought there is no government because it relinquished its existence
the propaganda machine radio and TV are broken.

truly explains why Meles banned media to reassert his existence to the people of
Ethiopia! The Diaspora must continue to strengthen the media like short wave
radio programming to reach the large Ethiopian population. This has to be done
even of the TPLF regime is no more since we must build civil society and inform
the truth to our people. There are some good starts such as

Ethiopian Day Celebration, Friday July 8, 2005

At the
Friday evening cultural event or Ethiopian night that was held at the Georgia
Dome where 30,000 present there was a young (24 years old) fellow by the name
Yoni” who was born and grew up
in Seattle, Washington. He is a poet and explained the history of Ethiopia in a rap
that the youth could understand. 
This is very encouraging to see the young generation is getting ready for
becoming the ambassadors (which we are
very short of champions for the cause of Ethiopia)
of Ethiopia. It is up to
the older generation to make sure that we transfer the appropriate wisdom and to
show them what it means to be a good Ethiopian. In next five to ten years, this
group of people is going to grow and with out any doubt so does their
contribution to a better Ethiopia. Their contributions to a better Ethiopia
undoubtedly will be not only significant but also vitally important.

probably have seen how much the TPLF/EPRDF is spending tremendous resources to
lobby the Western powers in every step of the way. It would have been nice if it
was for the cause of Ethiopia but it is to stay in power and exploit the
Ethiopian people! Just ask Ambassador Kassahun Ayele in DC, the number of
dinners he hosts for guests precisely to win their support. Remember, this is
being done far more frequently than we realize and it was not with out a reason
they ruled for last14 years (let us use all the tools we have in diasporas to
end tyranny).

On Saturday July 9, 2005

attended a live concert where Artists (Aster Aweke, Tsehay Yohaness, Neway
Debebe and Tamagne Beyene) performed. The hall was packed probably not less than
2,000 people were there. I went with my brother-in-law and two of his friends’
one of whom was an Eritrean.

At the
dance, comedian Tamagne Beyene performed songs with his comic style depicting
various languages and regions of Ethiopia starting from Tigray proceeded to
Wollo, Gonder, Gojam, Selale, Harer, Gurage, Wolayta, Sidama etc. The message
was clear unity and diversity of Ethiopia are the sources of strength. Each
singer performed well directing a message of unity among Ethiopians and
reinvigorating Ethiopian spirit as never before. These singers have all been
consistent in their stand for Ethiopia and rejecting the notion of Ethnic
division that the current government’s policy for the last 14 years.

The moment I never forget and that moved me
most was when Tsehay Yohaness performed one of his songs. I cannot exactly
remember the title of the song but it has to do with “Emamaye Abiltesh atetiteshignal” that depicts Ethiopia like his
mother. The singer himself literally wep
I could not help it but to weep with him so does many others who were taken back
to the current situation in Ethiopia. This was clear demonstration that the
tactics to divide and rule will not continue any more.

all, there is a great improvement in the society to focus on the agenda, to see
a better for Ethiopia with a relentless effort, to stand by the Ethiopian people
inside Ethiopia.  In the final
analysis, it is highly imperative that we sustain the momentum, as the enemies
of Ethiopia do not sleep. It is not time for complacency but rather our efforts
must continue from all directions to end tyranny
in Ethiopia. Who have ever thought that we would be in this situation about 3
months a go! Now, let us use this window of opportunity.

important note I heard from a person who came from Ethiopia is as follows.

the election, campaign in Bahirdar area a farmer asked the CUD representative,
“Have you ever seen a man who would relinquish his beloved wife to another man
willing with out a fight? TPLF and power are just like that-husband and wife.
TPLF/EPRDF will do every thing to retain power.

is indeed what we are seeing and the fight will continue but let us not forget
for a moment that many are facing torture, harassment, and death at this very
moment. Let us use all the tools are available to us and lobbying for Ethiopia in all levels be with you friends, local &
national media, congressional representative, international organizations etc.
at a relentless pace
. Do not wait until somebody else does it but we hope
that this will take some coordinated form as we mature in our exercising to
champion the cause of Ethiopia. I concur with the writer on Ethiomedia (What next?) , and said, ”
Organize, organize, organize!”

renewal of Ethiopian spirit was real in the Atlanta was real and must continue
to end tyranny and until people start to live in harmony.

writer, Tufa Billa, may be reached via email: [email protected]

